Churches of Washington County, Nebraska
The first church of this denomination to be formed in what is
now Washington County was the one organized by Rev. Reuben
Gaylord, of Omaha, at Fontanelle, the date being in the month of
May, 1856. Its charter members were as follows:
Samuel Strickland
Mrs. Emily K. Strickland
Thomas Gibson
Mrs. Sarah Gibson
James H. Peters
Mrs. Jane Peters
Rev. Thomas Waller
Lucien Kennedy
Rufus Brown
Mrs. Nancy Brown
James A. Bell
Miss Mary Bell |
Edward Corless
Miss Mary Corless
John Francis
Mrs. Maria Francis
Silas J. Francis
Mrs. Celestia Francis
Cyrus Howell
Edward Holmes
Mrs. Elvina Holmes
William G. Brigham
Mrs. Lucy C. Brigham |
Thomas Gibson and James A. Bell were appointed deacons; Rev.
Thomas Waller was appointed the first pastor; the new church was
presented with a fine silver communion set by the parent church
at Quincy, Illinois. Among the pastors serving the Fontanelle
Congregational Church may be recalled: Revs. E. B. Hurlbut,
William McCandlish, L. H. Jones, C. G. Bisbee, Isaiah Smith,
Thomas Douglas, Reuben Gaylord.
With the building up of other towns, the construction of
railways and the almost abandonment of Fontanelle this church
went down.
Blair Congregational Church
The Congregational Church of Blair was organized February 10,
1870, by Rev. M. Tingley, and charter members were as follows:
Rev. Marshall Tingley
Mrs. Cornelia Tingley
Niles Noyes
Mrs. Catherine Noyes |
Mrs. Fanny Lantry
Mrs. Amy Kenny
Charles G. Maynard
Charles H. Eggleston |
The present (1920) total membership of this church is 115. The
present Sunday school has a membership of forty-nine and its
superintendent is R. J. Murdoch.
A Gothic type of church building was dedicated for this church
November 22, 1874, the cost of which was $2,070. At one date
there was a parsonage, but that has been sold some years ago.
The only other Congregational Church in Washington County is the
one at Arlington.
The pastors who have served faithfully and well at Blair are as
Revs. Marshall Tingley
Randolph Campbell
George W. Wainwright
Henry M. Goodell
Albert M Case
Alonzo Rogers
John Power
Thomas D. McLean
George G. Perkins
Frank W. Gardner |
J. Wallace Larkin
Areline G. Axtell
Jesse B. Burkhardt
A. M. Abbott
Royal C. Moodie
George R. McKeith
Charles A. Gleason
Jordan M. Kokjer
Abram R. Jones |
Arlington Congregational Church was organized in 1883 by C. W.
Merrill, superintendent of Congregational Home Missionary
Society for Nebraska. The charter members were these: Messrs.
and Mmes. W. Hatton, J. E. Dole, J. B. Chapman, W. J. Crane;
Mrs. O. K. Lewis and Mrs. S. Delo.
The present total membership of this church is eighty-five. The
Sunday school has a membership of about fifty and has for its
superintendent Miss Leta Marshall.
The following pastors have served the church at Arlington:
Revs. B. F. Diffenbacher
W. P. Clancy
J. B. Bidwell
A. W. Ayers
John Kidder
T. E. Horton
G. T. Nichols
James Valier
L. S. Hand |
Guy H. Rice
Gilbert Rindell
Jacob Flook
E. Lehman
Reverend Barnett
A. T. Davies
Wm. Kline and
A. E. Bashford
W. H. Buss |
Methodist Episcopal Churches
The first Methodist Episcopal Church at Arlington, was organized
in 1869 when the place was known as Bell Creek. Rev. Jacob
Adriance was the organizer of this as well as most churches in
the county for this denomination. The names of charter members
are not now available.
The present total membership is 202. Total Sunday school
attendance, 183. The 1920 superintendent is E. W. Eisner.
This church owns its own frame church edifice and parsonage,
valued at about $6,500. The present pastor is Rev. Joseph
Stopford, whose salary is now $1,625.
Other points in Washington County where Methodist Episcopal
churches are established at this date are: Herman, Kennard, Rose
Hill, Blair, Colby.
