Washington County, Nebraska History
As the changes of less than three score years are contemplated,
one can scarcely realize or comprehend that the wonderful
results of Time's marvel-working hand are the achievements of a
period so brief as to be within the memory-almost of the present
Let us turn back, as it were, the leaves of Time's great book to
but sixty years ago and the stranger would have gazed upon a
landscape of rare beauty; selected by the Omaha, the Sioux and
the Pawnee Indian tribes as their camping and hunting grounds,
with that singular appreciation of the beautiful which Nature
made an instinct in the savage.
These vast and rolling prairies were as green then as now; the
prairie flowers bloomed thickly and diffused their fragrance as
bountifully. We are in the haunt of the redmen, with scarcely a
trace of civilization. But what a contrast! Then all was as
nature had formed it, with its variegated hues of vegetation; in
winter a dreary snow-mantled desert, in summer a perfect
paradise of flowers. Now all traces of the primitive are
obliterated; in place of the tall prairie grass and tangled
underbrush, one beholds the rich waving fields of golden grain
and an almost endless sea of ripening corn. In place of the
dusky warrior's rude cabins are the substantial and frequently
elegant dwellings of the thrifty farmers, and the "iron horse,"
swifter than the nimble deer, treads the pathway so recently the
trail of the red man. Then the sickle of fire annually cut away
the wild herbage and drove to its death the stag, now it is the
home of the cereals and nourishes on its broad bosom thousands
of tons of the staple products of the great commonwealth of
Nebraska. Then the storm drove the wolf to its hiding place; now
the blast drives the herd of the husbandman to a warm and
comfortable quarter. Indeed, the transformation is complete.
In place of an occasional steamboat stopping on the western
shore of the Missouri to "wood-up," now one sees dozens of
freight and passenger trains heavily laden with valuable freight
and wide-awake passengers going and coming hither and von. What
was sixty years ago styled in the common school geographies as
"The Great American Desert," including, Nebraska, is now known
as the Central Garden Spot of the West.
Ten years before the Civil war Washington County was a howling
wilderness, no settlers to speak of; no churches or schools; no
towns and cities; no railroads, all was yet one green, glad
solitude. How the transformation has been wrought, the various
steps by which the wilderness has been changed into habitations
for civilized men, is the plain duty of the local historian to
show in the following pages, with the hope that his efforts will
be duly appreciated, and that the facts contained therein may be
of interest, and the lessons of the past may be instructive to
each and every reader.
An Abstract of Nebraska and Washington County
The present State of Nebraska and Washington County have been
carved from territory located, bounded and possessed by
countries as follows: Pioneer W. H. Woods, of Fort Calhoun, and
correspondent of the State Historical Society, in a paper
published in 1915, is our authority for the subjoined abstract
of this county and state.
Louisiana Purchase, 1803.
Louisiana Territory, 1805.
Territory of Missouri, 1812.
Indian Territory, 1834.
Nebraska Territory, 1852.
Separated from Kansas, 1854.
Nebraska State, 1867.
Washington County, 1854.
Reorganized Washington County, 1860. Cavillier History:
Fur trading post, 1802.
Lewis & Clark two camps; and one council with the
Indians-"Council Point" and "Pumice Stone Camp," 1804.
General Atkinson and the farthest military post in the United
States "Camp Missouri," "Camp Hook".
Fort Atkinson, Fort Calhoun, 1819-27.
Major Long's engineers' cantonment and outfitting station,
The oldest known cavalier in Nebraska, Captain Contal, who was
brought by his parents to old Fort Atkinson, died in Blair,
1903. And old Rockport, in this county, claims Madame Lesa,
1819, the first white woman to settle on Nebraska soil. Fort
Calhoun, Washington County, claims the first apple orchard in
the state, the first county courthouse and the first church
parsonage in Nebraska. Fontanelle the first seminary in the
state, and Cuming City the first $20,000 college incorporation
in the state. Blair holds a chip over her shoulder over her
pioneer Jacob Goll who came to Washington County in 1847 and
settled on his claim in 1849 and was buried in Blair in 1906. In
1854 the Fontanelle colony purchased twenty miles square from
the Indians for $100 dollars in gold (some aver the amount was a
$10 gold coin). The Lewis & Clark monument was erected at Fort
Calhoun in the school campus with military ceremonies August 3,
1904. The old fort was established here by General Atkinson in
1819, 780 miles from St. Louis and 580 miles from a post office
and abandoned in 1827. In 1822 they farmed 556 acres of land;
had a grist and sawmill, library and school. In 1823 the troops
raised and gathered 8,839 bushels of corn. Antone Barada, the
strongest man ever known on the Missouri River, was born near
the mouth of Fish Creek in 1807. Fort Calhoun with its beautiful
park, history and scenery is the finest place in the state for
the gatherings of the pioneers and old settlers.
