Arlington Township, Washington County, Nebraska
This subdivision of Washington County is in the extreme
southwestern portion of the county. It is bounded on the west by
Dodge County, on the north by Fontanelle and Lincoln Townships,
on the east by Richland Township and on the south by Douglas
Two branches of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway system now
pass through this township with stations at Arlington and Bowen.
The western boundary line of the township is made by the
meanderings of the crooked Elkhorn River.
The population of this township for three decades has been: In
1890 it was 1,167: in 1900 it was 1.378, and in 1910 the Federal
census gave the township and Village of Arlington as having a
population of 1,380.
This is a splendid farming region and the fields yield their
annual crops of wheat, corn and grasses to the enrichment of the
farm owners. The railway facilities are excellent and the great
city of Omaha within an hour or two ride by steam cars or
automobile. The enterprising City of Arlington of which later
account will be had, affords a most satisfactory marketing point
for all ordinary merchandise. This township is also the home of
the celebrated Marshall Brothers Nursery, see account of it
within this chapter also.
Village of
Arlington is situated in the extreme southwestern corner of
Washington County in sections 12 and 13, of Congressional
township 17, range 9. It was platted by Sioux City & Pacific
Railway Company in 1869; the company purchased 440 acres for
town site purposes. It is on the Elkhorn River and is a station
on the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad (now a part
of the great Chicago & Northwestern Railroad system). Arlington
is a junction point, one branch running to Missouri Valley,
Iowa, and the other to Omaha, while the main line runs to
Fremont and on to the northwest. It has a population of about
eight hundred and is an incorporated village, of which the
present postmaster, J. C. Badger is -village clerk. It is
beautifully situated on high charming uplands, with a rural
landscape seldom found anywhere. Its schools, churches, lodges
and banks are mentioned in special chapters in this work,
covering those of the entire county, hence need not further be
referred to in this connection.
Arlington was first known as Bell Creek and continued as such
until early in 1882 when the name of the post office and village
was changed to its present name.
The first improvement on the town plat was effected the same
year the railway went through the place, and the depot was
erected. Samuel A. Frances, one of the early settlers of
Fontanelle and John Waynick of Chariton, Iowa, built two
residences and opened a lumber yard. A grain warehouse was built
by L. H. Jones; a blacksmith shop by John Butler; and E. K.
Gilbert opened a shoe shop in 1872. Mrs. Kate Parker taught the
first school. A fine school building was erected in the fall of
1876, at a cost of $5,000, and in 1877 a Methodist Episcopal
Church was built.
Municipal History

High School, Arlington
The Village of Arlington was incorporated April 10, 1882, and
the first village officers were: John A. Unthank, chairman; W.
J. Crane, clerk; the trustees were: J. A. Unthank, B. Conway, J.
C. Blackburn, William D. Badger, N. Foster.
The following have served the village as chairmen of the board
to the present date: John A. Unthank, William D. Badger, L. C.
Weber, Peter Hammang, W. H. Whitney, A. B. Batson, H. W.
Schoettger, J. C. Blackburn. Fred Echtenkamp, S. G. Glover, J.
C. Badger, W. A. Reckmeyer, O. S. Roberts, H. C. Rurup, C. G.
Marshall, P. L. Cady.
The present (1920) officers of the village are: P. L. Cady,
chairman; J. C. Badger, clerk; G. I. Pfeiffer, treasurer; F.
Wolf, street commissioner, marshal, and water commissioner.
The village has an indebtedness of $12,500 in outstanding bonds.
The water works cost the taxpayers of the village quite an
amount, but already the persons who opposed the original
proposition are convinced it was but the part of good business
judgment to issue such bonds. The water plant was installed in
There are two wells-one 30 feet and one 214 feet, from which
most excellent water is obtained and in endless quantity. The
water is pumped by means of gas and oil engines.
The village is lighted by the Platte Valley Power Company, a
private institution.
The old frame school building is the property of the village and
it stands in the park and is used as a Town Hall.
Early Factors of the Place
A newspaper account of Bell Creek (now Arlington) in 1876 said:
"In 1875 the Masons organized a lodge, Bender & Chapman having
dissolved, Mr. Chapman starting in business for himself in the
same line. W. J. Crane resigned his position of station agent,
closed out a stock of goods bought of Mr. Chapman, in the
following spring, and went into general insurance business, real
estate and collections. A public school building was contracted
for that year to cost $5,000. Doctor Elwood, a physician,
commenced his practice in Bell Creek that year as a partner of
Doctor Glover."