The subjoined is a list of the pastors for the Arlington church
from date of formation until now:
Revs. J. Van Anda
Jacob Adriance
William Peck
George W. De La Matyr
Peter Van Fleet
S. A. Baer
Jacob Charles
Alfred Hedgette
R. B. Wilson
W. J. Pyle
H. K. Baldwin
Oscar Eggelston
H. Trazona
J. Q. Fleharty |
T. W. Mathews
R. J. Cocking
William Van Buren
W. D. Strambaugh
W. H. Underwood
Reverend Frazee
G. M. Couffer
Amos Fetzer
G. M. Couffer
H. A. Chappel
William Esplin
T. A. Truscott
J. D. Hummel
Joseph Stopford |
Herman Methodist Episcopal Church has a membership of 141;
property valued at $6,000; the pastor in 1920 is Rev. A. C.
Rice. Kennard Methodist Episcopal Church has a property worth
$3,000; pays a salary of $1,400.
The Blair Methodist Episcopal Church, according to the last
conference reports, has property valued at $14,500; pays a
salary of $1,640; has a membership of 191.
Lutheran Churches
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, situated four miles north of
Arlington, was organized in 1860 by A. W. Frese and now has a
total membership of 665. Its parochial school has a membership
of eighty. A brick church edifice was erected by this
congregation in 1890, costing $15,000.
The following is a list of pastors serving this congregation
since its Organization: Revs. A. W. Frese, E. J. Frese, J.
Hilgendorf , H. Hallerberg, G. W. Wolter.
This denomination also has a church at Blair, and one north of
Emmanus Lutheran Church-Kennard
This Lutheran Church is located at the Village of Kennard and
was organized in 1895. The early records are not to be had now,
says the pastor, hence all that can be recorded in this
connection is that the church today has a total of fifty-four
souls, and thirty-six confirmed members.
The present worth of church property is $2,500 for the church
and $4,000 for the parsonage property.
Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church
A branch of this denomination is situated at Blair, Washington
County. It was organized January 22, 1884, by Rev. A. M.
Andersen. Charter members were: Morten Rasmussen, Lawritz Nyboe,
Hans Smith, Mads Hensen, Peter Therkelsen and Christen Pedersen.
The present (1920) total membership is 273 men, women and
children. The congregation owns a good brick church edifice
estimated to be worth $12,000; it is a handsome brick structure.
The parsonage is estimated to be worth $7,000.
A Sunday school in connection with this church has an attendance
of 130. The present superintendent is Mrs. Ove T. Anderson.
The pastors who have faithfully served this congregation are:
Revs. A. M. Andersen, G. B. Christiansen, A. Rasmussen, H.
Jensen, K. Anker, A. H. Schultz, H. L. Kjoller and present
pastor. Rev. A. H. Schultz.
Baptist Churches
The First Baptist Church of Blair, Nebraska, was organized
September 18, 1869, by Rev. E. G. O. Groat and these as charter
members: Rev. E. G. O. Groat, Mrs. Groat, Nathan Carter, Mrs.
Nathan Carter, Burtis Rosa, J. S. Stewart and wife.
The 1920 total membership of this church is 235. The average
Sunday school attendance is seventy-five, under Superintendent
H. B. Taylor, The first building occupied by this society was
the one donated by the Baptist Church at Cuming City where the
work was organized February 20, 1858, and later erected a church
building at a cost of $3,500, completed in the autumn of 1867.
When the railroad was built and a town site made at present City
of Blair in 1869, Cuming City was deserted and many moved to
Blair. The Cuming City church was moved to Blair in the summer
of 1872. This served until 1893, when the present church was
erected at a cost of $5,800. A parsonage was erected in 1879 and
an addition made in 1884. When the new church was built the
parsonage was moved from the church lot to its present location.
It was remodeled at a cost of $538.
Other Baptist churches are located at Herman and at Fletcher
(New England Church) about seven miles west of Herman.
