Military History of Washington County, Nebraska
Washington County bore her share of burden during the Civil war
from 1861 to 1865. Although she sent no organization of soldiers
to the Southland, yet between thirty and forty of her citizens
bore arms in regiments of other states, one of whom was second
lieutenant of Company "I," Eighty-seventh Iowa Infantry, in the
person of Abram C. Andrew, who was killed at Chickamauga.
Besides these there were two companies of the Second Nebraska
Cavalry, "A" and "B," raised in Washington County. Capt. Peter
S. Reed commanded Company "A" and Capt. Roger T. Beall was in
command of Company "B." This regiment was raised in the autumn
of 1862, as a nine-month regiment, served about one year,
guarding the settlements against threatened Indian invasions in
western Nebraska and Dakota.
Soon after the sinking of the United States Gunboat "Maine" in
the waters of Havana Bay, near our southern borders, it was
believed that the boat had been destroyed, with many precious
lives, by authority of Spain. This brought on a war between this
country and Spain in which within a few weeks nearly all of
Spain's war fleet was destroyed in Manila Bay, away out in the
Pacific. This victory for the United States was declared by act
of Congress in April and virtually ended by Admiral George
Dewey, who had charge of our splendid navy at that time. By this
war Cuba and the Philippine Islands were declared free and
independent countries placed under the protection of the United
States, instead of under Spanish rule, as they had been for
nearly 400 years.
The army raised by this country for land and sea activities
included our National Guard companies, so far as available.
Roster of Soldiers from Washington County
From the Nebraska adjutant-general's reports the following list
of soldiers from Washington County in the Spanish-American war
is given, and is supposed to be correct.
These men served in Company
"E" of the Third Nebraska Regiment:
Captain ~ Van Dusen, Don C,
Aged 25, Blair.
First Lieutenant ~ Underwood,
William H, aged 38 years, Arlington;
First Lieutenant ~ Kenny,
John M., aged 20 years, Blair.
Second Lieutenant ~
Underwood, William H., aged 38, Blair;
Second Lieutenant ~ Erickson,
Fred A., aged 30, Fort Calhoun.
Quarter-master Sergeant ~
Hubler, Ellsworth G., aged 31.
Sergeants ~ Van Dusen, C. C,
aged 23 ;
Sergeants ~ Whitfield, Lewis
D., aged 21,
Sergeants ~ Fitch, Scott M.,
aged 22, Herman, Arlington
Corporals ~ Sutherland, Earl
B., aged 25, Blair;
Corporals ~ Blakesley, C. E.,
aged 23, Blair;
Corporals ~ Lorhbaugh,
William H., aged 21, Arlington;
Corporals ~ Haller, William
M., aged 21, Blair;
Corporals ~ Alloway, Simon,
aged 22, Kennard;
Corporals ~ Glover, Guy L.,
aged 21, Arlington;
Corporals ~ Grimm, Arthur,
aged 21, Blair.
Wagoner ~ DuLaney, Thomas L.,
aged 18, Blair.
Musician ~ Jacobson, John A.,
aged 20, Fort Calhoun;
Musician ~ Noble, Thomas,
aged 22, Blair.
Artificer ~ Stull, Willis L.,
aged 21, Blair. |
Privates |
Armende, John,
aged 21, Arlington.
Banister, William F., aged 25, Fort Calhoun.
Beck, Andrew, aged 19, Blair.
Bedal, Albert A., aged 22, Blair.
Bedal, Eugene L., aged 19, Blair.
Brahmstadt, Louis, aged 27, Blair.
Cannon, Charles L., aged 28, Blair.
Clarkson, Harry H., aged 19, Arlington.
Daniels, Richard, aged 30, Blair.
Dunn, Darley P., aged 18, Blair.
Fawcett, Edw. E., aged 34, Blair.
Greene, Harry F., aged 23, Fort Calhoun.
Haller, William M., aged 21, Blair.