Business and Professional Interests, 1920
In the summer of 1920 the business and professional interests of
Arlington consisted of the following:
Auto garages, Walter
Echtenkamp, Fred Menking, and others in the same line.
Banking, The First National and Arlington State Bank.
Bakery, Chris Legband.
Barbers, Messrs. Dickson and Melvord.
Drugs, D. C. Weber, Leo Snyder.
Elevator, Nye, Schneider, Fowler Co., Farmers'
Co-operative Co., and O. C. Roberts.
Brickyard, Utterback Bros.
Furniture, Reckmeyer Co.
Hotel, Ed Ludwig.
Hardware, John Jackerot and the Reckmeyer Hardware Co.
Harness, J. R. Grimes.
Ice dealer, Schmehl Brothers.
Lumber, Farmers Grain & Lumber Co.
Livery, L. C. Gaines.
Meats, E. S. Newell.
Opera House, Connected with the Odd Fellows Building.
Stock Dealers, J. Newcomb and Mr. Newell.
Variety Store, Mrs. Vail.
Implements, J. C. Blackburn. C. W. Breuing.
General Merchandise, Fred Weber, P. Z. Wilson.
Nursery, Marshall Brothers.
Stock Remedy Manufacturing Company, E. O. Burroughs,
Repair and Machine Shop, W. G. Pfeiffer.
Newspaper, The Review-Herald.
Veterinary Surgeon, Doctor Cady.
Physicians, Davies & Newcomb, firm.
Dentist, Dr. L. M. Peterson. |
The schoolhouse is a large two-story brick building, but to it
must soon be added one as large in order to accommodate the
pupils. The beautiful village park contains a large city block
of land and the same has its shade trees and drinking fountain,
as well as the Town Hall which was made out of the old school
building. It is a frame structure.
Marshall's Nurseries
The Arlington Nurseries were started the spring of 1887 by
Chester C. Marshall, and George A. Marshall, the first planting
being done on their farm two miles east of Arlington. These boys
came from Ohio a few years earlier, and the open prairies of
Washington County and eastern Nebraska impressed them as a great
field for the sale of nursery products. The wide variation in
native forest trees and wild fruits growing along the streams,
as well as the generous numbers of kinds and varieties of trees,
fruits, and plants set by early settlers, indicated that eastern
Nebraska was adapted to horticulture in its several branches. To
supply hardy trees and plants to Washington County home owners
and those of adjoining counties was the aim of the originators.
They organized on the partnership plan under the name of
"Marshall Brothers." The business grew steadily from the
beginning and within a few years the demand was such that the
local part of the business no longer predominated, but goods
were shipped to all nearby counties, the territory reaching out
further from year to year until at the present time this company
enjoys a large trade not only in practically every part of
Nebraska, but in many of the west central states.
In 1890 H. W. Marshall was added to the firm and in 1907 a
fourth brother, A. C. Marshall also joined the partnership. In
1916 the business was incorporated, and is now operating under
the corporate name of "Marshall's Nurseries," the Marshall
family retaining the larger part of the stock and the general
management. The present officers are G. A. Marshall, president:
C. C. Marshall, vice president; C. G. Marshall, secretary; H. W.
Marshall, treasurer.
Twelve to fifteen trained nurserymen are employed throughout the
year, and fifteen to thirty-five additional men are needed
during the digging and shipping periods in fall and spring.
About fifty salesmen are employed in Nebraska, Iowa, South
Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois.
The natural development of Nebraska and the central west, and
the building of thousands of comfortable and modern homes, has
created a demand for much ornamental stock, and the company
seeing the need of a landscape department, whereby the home
owner could have scientific advice and aid in the planning of
his home grounds, have instituted same, with C. W. Andrews as
head architect. While this department is comparatively new,
still the demand along this line is such that from 20 to 30 per
cent of the entire business is handled through this channel.
A block of land is always retained strictly for experimental
purposes, where new promising varieties are thoroughly tested
out before being offered to the customers.
The elevation and soil at Arlington seem particularly adapted to
the propagation and growing of nursery stock, the soil being of
the loose type, which produces heavy fibrous root systems, and
solid, well-ripened top growth, which means success in
transplanting and renders the stock grown here an advertisement
in itself.
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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