Washington County, Nebraska Government
Washington County like other Nebraska counties has had various
kinds of county governments-the precinct and later the township
organization form-first one and then the other. The offices of
county commissioners and the county supervisors are in reality
about the same.
As a general rule the affairs of Washington County have been
well managed by representative citizens who had held local
offices for the best interests of the tax-paying citizens. No
great political or office holding scandals have blackened the
pages of its history of more than three score years. One thing
is noticeable here, that when men possessed the right
qualifications for offices to which they have been elected, they
have been allowed to remain in office so long as they did their
official duties, and not changed for new men simply because it
was some other man's turn to hold office, which has too
frequently been the case in other sections of the state.
County Buildings
Washington County's first courthouse was erected at Fort Calhoun
in 1856, of cottonwood lumber. It was built by subscription, and
some declare it was also used for school purposes, but others
dispute this claim. Governor L. Crounse once stated his
experiences, when he was judge of the State Supreme Court and
rode the circuit. Fort Calhoun was one of his stations and he
held court here for the first time after his election. It was
also in this building that the famous Senator Paddock was
admitted to the bar. The building above mentioned served as seat
of justice until the county seat was removed (by force) to De
Soto, five miles north of Fort Calhoun, in 1858. The county seat
remained at De Soto until the autumn of 1866, but no regular
courthouse was erected by the county at De Soto. From there the
county seat was returned to Fort Calhoun, where it remained
until 1869, then went to Blair.
A courthouse was built at Blair. This building, however, was
erected by a firm of contractors for school purposes, as a
private speculation, but the school authorities failed to
purchase it from the builders, hence when the county seat was
moved to Blair, bought by the county and was used as the first
courthouse there and continued in use as the home of the various
county offices and courtroom until the present magnificent
structure was built in 1889, an account of which follows:
Present Courthouse
June 14, 1889, the question of building a new courthouse was
submitted to the tax-payers of Washington County and the result
was 1,263 for bonding the county for $35,000, and the number of
votes against the proposition was 874.
About the same time the City of Blair voted on a proposition to
give $5,000 toward the courthouse building, in case a suitable
structure was erected. The vote at that special city election
stood 236 for and only 7 against the measure.
The first committee on courthouse building was composed of the
chairman of the board, the clerk and Thomas Wilkinson, whose
duty it was to have properly printed and registered the several
bonds which were to be floated upon the market.
The county board ordered that the new courthouse should be
erected on block No. 75, in the City of Blair, the so called
"Jail Block."
The regular building committee was composed of the chairman of
the board, E. M. Cook, of Lincoln Township; P. J. Gossard, of
Sheridan Township. The chairman was then L. C. Weber, member of
the board. A local man named Lou Vaughan was appointed by the
board as superintendent of construction. Bids were advertised
for and the following were received and acted upon: Julius
Schlup, $37,954; Robert McHale, $41,000; H. B. Dexter, $38,165;
M. T. Murphy, $40,700; George Sutherland, $39,999; Fred
Mingadodt, $37,439; Richards & Company, $35,842; Seeley & Son,
$41,879; Lyone & Sweet, $36,900. Richards & Company were awarded
the contract at $35,842. The building was constructed of St.
Louis pressed brick, trimmed with Warrenburg stone.
At the session of the county board held September 11, 1889, the
site for the building was staked off and decided upon. The
county surveyor was ordered to set the stakes. At the same
session it was ordered that the numerous shade trees upon the
courthouse square should be "boxed" in order to protect them
from being bruised while building operations were going on. The
people of Blair have always been passionately fond of shade
trees and used much care to get them well started.
The architect employed by the county to draw plans and carry
forward the same was O. H. Placey, who, after the building was
partly built, became offended and resigned, as is shown by the
following clause in the record-book of the court board: (Date
was November, 1889.) "And now comes O. H. Placey, architect, and
announces to the board in open session, that from this time on,
he positively refuses to have anything to do, in and about the
further work and completion of the new courthouse, and bid the
board good-bye and took his hat and passed out."
The contract called for the completion of the building January,
1891, but for various good reasons it was not turned over to the
county until March 24, that year. A long statement concerning
the acceptance of the building is found recorded on page 220 of
Book No. 3, Supervisors Records.
The old courthouse was sold to F. H. Matthiesen February 3,
1891, for $725.