Harrison, Charles A., aged 21, Fort Calhoun.
Hillman, Benj. S., aged 44, Fort Calhoun.
Hulse, Harvey B., aged 28, Fort Calhoun.
Jeffers, William, aged 42, Fort Calhoun.
Kelly, Thomas P., aged 24, Blair.
Kiefer, Lewis O., aged 24, Herman.
Krause, Eugene F., aged 31, Blair.
Morton, George R., aged 21, Herman. |
Morton, Richard
E., aged 22, Herman.
Mundorf, Albert, aged 21, Herman.
Newton, Page C, aged 19, Blair.
Noyes, Clinton, aged 18, Blair.
O'Hanlon, William F., aged 18, Blair.
Pardew, Charles M., aged 23, Blair.
Peck, Benj. F., aged 24, Cumings City.
Phillips, Daniel A., aged 22, Blair.
Rathmann, George R., aged 32, Blair.
Rohwer, Marcus, aged 35, Fort Calhoun.
Sanden, Leonhardt C, aged 38, Herman.
Saum, Gus A., aged 23, Fort Calhoun.
Schenk. William, aged 29, Blair.
Smith, Fred, aged 21, Blair.
Smith, Henry F., aged 22, Blair.
Thomsen, Peter, aged 28, Blair.
Van Dusen, Claude C, aged 28, Blair.
Warrick, Charles A., aged 26, Blair.
Wisdom, William, aged 26, Blair.
Wolfe, James, aged 22, Herman. |
Death List The only soldier from this roster who paid the
"supreme sacrifice" was Harry H. Clarkson, aged 19, of
Arlington, who died at hospital, September 22, 1898.
Eastern Nebraska, not unlike all other loyal sections of this
Republic, had her part in the last great conflict which is now
known as the "World War."
The underlying reason of this war was, as it developed in the
course of the conflict, the desire of Germany through Emperor
William II and the Junker or military class to dominate the
world. That is now the settled belief of the best thinkers and
historians of today.
Washington County's Part in this War
When it was known that the United States was to take part in
this conflict between the European states, many doubted the
wisdom of the act on the part of the Government, but as time
passed on nearly all in this county came to believe that the
great civilized world demanded our country to have a part in
spreading democracy and helping to cause wars to cease
everywhere, if possible.
While the Government has not as yet compiled any absolute roster
of the men furnished in this war, the various county and state
records to which we have had free access, we are enabled to give
a fairly complete list of the soldiers who served from
Washington County. It is true, however, that many more went into
the service from other places, hence were not accredited to this
county, but the roster as compiled for the enlistments known to
have been from this county are as follows:
Soldiers of World
War I
Abbott, Aubry E.
Abbott, Mons E.
Ackerman, Floyd
Albert, Jr.
Alexander, Hyman E.
Ames, Charles W.
Anderson, Alfred C.
Anderson, Christian
Anderson, Clayton
Anderson, Dean D.
Anderson, Everett E.
Anderson, Gustav L.
Anderson, John E.
Anderson, Roy A.
Anderson, Ruthven C.
Anderson, Silas C.
Anderson, William C.
Andrews, Charles W.
Antrim, Archie Arthur
Antrim, John Lewis
Antrim, Wallace Elwood
Arp, Henry O.
Aubury, Henry L.
Auch, Gustav
Autzer, Johannes
Axtell, Leonard E.
Banbarger, Charles A.
Bandert, Edward W.
Bandor, Joseph
Barr, Clarence
Barry, James F.
Barry, John
Bartlett, William H.
Barton, Arthur L.
Bates, William C.
Beck, Wilhelm
Bergman. Bernard
Berry, Charles L.
Berry, Leslie T.
Bick, August
Bierman, Otto C. H.
Biffar, Lonnie
Bilberdorf, Leonard
Blackball, Rowland
Blackenfeld (Corp.)
Blackstone, Robert C.
