Fort Calhoun and Atkinson, Washington County, Nebraska
[The following are notes furnished by W. H. Woods, of Fort
Calhoun, in the month of September, 1920, especially for use in
the volume now in your hands. These statements may be safely
relied upon, as he has made the subject a special study many
years and has a larger number of valuable and interesting
documents and relics from the foundations of the old fort and
surrounding buildings, perhaps, than any other living man. His
narrative is as follows:]
There were perhaps forty cellars and foundations visible at the
old fort before the lands were plowed up into fields and wagon
roads made. There was a fur-trading station here and it was
guarded by a dozen or more soldiers, a thing that we never quite
understood why the Government would protect private interests in
that expensive manner. When we commenced investigating the
subject of this fort, we asked the Government authorities about
this feature and were simply told that the fort was established
in 1820 and abandoned in 1826. We attempted to get a history of
this fort to please Governor Furnas, and make a school history
of it. A few years later the State Historical Society found a
lot of papers in the hands of the grandson of Colonel Atkinson,
and at great expense and much time, the click of typewriters was
heard for more than ten days in compiling from such papers and
other sources the story of the fort. The writer had much to do
in assisting in this work. Only a few years ago the grandson of
Colonel Atkinson and one of his sons from Fort Crook were here.
The Government sent him and another son from New York to our
1919 centennial celebration at Fort Calhoun. Fine portraits of
the various members of the Atkinson family were donated to us
here and suitably framed. These were given to the public
schools. It has been definitely learned that Atkinson and sons
came here in 1819 and left in 1827. The Government has changed
their dates to correspond to these dates.
The powder house of this fort Lieutenant Dudley saw in 1854, a
building eight by ten feet of limestone walls two feet thick.
This the pioneers later burned into lime and we found the big
padlock belonging to the building, in August, 1920. The
flagstaff, a number of my neighbors told me, was for several
years standing, but only a few feet high. It stood in front of
the powder house, but was later destroyed entirely.
Jacob Miller, a Mexican soldier, told me most of the stone
hearths were also collected for lime, or taken away for various
uses, and that he himself took the brick from over twenty
cellars and sold them to farmers and others. Probably twenty
cellars and foundations can still be found in this September
(1920), also hundreds of buttons and gun flints are still to be
found. September 23, 1920, a man found a brass gun trigger.
Cupboard latches, wagon irons, wrought hand-forged nails are to
be picked up now by the dozens, after many hundreds have been
taken away from the foundations. In the '50s it was learned that
the officers were buried on the hill west of town. The owner of
the land then wanted to plow and came to me and together we dug
up the remains of two that slept in my corncrib for over a year
till the Government sent me an officer from St. Louis, when we
removed three more from the grounds and shipped all to Fort
McPherson to the State Military Cemetery.
Only a few years ago more bodies were discovered in our very
streets, and they were buried in the city cemetery and the
government sent me a fine tombstone for them, bearing the
inscription "Unknown American Soldiers."
They made 90,000 brick the first year the fort was established;
these were produced about a half mile west of the fort.
On October 23, 1822, two men on horseback met a steamboat and
started for a trip of 780 miles to St. Louis for Peruvian bark
(quinine) for 720 sick men in camp at Fort Calhoun.
In March, 1823, men were ordered to build the Council House,
half a mile west of the fort, on the hill. This was a large
two-story log cabin with a shingled roof, plank floors and brick
No large bodies of Indians could come near the fort proper. In
September, 1822, they reported four hewed log buildings, shingle
roof and brick chimneys in all making eighty-eight rooms. The
officers were to have windows nine feet long.
In October, 1823, a new term of school was commenced. January,
1822, they sent for blank music books. They sent $500 to
Philadelphia for books to come via New Orleans.
Lime was made and stone quarried at Long's camp, at old Fort
Lesa, now known as Rockport, four miles down the Missouri River.
The court martials and punishments were something wonderful.
Lewis and Clark camped in 1804 one mile north of the fort. The
duel grounds were a half mile south of that famous camp of Lewis
and Clark.
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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