County Jail Buildings
No matter how good a community may be, there is at times use for
a jail. If it is not by reason of unruly citizens of the county
in which it is situated, it is for some act of an unlawful
character committed by persons coming in from outside
communities, who must needs be punished and it is but wisdom to
have provided some safe, secure place in which to confine such
unruly persons until tried, or till a penalty has been paid for
their illegal acts.
An account of the pioneer jail for Washington County was given
by an earlier writer of Washington County history, in which he
"The county jail is located several squares from the courthouse
and is, perhaps, less suited for jail purposes than any similar
structure on the face of the earth, being small, inconveniently
arranged, and the cells dark and unhealthy. It was built soon
after the county seat was located at Blair, and cost some
$8,000. For this sum an excellent jail building, large enough to
supply the wants of the county for a half century, could now be
built. It seemed to be an absolute necessity, that counties in
the West should pay some very expensive lessons, and Washington
County in comparison with some of her neighbors, has passed
through this experience at a moderate outlay." (This was written
in 1876.) The first jail was situated on the north side of the
public square; it was a two-story building and had a jailor's
residence in connection. This jail building served until 1904,
when the jail was torn down and the present modest brick
one-story jail just to the east of the courthouse was built.
It was the jail that was torn down in 1904, in which was placed
a murderer from near Fontanelle, early in the nineties, for safe
keeping, until he could have his trial for killing his foster
father, Mr. Baldwin, in cold blood. Before time for his trial,
he succeeded in making his escape by scraping the soft lime
stone foundation stones of the jail, in the form of a circular
hole large enough for him to crawl out. He was never again seen
in this county. The hole in the jail wall was repaired but it
ever afterward showed the outline of the hole and was pointed
out to hundreds of people, as the place where the murderer made
his escape with a table knife.
County Farm
Washington County has always cared well for her unfortunate
poor, but never encourages shiftlessness on the part of poor
people. The needy cases have been sought out by the county
authorities and all who are entitled to aid receive it. Many
years ago it was thought the wisest thing to purchase a tract of
land which is now known as the "Poor Farm." It consists of
eighty acres, just outside the city limits of Blair. The last
annual report shows there were only four inmates in the County
House-all being men.
The present superintendent and wife are Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.
List of County Officers, Past and Present
E. Mathers, 1857
Abraham Castetter, 1861-1869
Peter R. Benner, 1871-1873
E. C. Jackson, 1875
E. C. Jackson, 1877
T. S. Cook, 1879
Thomas P. Lippincott, 1881
Joe S. Cook, 1883
Wesley J. Cook, 1885
C. Rathman, 1887
C. Rathman, 1889
C. Rathman, 1891
C. Rathman 1893
Watt Gauldrie, 1895
Watt Gauldrie. 1897
Watt Gauldrie, 1899
F. W. Kenny, Jr., 1901
George H. Faber, 1903
George H. Faber, 1905
M. R. Lippincott, 1907
Ove T. Anderson, 1909
Ove T. Anderson 1911
Ove T. Anderson, 1914
Ove T. Anderson, 1916
Mary C. Debel, 1918 |
George Stevens, 1857
Lewis Tucker, 1858
E. N. Grennell, 1859-1863
Alexander Reed 1863- 1875
J. H. Hungate, 1877-1879
Frank Harriman, 1881
Frank Harriman, 1883
H. C. Chapman. 1885 |
E. C. Jackson. 1887
E. C. Jackson, 1889
Joe S. Cook, 1891
Joe S. Cook. 1893
James H. Platz, 1895
James H. Platz. 1897
George H. Faber, 1899