Blockenbeckler, Archie
Bollin. William
Boss, Ralph
Bowman, Fay
Bowman, Virgil Clare
Bradley, Raymond
Brennan, Fred T.
Brinkman, John M.
Burgess, John A.
Burt, Merle S.
Bustein, Louis L.
Caldwell, Earl C.
Calger, Frank
Calger. Thomas L.
Cameron, M. Leo
Cameron, Whit
Cannon. Cornelius
Capps, Stanley M.
Carmichael, Walter
Carpenter, Eric G.
Carpenter, Evan Henry
Carpenter, Henry W.
Carter, Charles J.
Christ, John E.
Christensen, Calvin C.
Christensen, Francis
Christensen, Harry
Christensen, John
Christofferson, Morse
Christofferson, Fred
Chubatai, Fred
Cummings, James E.
Clasen, Henry
Clasen, Lewis
Claycomb, James
Colden, Archie J.
Collea, Angelo
Compton. Allen
Cornelius, Frederick
Cornelius, James
Cornelius, Nils
Craig, Elmer Sheridan
Crouse, Lorenzo
David, McKinley
Debal, Anders C.
Dennis, Charles E.
Dennis, Ottis C.
Dennison, Fred L.
Denton, Frank R.
Detlef, Harry William
DeWitt, Walter G.
DeYapp, H.
Dickmeyer, Frederick
Dixon, Arthur E.
Dixon, Curtis L.
Dixon, Gifford
Dixon, William B.
Dockson, Fred P.
Dolan, John J.
Dolan, Warren E.
Dowden, Ray L.
Dunn, Willis G.
Eakin, Samuel
Edwards, Earl
Eistrup, Peter T.
Elliott, Walter
Erickson, Emil B.
Farnburg, Lewis C.
Farr, Howard E.
Flake, Henry
Fleege, George
Frankson, Chris R.
Frederickson, Erick
Frederickson, Hans E.
French, Earl D.
Frick, John W.
Fuhrhop. August G.
Gaines, Clyde
Gaylord, Fred H.
Geary, Robert A.
Gibbs, John
Giesselman, Henry A.
Gilbert, John T.
Gilfry, Harold R.
Goll, Walter R.
Goreham, Charles R.
Greenle, Albert D.
Greumke, Frederick
Greumke, George H.
Greumke, John G.
Griffin, Norris
Gustason, Arthur D.
Gustason, Vetre
Gustin, Orin B.
Gutchow, Walter
Hain, Howard Earl
Hain, Stanley Elwood (Deceased)
Hall, Bernard Richard (Deceased)
Hall, Lawrence
Hall, Wilber D.
Halstead, Roy
Hammang, Leonard E.
Hansen, Edward B.
Hansen, Erke C.
Hansen, Hans
Hansen, Hans K.
Hansen, Herold
Hansen, Rasmus P.
Hansen, Thorvald H.
Hanthone, Verne Alvin
Hartung, Elmer G
Hastings, Glenn A.
Hawes, George F.
Healey, Anthony F.
Hedelund, George T,
Helmsing, Fred E.
Hemphill, William, Dr.
Henningsen, Herbert
Henricksen, Jens
Hilgenkamp, William H. |
Hindley, George D.
Hineline, Charles
Hineline, Rupert
Hoenemann, Will H.
Holeton, Ora V.
Holtman, Adolph
Hoover, John E.
Horn, Robert T.
Hossman, Everett M.
Hulbert, Harold Wallace
Hull. Wyatt T,
Hullinger, Christopher
Hundahl, Raymond A.
Ireland, Louis
Jackson, Thomas R.
Jacobs, Raymond N.
Jansen, Anton H.
Jansen, Carl G.
Jansen, Ole R.
Jensen, Dewy M.
Jensen, Elmer B.
Jensen, Fred H.
Jensen, Fred W.
Jensen, Jacob
Jensen, Leslie
Jensen, Martinus
Jensen, Oscar H.