The following is a complete list of pastors who have served this
Baptist congregation since its formation:
Revs. E. G. O. Groat
J. F Taggart
I. Elkin
J. D. P. Hungate
A. Hitchcock
W. H. Eller
John Young
G. W. Taylor
J. C. H. Read
Amos Weaver
O. A. Holmes
Thomas Anderson |
W. A. Brown
John V. Whiting
James Sheppard
S. C. Green
C. E. Tingley
S. W. Richards
George L. Conley
J. W. Cabeen
F. M. Sturderant
F. E. Yolck
Rev. C. M. Foreman |
First Baptist Church-Herman
The Baptist Church at Herman was organized December 20, 1879.
The charter members were these: Turner Bailey, Lucy Bailey, John
Bradford. Henrietta Bradford, John C. Bailey, Clara Bailey,
James Fitch, Charlotte Fitch, James Allen.
There are now eighty-seven members in this church. Mrs. O. H.
Godley is Sunday school superintendent and the school has an
average of 125 scholars.
The first church building of this society was destroyed in the
great cyclone of 1899 and rebuilt in 1900. The present church is
valued at $3,500.
The following have been the pastors of this church:
Revs. John Patrick, 1880-85
W. M. Allen, 1885-86
T. M. Bay. 1887-88
P. A. Tinkham, 1888-91
C. B. Gary, 1892-93
A. M. McFarland, 1893-96
T. L. Kimball, student,
G. A. Smith, 1901-02
T. C. Shaffer, 1903
C. T. Duholm, 1904-06
S. E. Bishop, 1907-09
Charles I. Naston, 1910-11
Edmond Clark, 1912-13
G. A. Smith, 1915-18
M. W. Ballanger, 1918-19
Rev. Kesterson, 1920 |
Catholic Church
St. Francis Catholic Church at Blair was organized in 1871 by
Father Bums. There are now fifty families connected with this
Catholic congregation.
The original church edifice was erected in 1871 costing $1,000;
the second and present edifice was erected in 1889 at an expense
of $4,000. In 1900 a good parsonage was built under the
pastorate of Father Barrett.
The only other Catholic Church in Washington County is the one
situated at Fort Calhoun.
The present pastor is Rev. C. O. Beyersdorfer, appointed here
Thanksgiving Day, November, 1918. Other pastors, in order given,
have preceded the present pastor; Rev. Fathers Burns, Flanigan,
Daxaeher. Emblem, Killion, Aherne, C. Schmidt, Barry, N. J.
Barrett, M. Brophy, T. O'Driscoll.
Episcopal Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Church is situated at Blair, and was
organized June 5, 1882, by the Rev. Robert Doherty. The charter
members included the following persons:
John Wilbur, warden; Harry Higley, warden; Edward C. Jackson, E.
H. Clarke, E. A. Stearns, Jessie S. Hoke, I. M. Castetter,
treasurer, the same constituting the vestry. Other members
included these: Helen M. Castetter, Flora Castetter, Eva Phelps,
E. C. Jackson, William Jackson, Ada Jackson, Joseph Jackson,
Mrs. John Wilbur, E. H. Clarke, William Clarke, Harry Higley,
Miriam Castetter.
The present total membership of the Sunday school is
thirty-five. Rev. Marsh is present superintendent.
In 1882 a frame church building was erected at a cost of $2,500.
The following pastors have had charge of this parish: Revs.
Jacobs, Safford, McGill, 1884; S. A. Potter, 1890; Talbot, 1892;
Young, 1893, and present pastor, who came in 1901. Presbyterian
May 4, 1904, a Presbyterian Church was formed at Fort Calhoun by
Reverend Braden, D. D., of Bellevue. A. W. Stanley and W. H.
Woods were elected elders. The same year the society purchased
the old Congregational Church building, a small one-room
structure. In 1908 it was enlarged at a cost in excess of $2,000
and dedicated January 29, 1911. The regular pastorates have
been: Reverend Black, followed by Rev. William Nicoll, William
Primrose, Calvin Rice, Reverend Shallcross, August Hilkeman,
Reverend Shimien, Benton Cleveland, Doctor Ramsey, Reverend
Werner, H. M. Hanson, Rev. S. A. Hutchison.
While the church is not strong, it is in the fight to win and
has been the means of doing much religious good for the
community about old Fort Calhoun.
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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