George H. Faber. 1901 |
E. Z. Russell, 1903
E. Z. Russell. 1905
John F. White, 1907
John F. White. 1909
George Bruse, 1911
George Bruse, 1914
R. G. Allen, 1916
R. G. Allen, 1918 |
Orrin Rhodes, 1856
Hugh McNeely, 1856
Hugh McNeely, 1857
Chester Lusk, 1860
Israel Swihart, 1861
Dan Case, 1868
A. T. Chapin, 1869
Rice Arnold, 1871-1873-1875
T. W. Boggs, 1877-1881
W. D. Gross, 1883-1885 |
H. Schneider, 1885-1888
F. Harriman, 1889-1893
Claus Mencke, 1893-1911
Alf A. Compton, 1911-1916
M. Mehrens, 1916-1918 |
Up to the seventies this county had the office of probate judge;
these were the persons who served;
James A. Goodrich, 1857
Z. Jackson, 1861 |
John S. Bowen. 1869-1871
Jesse T. Davis. 1873-1875 |
County Judges
The following is a list of the county judges for Washington
A. Perkins, 1877-81
E. N. Grennell, 1881-83
Alonzo Perkins, 1883-87
E. T. Farnsworth, 1887-89 |
P. Hammang, 1889-93
E. C. Jackson, 1893-01
G. C. Marshall, 1901-07 |
Clark O'Hanlon, 1911
I. E. Eller, 1918
E. B. Carrigan, 1918
Thomas Wilson, 1857-1858
George A. Bingham, 1861
V. C. Lantry, 1869-1871
J. C. W. Kline, 1875 |
W. H. Hill, 1881-89
W. C. Catherwood, 1889-91
W. H. Hill, 1891-1914
Christ Rohwer, 1914 |
School Superintendents
EH Bacon, 1857
D. McLacklin, 1858
Charles G. Bisbee, 1869-1871
Charles Gross. 1873-1875 |
I. N. Jones, 1877-79
W. V. Miller. 1879-85
J. Henderson, 1885-97
G. C. Marshall, 1897-01 |
Alfred L. Cook. 1901-05
J. H. Rhoades, 1905-14
N. T. Lund, 1914-18
Mabel Marsh |
County Coroners
Jesse T. Davis, 1861
Charles Emerson Tennant, 1869
H. P. Butler, 1871
Dr. S. B. Taylor, 1873 |
E. C. Pierce, 1875-85
F. Macumber, 1885-87
J. F. Pettegrew, 1887-89
E. G. Pierce, 1891-1914 |
Clerk of the
District Court
Up to 1881 the county clerk was ex-officio clerk of the court.
Thomas P. Lippincott, 1881
E. C. Jackson, 1882
I. C. Filer, 1883-87
C. Schmachtenberg, 1891 |
Harland Fawcett, 1895-99-02
Theo. Haller, 1903-07
I. C. Filer, 1908-11
F. C. Jackson, 1911-18 |
County Attorney
Formerly there was the office of district attorney in Nebraska,
but the law was changed and now a county attorney obtains
instead. Those of Washington County have included these:
L. W. Osborn, 1887
W. E. David, 1893
Clark O'Hanlon, 1894-96
W. C. Walton, 1897
Herman Aye, 1898-1900 |
Edmund B. Carrigan, 1902-10
Henry Menecke, 1912
George A. Dall, 1914
Henry Menecke, 1916
Grace Ballard, 1918 |
The following is a list of the county commissioners who have
served in and for Washington County since its organization:
David Franklin, A. Phinney,
and John West, 1856
J. B. Wickshire, elected in 1857
E. A. Allen, 1858
E. B. Hamilton, 1859
John Parks, 1860
John Evans and James Stewart, 1861
Silas Masters, 1862
Jacob Carter, 1863
James S. Stewart, re-elected in 1864
John A. Unthank, 1865
W. B. Beals. 1866
Alonzo Perkins, 1867
Thomas Frazier, 1868
Watson Tyson, 1869
Wm. R. Hamilton and David Couchman, 1870
David Couchman re-elected 1871
Wm. R. Hamilton, 1873
H. J. Rohwer, 1874
Charles. Selleck, 1875
1876, W. R. Hamilton, H. J. Rohwer and Charles Selleck
1877, H. J. Rohwer, Charles Selleck and W. P. Viele
1878-same as in 1877
1879-W. P. Viele, H. J. Rohwer and A. M. Bovee
1880-H. J. Rohwer, A. M. Bovee and R. Blaco
1881-R. Blaco, A. M. Bovee and H. J. Rohwer:
1882-R. Blaco, O. N. Unthank and H. O. Morse
1883-O. N. Unthank, H. O. Morse and R. Blaco
1884-G. A. Crannell, Charles S. Griffin, F. E. Hall
1885-John Spencer, M. Cameron and S. C. Rose |
At this date a change was made and one supervisor from each
precinct in the county became a member of the county board,
beginning in 1886 these officers were:
1886-Soren Jensen, Watson
Tyson, Lee Johnson, James W. Wild, M. Cameron, J. J.
Smith, D. P. Scott, John Klotz, John Spencer, John
Patrick, Patrick McCarty, L. C. Weber, C. H. Beckman.