Jensen, Theodore
Jesperson, Otto
Jessen, Herald Curtis
Jessen, John P.
Jessen, Thomas P.
John, Arthur H.
John, Perry T.
John, Ralph C.
Johnson, Albert
Johnson, Carl
Johnson, Erwin T.
Johnson, Harvey B.
Johnson, Hugo
Johnson, Martin Luther
Jones, Charles
Jones, Raymond B
Jones, Richard W.
Jorgenson, Thorvold
Kahnk, John C.
Kassti, Raymond M.
Keegan, Francis
Kelley, Floyd M.
Kelley, Harold M.
Kelly, Paul
Kerr, Henry L.
Kiefer, Alford
King, Ralph J.
Klahn, Ben
Klenk, William G (Deceased)
Klindt, Henry
Knott, Floyd H.
Korshoj, Chris
Krajicek, Berj.
Krajicek, Lewis
Kramer, Albert
Krause, Earl G.
Krause, Otto
Krause, William
Kroger, John
Krollman, Gust
Krud, Krudsen
Krudsen, Carl (Deceased)
Kruger, Eli F
Kruse, Louis
Kruse, Paul W.
Kruse, Victor
Kudsk, Ben Jens
Kuhre, Julius
La Fronz, Julius (Deceased)
Lake, Albert
Lamb, George
Lang, Leo M.
Lang, Roy M. D.
Larsen, Lawrence C.
Laursen, James
Leorned, Sylvester
Lewis, George
Liesemeyer, Louis
Loakes, Ernest
Lothrop, C. C.
Lothrop, Grant
Lothrop, Norman K.
Lottman, Charlie
Lottman, Paul
Ludwig, Glen
Ludwig, Henry
Ludwig, Otto
Ludwig, Raymond
Luebker, Fred
Lueninghoener, Arthur
Lund, Henry
Lund, Leonard
Lundt, Albert J.
Lundt, Gustav
Madsen, Albert
Madsen, Harry
Madsen, M. P.
Madsen, Maurice
Magnusson, Rudolph
Maher, Roland
Malmberg, Fred P.
Marshall, Victor
Mathews, Wilber A.
Maynard, Benj.
McBride, Lyle E.
McComb, Percy D.
McCourtie, Glenn E.
McCune, Samuel W.
McDonald, Glen
McDonald, Robert
McFarland, Herman
McKercher, Louis
Meador, Aaron
Meador, Wm. Howard
Menking, Lawrence
Menking, Roy E.
Metzler, Clyde Waldo
Michaels, Walter
Miesner, Richard G.
Milikan, Earl S.
Miller, A. H.
Miller, George C.
Miller, Harvey E.
Miller, Robert E.
Millner, Louis C.
Misfeldt, Charles
Missina, G.
Monson, Carl A.
Morley, N. G. (Deceased)
Morse, George
Mortensen, Robert D.
Munson, Elmer C.
Murphy, Stephen M.
Muller, F.
Nelson, Andrew
Nelson, Andrew
Nelson, Arthur
Nelson, Carl
Nelson, George
Nelson, Hans K.
Nelson, Henning F.
Nelson, Martin L.
Neumann, Herman
Newcomb, Floyd
Nicoline, Louis
Niederdippe, Ezra
Nielsen, Andrew
Nielsen, Anton
Nielsen, Chris E.
Nielsen, Juul C.
Nielsen, Laurite
Nielson, Otto
Noeberg, John
Nonnamaker, Edward
Nonnamaker, Zeno
Northway, Edward
Novak, Walter J.
Noyes, Lisle G.
Nyegaard, Kay K. H. |
Oberg, Amel
Offen, Lisle Roffe
Ogorodwick, Julius
Ohrt, William H.
Oleson, Arthur
Oleson, George A.
Oleson, Jacob Neils
Osborn, Charlie
Osborne, Thomas J.
