Blair Township, Washington County, Nebraska
Blair Township, carved from other precinct territory when John
I. Blair built the railroad through the county in the later
'60s. It is now bounded on the north by Cuming City Township, on
the east by the Missouri River and De Soto Township, on the
south by De Soto and Richland townships, on the west by Lincoln
Its streams include Pappillion Creek, besides there are numerous
lesser streams that drain and water the goodly farming section.
The railroads of this township are the various divisions of the
great Chicago & Northwestern system, including the "Omaha" line
running from Omaha to Sioux City and on to St. Paul and
The lower end of a great drainage ditch coming down from the
northwest, courses through the northeastern sections of Blair
The population of this township according to the last three
United States census enumerations was: In 1890 (including City
of Blair), 2,069; in 1900 it was 2,970 and in 1910, 2,584. It is
now about 3,400. It is an excellent agricultural district and
the hundreds of fine farm homes with modern improvements are
indeed a charming sight for the traveler to behold as he glides
along over good roads in his automobile.
City of

Blair Nebraska
The beautiful City of Blair, the county seat of Washington
County, has a history dating back to 1869. It is situated about
two miles from the western shore of the Missouri River, and its
altitude is eighty feet above the low water mark of that stream.
It is in latitude 41 degrees and 30 minutes. The first of the
white race to permanently locate here were three brothers,
Jacob. Alexander and T. M. Carter, who set their stakes here in
the month of May, 1855.
Blair was platted on a 1,705 acre tract of land purchased by
that great railroad builder, John I. Blair. This land was bought
from the three Carter brothers, James S. Stewart, William Temple
and C. H. Beekman.
Town lots were sold at public auction to the amount of $61,000
worth the first day of the auction which was March 10, 1869. The
highest price of any single lot was $350. John I. Blair being in
reality the owner of the land and controlled the railroad
operations was very naturally the person for whom the town
should be named. In fact, Mr. Blair has a number of town site
namesakes, Blair, New Jersey, his old home; Blairstown, Iowa,
and Blair, Nebraska, as just shown.
The county seat was removed from Fort Calhoun to Blair the same
year of the town's platting 1869.
Blair was really a child of the railroad interests of the
locality. In 1864 the Northern Nebraska Air-Line Railroad
Company was organized, and three years later received a land
grant of seventy-five sections of land, which grant was
transferred to the old Sioux City & Pacific Company, during the
same year, the company being composed of John S. Bowen and four
other men. In 1868 John I. Blair and associates got control of
the franchise, and in June, the people of Washington County
voted at a special election to the Sioux City & Pacific Company
$75,000 in county bonds, and immediately thereafter Mr. Blair
pushed the road forward across the Missouri from California
Junction, and on through this county to Fremont, Nebraska, which
point it reached December 1, 1868. From the date of Mr. Blair's
purchase of the Carter property the founding of Blair was almost
a certainty. The old Sioux City & Pacific as well as the
Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad, became the property
(wheel within a wheel) of the great Chicago & Northwestern
systems of railroads, and also the Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha line, another road of the Northwestern
system, gridironed this part of Nebraska. The latter crossing
the line from California Junction to Fremont, at Blair, the same
being constructed in 1871, from Omaha to Sioux City, through
Fort Calhoun, De Soto, Blair, Herman on the north to Sioux City
from which point it extends to the twin cities-Minneapolis and
St. Paul.
With these lines of railway extending to terminal points in the
great eastern, western, northern and southern cities, Blair very
naturally has had the benefits of good transportation outlets.
First Events in Blair
Blair was established in 1869 by John I. Blair. The first
postmaster was Charles E. Laughton.
The county seat of Washington County was removed from Fort
Calhoun to Blair in 1869.
The first building erected on the townsite was the "railroad
store" occupied by Messrs. Clark and Donovan. It was in this
building that the first really permanent store was established
by J. J. Adams.
The first family to settle in Blair was probably that of C. H.