1887-J. W. Gaines, C. H. Beckman, W. R. Hamilton, L. C.
Weber, John Patrick, Patrick McCarty, M. Cameron, W. Van
Arsdale, W. G. Harrison, Thomas Crouch, John H. Maguire,
F. M. Cook, James M. Wild.
1888-E. M. Cook, Frank Jahnel, J. S. Stokes, Henry
Osterman, L. C. Weber, J. M. Wild, P. J. Gossard, Theo.
Haller, M. H. B. Rosenbalm, Thomas Wilkinson, M.
Cameron, Joseph Johnson, Patrick McCarty.
1889-L. C. Weber, Eugene Cook, Frank Jahnel, Henry
Boucher, P. J. Gossard, Henry Osterman, W. G. Harrison,
Joe S. Cook, Samuel Warrick, J. M. Souder, John
Henrichsen, Thomas Wilkinson, O. V. Remington, L. C.
1890-L. C. Weber, J. M. Souder, E. M. Cook, S. Warrick,
J. S. Cook, W. G. Harrison, John Henrichsen, W. W.
McKinney, Henry Osterman, P. G. Gossard, Henry Boucher,
John Klotz George Neff.
1891-W. G. Harrison, James Cruickshank, G. W. Neff,
George Rohwer, Thomas Wilkinson, W. W. McKinney, E. M.
Cook, L. C. Weber, P. J. Gossard, John Klotz, Henry
Osterman, J. M. Souder, S. Warrick.
1892-L. C. Weber, W. G. Harrison, Samuel Warrick, J. M.
Souder, R. Broderson, T. B. Pawling, E. M. Cook, H.
Savage, George Rohwer, James Cruickshank, Henry Osterman,
Thomas Wilkinson
1893-James Cruickshank, Joseph Hammang, George W.
Matteson, H. J. Carpenter, George Rohwer, D. H. Noble,
Frank Jahnel |
From this date on the districts in the county were represented
as follows:
1894-Frank Jahnel, Wm. Gray,
G. Mehrens, George Drevsen, T. B. Pawling, W. W.
McKinney, R. Broderson, W. R. Downs.
1895-B. P. Miller, Chester C. Marshall, Henry Rohwer,
James R. Smith, Tames Cruickshank, H. J. Carpenter, E.
1896-C. C. Marshall, T. B. Pawling, J. R. Smith, B. P.
Miller, Frank Jahnel, William Gray, James R. Smith.
1897-William Gray, W. D. Gross, H. Rohwer, G. M.
Whitford, T. B. Pawling, W. W. McKinney, T. M. Whitford
R. Broderson.
1898-M. Johnson, R. Broderson, W. D. Gross, T. B.
Pawling, John D. Eakin, William Gray, Henry Rohwer.
1899-(Record of names not clear in Minute book.)
1900-A. O. Pound, William Wilson, H. J. Carpenter, F. A.
Reynolds, L. K. Davies, H. Rohwer. John Blaco.
1901-Messrs. Day, Meier, Blaco, Davies, Gray, Wrich and
1902-John Blaco, Meier, Reynolds, Magnus Johnson, J. L.
Day, Hy Wrich, Wm. Gray.
1903-Henry Wrich, Joe S. Cook, P. T. Badgerow, H. D.
Schoettger,F. A. Reynolds, Magnus Johnson, John Blaco.
1904-Joe S. Cook, Hy Wrich, P. T. Badgerow, H. D.
Schoettger, S. W. Cushman, Fred Echtenkamp, Lee Smith.
1905-Joe S. Cook, Lee Smith, P. T. Badgerow, S. W.
Cushman, Fred Echtenkamp, H. D. Schoettger, Henry Wrich.
1906- (No record.)
1907-Elected-E. W. Burdick, James E. Maher, Fred Ramser.
1909-Fred H. Heuermann, James E. Maher.
1911-Elected-E. W. Burdic.
1912-James E. Maher, Fred Heuermann and E. W. Burdic.
1913-James E. Maher, E. W. Burdic and Fred Heuermann.
1914-Same as above.
1915-Same as above.
1916-Same as above.
1917-James E. Maher, Fred Heuermann and Charles Nelson.
1918-Same as above.
1919-Charles Nelson, H. C. Blaco and John F. White.
1920-Same as above. |
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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