Fort Calhoun is one of the chief corner-stones in the history of
the West, between St. Louis and the British possessions. Beside
Lewis and Clark and old Fort Atkinson here at the fort is
recorded the story of the first New Year celebration in what is
now nine states, in 1821, and here too, the first white child
born in that region in 1824. Here, soon after the great chief,
Logan Fontenelle, and Mary La Fleshe, the wife of his successor,
and here too is buried the first white girl that made her home
in the present City of Omaha, and the very first mail route
north of Kansas was established by act of Congress in 1854 to
run from Table Creek and end at Fort Calhoun.
Ten miles southwest of Fort Calhoun was the winter quarters of
the Mormons on their way to Salt Lake, who raised 300 soldiers
for the Mexican war, probably in 1846 and probably one or two
years after the famous Mormon Prophets Brigham Young and Oscar
Pratt spent one winter in log cabins four miles northwest of
Fort Calhoun. Brigham Young's cabin still remained in 1871.
Previous to 1860 the north line of Washington County lay one
mile north of Fort Calhoun and the south line two miles south of
Florence. Florence or "Winter Quarters" was the county seat.
Fontanelle was then the county seat of Dodge County.
Fort Calhoun was sixty years old in March. 1915, and celebrated
her second pioneer centennial for Fort Atkinson September 19,
1919, to follow her Lewis and Clark centennial celebrated in
1904. Thus Washington County from 1804 to 1860 contained more
real pioneer history than all the rest of Nebraska.
Nebraska Territory in 1852 contained all the lands belonging to
the United States for 800 miles west of the State of Missouri
and north to British Columbia, now seven states and territories,
and in that entire region there were 300 white men, each holding
a license from the government at Washington, and the soldiers
were ordered to see that no more white men be permitted to make
homes in this territory now peopled by millions.
County Seat of Washington County
The following is a concise description of locating the various
county seats of Washington County, the same is by the pen of
Frank McNeely and may therefore be relied upon as correct:
"In 1855 an act was passed by the Territorial Legislature
reorganizing Washington County and designating Fort Calhoun, as
the county seat. "De Soto, a small village five miles north of
Fort Calhoun, wished the county seat to be moved there. In the
winter of 1858 a crowd of De Soto citizens organized and with
arms went to Fort Calhoun to take the county seat by force. Fort
Calhoun citizens barricaded themselves in the log courthouse and
held off the De Soto band until the afternoon of the second day
when by compromise the county seat was turned over to De Soto.
One man was killed in this contest in which I was a participant.
"The county seat remained in De Soto until an election in the
fall of 1866, when the vote of the people re-located it at Fort
Calhoun where it remained until 1869. An election in the latter
year made Blair the county seat.
"A courthouse was built in Blair, the present county seat of
Washington County, in 1889 at a cost of $50,000.
"In the early days every new town (and they were all new) was
ambitious to become the county seat and many of them hoped to
have the honor of becoming the capital of the territory.
Washington County had its full share of aspiring towns and most
of them got beyond the paper stage. There were De Soto, Fort
Calhoun, Rockport, Cuming City and last but not least-Fontanelle
then in Washington County, now a deserted village in Dodge
County. Of these only Fort Calhoun remains more than a memory.
De Soto was founded by Potter C. Sullivan and others in 1854 and
in 1857 had about five hundred population. It began to go down
in 1859 and when the city of Blair was started its decline was
rapid. Rockport, which was in the vicinity of the fur trading
establishments of early days, was a steamboat landing of some
importance and had at one time a population of half a hundred or
more. Now only the beautiful landscape remains. Cuming City like
De Soto, received its death blow when Blair was founded and now
the town site is given over to agricultural purposes.
First White Settlement
The first white settlement to be effected within what is now
known as Washington County was that made about old Fort
Atkinson, later called Fort Calhoun, hard by the west bank of
the Missouri River in the southeastern part of the present
limits of the county, in about 1819, when Fort Atkinson was
constructed by the United States Government, and which event was
made the subject of a well-attended centennial celebration at
Fort Calhoun in 1919. Sometime after Lewis and Clark made their
report on this section of the country, and prior to 1818, the
first white men commenced to invade this territory as traders
and explorers. The reader is referred to further articles on the
settlement as shown in the various township and village
histories of this work, wherein names and dates are entered into
more in detail than is necessary in this connection.
The Second Settlement
After the settlement by army families and traders at Fort
Calhoun vicinity, came the Fontenelle settlement in the western
portion of the county, by the Quincy Colony, who settled under
the auspices of the "Nebraska Colonization Company," in 1854.
The account of this noted settlement is found in this work in
the township history section. (See Fontanelle Township.)
The De Soto Settlement
The settlement made at and in the vicinity of De Soto, was made
in 1854-55, and within a few months more than thirty log cabins
were erected and soon occupied by newcomers. Just below that
point the fleeing Mormon band (Latter Day Saints) in their
flight from Nauvoo, Illinois, had stopped about 1846 and
remained several years before going on to the Promised Land,
Utah. Near De Soto lived their illustrious leader, Brigham Young
and Orson Pratt, on land where later the De Soto flouring mill
was built. The early gentiles found many brickbats left from the
brick kilns burned by the Mormon settlers. (See De Soto
Other Settlements
An account of other settlements in this county will be found in
the several township and village histories in this volume.
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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