Eggleston, who arrived in December, 1868.
J. E. West & Company were also among the pioneer firms to engage
in general merchandising.
Other dealers included H. C. Riordan, hardware, from De Soto; A.
Castetter & Company established themselves in collection, real
estate and banking. Jesse T. Davis and Dr. F. H. Longley moved
from De Soto in April, 1869.
The first child born in Blair was Henry Seirt, Jr., son of Henry
Seirt and wife, May 21, 1869. The first marriage was that of
Hans Grimm to Miss Lizzie Harder.
The first Independence Day celebration in Blair was in the first
year of its existence, John S. Bowen being orator on the
occasion, while Dr. F. H. Longley was marshal.
The first republican political convention in Blair was held in
the autumn of 1870, Elam Clark presiding.
Blair was incorporated as a town in 1869 and as a city in 1872.
The earliest public school was taught in 1869, by Sarah E. Kibby,
but at the same place a school had been previously taught before
the founding of Blair, by Miss Lida M. Newell, in 1868.
The first newspaper in Blair was the Register, established in
May, 1869, by Hilton & Son.
The first sermon preached in Blair was in the summer of 1869 by
Rev. Jacob Adriance, in a car at the railroad station, previous
to the removal of the church from Cuming City.
The first Baptist sermon preached was in April, 1869, by Rev. E.
G. O. Groat, on the platform of the railway station.
Blair at first was incorporated as a "town" in 1869 by the
county commissioners. The original officers were: J. H. Post,
chairman; Alexander Reed, Dr. F. H. Longley, C. B. Herman and M.
V. Wilson, trustees.
In September, 1872, the "town" became a "city" under a new
incorporation proceedings, a city of the second class, when the
following were elected: Mayor, J. H. Hungate; councilmen,
William Maher, E. M. Denny, John W. Tew and M. Gallagher; police
judge, John S. Bowen; marshal, Rice Arnold.
Mayors of Blair City
J. H. Hungate, 1875
F. W. Kenny, 1876
No Records 1876-1883
W. D. Haller, 1883
V. G. Lantry, 1884
W. C. Walton, 1885 to 1889
W. D. Haller, 1889 to 1891
A. C. Jones, 1891 to 1893
J. McQuarrie, 1893
E. A. Stewart, 1894
Perry Selden, 1895
M. D. Bedal, 1896
A. C. Jones, 1897
John McQuarrie, 1899
J. H. Flock, 1900 |
W D Haller. 1901-2
Clark O'Hanlon. 1903
L. A. Williams, 1904
W G Harrison, 1905-06
W. D. Haller, 1907
C. R. Mead, 1908
W. R. Williams, 1909-10
J. F. White, 1911
W. D. Haller, 1912 to 1915
J. F. White, 1915
Magnus Johnson, 1916
S. W. Chambers, 1917
J. S. Roberts, 1918
Henry Christensen, 1919-20 |
Blair has an excellent system of water works and the quality is
second to none in Nebraska, by frequent rests made at Lincoln.
Two deep wells afford plenty of water. One of these wells is 171
feet deep and a later one is much deeper than this one. Water is
forced to a large cemented reservoir on the high bluff to the
south of the city proper. This affords a pressure, at the
curbing in the business part of the place, of something over 100
pounds per square inch. These water works were first installed
in 1885, or thereabouts, and improved and extended from time to
time as the city grew, really rebuilt. The cost as shown in the
several bond issues was $34,000.
In 1917 the city took over the private corporation of the old
Nebraska Gas and Light Company, the exact date being September
2, 1917. This cost the city $35,000, for which bonds were
issued, running twenty years. The water and light plants are now
combined and run by the city, with T. H. Trenberth as
A fire department exists and sixty (the limit) members of a
volunteer fire company guard well the matter of fires, when one
occurs, so that loss is slight in this direction. The department
is finely equipped with modern appliances, including 3,000 feet
of workable hose, plenty of long and shorter ladders, four
hose-carts, a new Ford fire truck, and a large capacity chemical
engine, just installed into use.