Ottomoeller, Henry
Parrish, Lynn
Paulsen, Hans
Paulsen, John
Pearson, Oscar
Peebles, Leland T.
Peters, Carl
Peters, Charles
Petersen, Amandus
Petersen, Christ J.
Petersen, Emanuel
Petersen, Peter (Deceased)
Petersen, Soren
Peterson, Alfred E.
Peterson, Ernest C.
Peterson, Harold Olaf
Peterson, Henry
Peterson, Lawrence
Peterson, Ledie Ed.
Peterson, Leonard
Pfieffer, Chester
Pickell, George
Pierson, Otis E.
Pilpik, Joseph
Plugg, Henry
Pohlman, Albert
Prochnow, Albert J. F.
Pruner, Gifford
Pruner, Orin
Rabes, Chris (Deceased)
Rabes, Jens
Rask, Anton (Deceased)
Rask, Ernest
Rasmussen, Carl
Rasmussen, Esk.
Rasmussen, Howard L.
Rasmussen, James
Rasmussen, Lars
Rasmussen, Sofus
Rathman, J.
Reeh, Lyle R.
Reeres, Opal
Reid, Earl C.
Reid, Raymond
Rennard, Ed. John
Rhea, Don L.
Richter, Harry
Riessem, Edward
Rix, Ernest
Rix, Howard John
Roberts, Lawrence
Robinson, Raymond H.
Rodgers, Thomas
Rodman, Roland
Rosenbalm, Floyd
Rosenbalm, Hayes
Rosenkilde, George
Ross, George
Rurup, Henry C.
Russ, Carl L.
Salsberry, William
Scheffler, Orval
Schmidt, Carl John
Schmidt, Ernest
Schmidt, Henry
Schmidt, William
Schroeder, Carl
Searing, Voorhees P.
Shinkle, Cleo
Shoemaker, Albert
Short, Grove J.
Silvey, William C.
Simpson, Arthur
Simpson, George
Skinner, John
Skow, Walter (Deceased)
Smith, Clifford P.
Smith, Grover I.
Smith, Henry Frederick
Smith, Phillip Clifford
Snowden, George W.
Sorenson, Chris
Sorenson, Martin C.
Soverkrubbe, Albert
Sproker, Ernest
Sproker, Fred Henry
Stalcup, Chester A.
Stangle, George
Stanley, Walter
Stapers, Fred
States, C.
Steel, James
Steel, Robert
Steensen, Anders
Stender, Emil
Steppat, Eddie
Stewart, Donald
Stewart, Guy
Stewart, Thee M.
Stofford, James
Stork, Frederick
Stork, Martin W.
Stricklett, Cecil Victor
Stricklett, Gail
Stricklett, J. M.
Strode, Jacob C.
Struve, Herman
Sydod, Alfred George C.
Sylvis, James
Taylor, Carleton S.
Theede, William F.
Thielfoldt, John
Thies, Sigmond
Thompson, Neale
Thompson, Robert
Thornbert, Earl
Timpe, Karl
Truhlsen, Henry
Utterback, Elmer Floyd
Utterback, John Millard
Vail, Sydney
Vaughn, Burl B
Vesper, David
Vifguair, H.
Vig, Bennett
Von Knuth, C
Vybral, Frank
Wahlgren, Howard
Waldenstrom, Carl H.
Walkenhorst, August
Ward, Leland Earl
Waterman, August A.
Waulborn, Henry
Webb, Fred
Weber, Harold De
Weber, Leo
Wehmeyer, Walter
Wentworth, Forest
West, Ben
West, Elmon Dayton
West, Everett
Westerman, Edward
White, David
Whitford, Murray
Wilcox, Marshall Ray
Wilkinson, Clyde
Williams, John
Wolf, Berry
Wolff, Frank
Wolff, Louis
Wolsman, Detlef
Woodward, Lyman
Wright, Howard
Wright, William
Wulbern, Henry E. |
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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