Washington County, Nebraska
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These vast and rolling prairies were as green then as now; the
prairie flowers bloomed thickly and diffused their fragrance as
bountifully. We are in the haunt of the redmen, with scarcely a
trace of civilization. But what a contrast! Then all was as
nature had formed it, with its variegated hues of vegetation; in
winter a dreary snow-mantled desert, in summer a perfect
paradise of flowers. Now all traces of the primitive are
obliterated; in place of the tall prairie grass and tangled
underbrush, one beholds the rich waving fields of golden grain
and an almost endless sea of ripening corn. In place of the
dusky warrior's rude cabins are the substantial and frequently
elegant dwellings of the thrifty farmers, and the "iron horse,"
swifter than the nimble deer, treads the pathway so recently the
trail of the red man. Then the sickle of fire annually cut away
the wild herbage and drove to its death the stag, now it is the
home of the cereals and nourishes on its broad bosom thousands
of tons of the staple products of the great commonwealth of
Nebraska. Then the storm drove the wolf to its hiding place; now
the blast drives the herd of the husbandman to a warm and
comfortable quarter. Indeed, the transformation is complete.
In place of an occasional steamboat stopping on the western
shore of the Missouri to "wood-up," now one sees dozens of
freight and passenger trains heavily laden with valuable freight
and wide-awake passengers going and coming hither and von. What
was sixty years ago styled in the common school geographies as
"The Great American Desert," including, Nebraska, is now known
as the Central Garden Spot of the West.
What's New in Washington County
Townships and Villages of the County
Arlington Township ~
Village of Arlington<New>
Township ~
Town of Blair<New>
De Soto Township ~
Village of De Soto
Cuming City Township ~
Cuming City Town<New>
Fontanelle Township ~
Village of Fontanelle<New>
Fort Calhoun Township ~
Village of Fort Calhoun
Forth Calhoun Map <New>
Grant, Sheridan and Lincoln Precincts<New>
Herman Township ~
Village of Herman<New>
Richland Township ~
Village of Kennard<New>
People of Washington County
Departed Washington County, Nebraska Pioneers ~
Historic Items of Washington County, Nebraska
~ 1920<New>
of Washington County, Nebraska
~ 1920<New>
of Washington County, Nebraska ~ 1920<New>
Churches of Washington County, Nebraska
~ 1920<New>
Early De Soto Pioneers ~ 1920<New>
Secret Societies of Washington County, Nebraska<New>
Masons ~
Eastern Star
Odd Fellows ~
Knights of Pythias ~
Ancient Order of United Workman
Danish Brotherhood ~
Woodmen of America
Original Village Plats, Washington County, Nebraska<New>
Registered Farm Names, Washington County, Nebraska<New>
Pages with Imagination
(Pages Contain Many Names)
Still looking for some for this County
Military of Nebraska
Military History of Washington County, Nebraska<New>
Spanish-American War ~ 1898<New>
Company E, Third Nebraska Regiment<New>
Great War ~1914-18<New>
Soldiers List ~ World War I
(497 Names)<New>
Washington County, Nebraska History<New>
Washington County, Nebraska
Washington County, Nebraska Government<New>
County Clerks ~
County Treasurers ~
County Sheriffs
Probate Judges ~
County Judges
County Surveyors ~
County School Superintendents
County Coroners ~
Clerk of the District Court
County Attorney ~
County Commissioners
Fort Calhoun and Atkinson, Washington County, Nebraska<New>

Nebraska AHGP Online
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American Project
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History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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