Street paving commenced in 1920 and the contract was let to an
Omaha firm to lay a cement-base brick paving over the streets of
Blair during 1920-21 to the amount of sixty-seven blocks, or
equal to about four and one-half miles.
Other city improvements at this date is the construction of
82,180 feet (fifteen and one-half miles) of sanitary sewer, of
which the lot owners pay about $66,000 and the city pays
A very handsome well-built city building was erected of pressed
brick in 1912. In this are kept the city offices, the fire
department, and other city works, including water and light
offices. It is just across the street south from the Government
post office building.
Present City Officers ~ 1920
Mayor, Henry Christensen
Clerk, C. E. Krause
Treasurer, R. G. Allen
Chief of Police, Samuel Stevens
Chief of Fire Department, K. A. Petersen
Health officer, Dr. E. R. Stewart
Members of the city council, F. S. Bigelow, George
L. A. Farnberg, Henry Grimm, J. E. Lutz, J. W. Newell
and P. C. Sorensen. |

Blair City Hall
Commercial Interests-Early Dealers, Etc.
The following shows the names of many of the business and
professional men and women of Blair, the same all having been
there prior to 1876 and a number were there from the earliest
history of the place, 1869-70.
The first real business house in the place was that of Herman
Brothers, dry goods, and the next was Clark & Donovan, dealers
in groceries and hardware, who later sold to John Adams. West &
Lewis were early in dry goods business; also Ross & McBride.
Drugs, by Haller & Lane and Jone Zehrung, later the Peterson-Zehrung
firm. Matthiesen & Logan carried a stock of dry goods and
groceries; M. C. Huyett, clothing; H. McBride, dry goods and
groceries; Haller Brothers, dry goods and groceries; William
Maher, in the last named line; R. W. Dawson, photographer;
William McCormick, had a grocery store, and a dry goods and
grocery was kept by E. Frederick. Hardware were kept by H. C.
Riordan & Kenny, and later Kenny & Stewart. Agricultural
implements by Gus Lundt, Graves & Frederick; Charles Schurig,
bakery; J. Nestel in same line; later another bakery was
established by A. Casper. Boots and shoes were kept by Lewis
Valentine. Miss Lantry, Mrs. W. C. Walton, Mrs. McKay, Mrs.
Hilton, Mrs. Sarah E. Higley and Mrs. R. W. Lawson, millinery.
Among the pioneer hotels in Blair are remembered these: Kelly
Brothers, Martin Kloos, William Maher, William Carson, Mrs. A.
M. Quimby, Mrs. E. E. Sketchley, George Seirt and Henry Seirt.
Heinzerling and John Connell were the first to deal in harness
goods. Butchers of the first five years in Blair's history were:
Sheeley & Ervey, William O'Hara, William Miller, J. Hart, M. V.
Wilson, John Connell, Bowen & Parks and John Parks. The grain
dealers were Elam Clark & Son, C. C. Crowell and the Blair mill.
The pioneer blacksmiths were John Tew, Frank Stanfield, Ed
Cochrane and John H. Smith. The physicians were Drs. F. H.
Longley, S. B. Taylor, S. H. Fawcett, C. Emerson Tennant,
McLean, D. H. O'Linn, William H. Palmer. Lawyers included: Davis
& Carrigan, later Carrigan & Osborne, W. C. Walton, B. F.
Hilton, J. S. Bowen, M. Ballard, A. D. Brainard and J. W.
Tucker. Real estate agents: Alexander Reed, Alonzo Perkins, A.
Castetter. The early banker was A. Castetter.
The Blair City mill was completed about 1876. It was the
property of H. B. Dexter, Eli H. Turton, V. G. Lantry, Messrs.
Carter and Wortendyke.
In 1875 Blair dealers shipped out $300,000 worth of cattle and
hogs to the market places of the country.
1920 Business Interests in Blair
As the years come and go it will doubtless be of some interest
to future readers of this work to know who all were engaged in
various business and professional callings in this sprightly
city, now rapidly growing and destined ere long to become a much
larger city, hence the subjoined business directory of today:
Automobile Garages, G. A. Rathmann, Van Huss-Antill, Walter
Larsen, Lucien Haller, Arndt Hardware, George Corson, B. H.
Holmes, S. J. Johnson, Jensen & Nielsen.
Attorneys, Grace Ballard, E. B. Carrigan, A. C. Debel, I. C.
Eller, E. C. Jackson, John Lothrop, William J. Meher, Henry
Mencke, D. Mummert, Clark O'Hanlon, Reed O'Hanlon.
Automobile Dealers, G. A. Rathmann, Van Huss-Antill, Walter
Larsen, Lucien Haller, Arndt Hardware. Abstract Firms-Ricker &
Chambers, Ove T. Anderson, Claus Mencke.
Agricultural Implement Dealers-Smith Brothers, Peterson Brothers
and the Farmers Co-operative Union.
Banks, The State Bank of Blair, Banking House of A. Castetter,
Citizens State Bank and Farmers State Bank.
Barber Shops, C. E. McComb, Fred Nemetz, Charles Antrim, H. C.
Bakeries, Hansen & Andersen, and Mrs. William Beyer & Son.
Blacksmith Shops, C. Molgaard Jensen, Miller Munk, R. M. Ludwick.
Clothing (exclusive), James L. Pounds.
Cement Works, Crowell Lumber & Grain Company. Cream Stations-T.
H. Wright, Soren Rasmussen, J. C. Christensen, Frank Jenkins.
Drugs, Stewart Pharmacy, W. W. Witherby, and Ed Wolff.
Elevators, Crowell Lumber & Grain Company, Holmquist Grain &
Lumber Company and the Farmers Co-operative Union.
Furniture, J. E. Campbell and J. I. Unruh.
Feed Stores, John McKay and John A. Rhoades.
Groceries, J. Mueller, H. J. Wimble, Jens Nielsen, A.
General Merchandise, Sas Brothers, C. J. Beekman, Henry
Christensen, "P. Z. The Shoe Man."
Hardware, Thone & Farnberg, Julius Petersen, Arndt Hardware Co.
Hotels, The Clifton, T. G. Rodgers, proprietor.
Harness Goods, Gus Scheffler.
Ice Dealers, Axtell Brothers.
Jewelry Shops, H. Ollermann.
Lumber, Crowell Lumber & Grain Company, Christensen Lumber
Livery, J. P. Everson.
Monumental Work, J. E. Lutz, S. W. Schmidt.
Meat Markets, Jens Nielsen, Alexander Swansen, A. Christensen,
Brown & Kemner, Chris Hansen.
Millinery, Mrs. Willa M. Jenkins, Mrs. T. C. Hilton.
Mills (Flouring), Blair Milling and Grain Company.
Newspapers, Tribune, Pilot, Enterprise and Danskeren.
Photographers, J. A. Kuhn, H. C. Olsen.
Picture Shows, The Home, C. J. Robinson, proprietor.
Produce Houses, Blair Produce Company.
Physicians, Drs. Morris Nielsen, L. J. Kilian, R. J. Murdoch, G.
A. Langstaflf, J. V. Hinchman, E. R. Stewart, W. H. Palmer.
Restaurants-S. H. Pounds, Ed Rann, M. Carlson.
Stock Dealers-Rathmann & McCracken, W. C. Allen.
Shoe Stores (exclusive)-Blair Shoe Company.
Shoe Repair Shops-Hansen Brenholdt, Hans Sorensen, J. E.
Tailor Shops-A. F. Garske, J. P. Johnson.
Veterinary Surgeon-D. C. Peebles, Hammond & Tilden.
Music House-The Bee Hive.
Manufacturing Plants (Industries)-Blair Horse Collar Company,
The Blair Canning Company, The Foolproof Spark Plug Company, The
Porter Incubator Company, Liberty Stock Remedy Company, Haller
Proprietary Company, Aye Brothers Seed House and Mount Hope
Fruit Farm.

Blair, Nebraska Post Office
Blair post office, now an office of the second class, was
established in 1869 with John E. Lawton as the pioneer
postmaster. There are now nine mail trains daily at Blair. This
was made a free delivery office August 1, 1913; its present city
carriers are Leslie R. Offen, John C. Anderson. Delmar C. Feer,
with substitute Alfred N. Feer. The office force includes the
following: Margaret McMillan, assistant postmaster; Bruce
McMillan, Mrs. Eva Cook, clerks; Robert L. Widner, janitor; Mrs.
Mary Nelson, charwoman.
There are four rural delivery routes extending out from Blair to
the surrounding country. The carriers on these routes are at
this date (1920): Howard Sutherland, James Reid, Raymond Hewitt
and Cylde Allen.
The following list of postmasters serving at the Blair office is
now to be seen preserved (with photographs of the postmasters),
in the postmaster's office in the new Government building: John
E. Lawton, Dr. Silas Fawcett, L. F. Hilton, Cara Clark, John E.
Boggs, Thomas Wilkinson, W. J. Cook and Thomas T. Osterman. Of
this number all have passed from earth, save Miss Cara Clark, W.
J. Cook and the present postmaster, Thomas T. Osterman, Mr.
Hilton being the last to die.
The Blair City mill was completed about 1876. It was the
property of H. B. Dexter, Eli H. Turton, V. G. Lantry, Messrs.
Carter and Wortendyke.
In 1875 Blair dealers shipped out $300,000 worth of cattle and
hogs to the market places of the country.
Crowell Memorial Home for the Aged
This beautiful home is the gift of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crowell to
the Methodist people of Nebraska that its superannuated
ministers, their wives or widows, deaconesses and aged lay
members of the church may spend the evenings of their life free
from anxious care in the arms of the church to which they have
given their love, their labor and their lives. This charming
spot, just joining the City of Blair on the west, contains 11
acres of park, lawn, garden, orchard, vineyard and pasture. The
original home contains twenty-two rooms of all sizes, with all
modern improvements. The new building has nine rooms finished on
the first floor and eighteen rooms on the second floor yet
unfinished. This home was established in 1907, on a part of the
old Crowell homestead place with its more than 100 varieties of
shade trees, no two alike, originally.
There are three ways by which Methodists can find a home in
advanced life; first, by paying in from a few hundred dollars up
to whatever they may possess and this insures them a home the
remainder of their days. Second, one without means may here find
a home and receive the exact attention given to those of means.
Third, if any time a Methodist of Nebraska should desire to
become a member of the Home circle, he or she can do by paying a
monthly board bill within the reach of anyone who boards
At this date, September, 1920, the Home has a membership of
thirty-seven, of which ten are men and twenty-seven are women.
The ages run from sixty to ninety-three years.
The present superintendent, Rev. W. H. Underwood and his
excellent wife who is matron, published the following statement
in September, 1920:
The receipts of the institution show a balance on hand September
6, of $669.59.
From the church, $8,142.91: from guests, $4,007.60;
miscellaneous, $710.52; from maintenance fund, $2,167.55.
The disbursement fund shows among its items: Groceries,
$1,643.95 meats, $690.43; coal, $847.25; building material,
$4,144.80; gas, $386.05 feed, $675.47; salaries, $4,680.89;
insurance, $1,012.85; light, $302.65 miscellaneous, $1,357.83.
Total amount of fund, August 1, $10,001.84. Cash on hand,
$3,084.15. This is the only home for aged Methodists in Nebraska
and but few other commonwealths have such a plan.
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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