Herman Township, Washington County, Nebraska
Herman is a "T" shaped township in Washington County. It is
bounded on its north by Burt County, on the east by the Missouri
River and part way by Cuming City Township, on the south by
Cuming City and Grant townships, on the west by Grant and
Sheridan townships. Its streams include New York Creek, Hill
Creek, and numerous lesser water courses. Tysons Lake and
another smaller lake are found in the eastern portion of the
township. The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad
line runs through it from north to south, with an enterprising
station point at the Town of Herman of which see history in this
chapter. One of the county's largest drainage ditches, the
Cameron, runs through Herman Township, taking about the same
course as the railway right-of-way does, between Herman and to a
point east of Blair.
Fletcher is an inland village in section 32.
The United States census gives Herman Township in 1890 as having
a population of 827; in 1900 it was placed at 996, and in 1910
it had fallen to 978, including the Village of Herman which at
that date was 345. There was not much settlement in this part of
the country until the building of the "Omaha" railway running
from Sioux City to Omaha, after which immigrants flocked in at a
lively rate.
Hudson, The Famous "Paper Town"
A "town" better advertised and more generally known in the
Eastern States than here in Washington County, was known as
"Hudson." It was supposed to be situated in the extreme
northeastern part of this county, on the Missouri River and just
on the Iowa side opposite was a town platted as "Melrose," both
of which were great early day schemes for taking money from lot
owners in the far off eastern country. Concerning this town of
Hudson, Bell in his Centennial history of this county has the
"There are a great many residents of Washington County who never
knew and probably would have gone down to the silent tomb
without the knowledge, but for this veracious chronicle of the
past, that in 1856 a very enterprising citizen of Connecticut,
one W; E. Walker, was the sole owner and proprietor of a town
site in a swamp in the extreme northeast corner of this county,
which he christened Hudson. More than this: he platted another
town site in a like eligible locality immediately opposite on
the Iowa side of the Missouri, called it Melrose, published
beautiful lithographs by the hundreds representing the two towns
with busy steamers plying between them and endeavoring to supply
transportation for enormous traffic constantly carried on
between the two towns. Armed with these, aided and abetted by a
tongue remarkable for the oily rapidity with which it could be
manipulated. Walker meandered up and down the Eastern states
engaged in lecturing and at the close of each lecture would sell
off lots in Hudson or Melrose at the rate of one dollar each
with astonishing rapidity. A plat of Hudson can be seen at the
county clerk's office and this plat shows that the town was
comprised of 8,720 lots, consisting of fifty blocks, 2,000 feet
long by 200 feet wide. The streets were from forty-five to sixty
feet wide and there was not an alley in the town. The sale of
lots in Hudson was so great for the first few years after its
location that the county clerks accumulated considerable wealth
by recording the deeds therefor at the rate of one dollar each.
The deeds were printed, the name of Walker being also printed so
when lots were sold all he had to do was to insert the name of
the purchaser and the number of lots purchased. The deeds poured
into the county clerk's office from all over the East and it is
estimated that Walker made at least $5,000. To this day (1876)
county officials are bothered with letters from eastern suckers
inquiring as to present prices in Hudson and the writer was
recently shown a batch of thirteen deeds which had been sent in
one envelope from Chicago to be recorded."
This "paper city" has long since been drained out and used for
farming purposes, such parts as have not been washed away by the
uncertain waters of the Missouri River.
Hamlet of Fletcher
Fletcher was platted in section 32 a number of years since and
now has a country store and a shop, but has never grown to much
importance, yet a useful hamlet for the community about it.
Village of Herman
Herman is situated in southeast quarter of section 30, township
20, range 11, east, within a half mile of the northern line of
Dodge County. It was platted in 1871, by the railroad officials
of the old Omaha & 'Northwestern Railroad Company, and is a
prominent station point on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &
Omaha division of the Northwestern railway system. In 1910 the
population according to the United States census reports was
328, but since then it has greatly increased, but the
present-year census reports have not as yet been made public,
hence cannot be quoted here.
The only clear and available village records begin with 1905 and
show the following to have served as chairmen and clerks of the
village to the present date:
1905-Chairman, Dr. A. J.
Cameron; clerk, F. Van Volin.
1908-Chairman, Ross Harper; clerk, F. Van Volin.
1909-Chairman, Dr. A. J. Cameron; clerk, O. H. Godsey.
1910-Chairman, Dr. A. J. Cameron: clerk, O. H. Godsey.
1910-11-Chairman, William Meadors: clerk, O. H. Godsey.
1911-Chairman, E. P. Hanson; clerk, R. G. Allen.
1912-Chairman, C. J. Kruse: clerk, R. G. Allen.
1913-Chairman, C. J. Kruse; clerk, R. G. Allen.
1913-14-Chairman, Wm. Shafersman: clerk, L. B. Hugelman.
1914-Chairman, Wm. Shafersman: clerk, L. B. Hugelman.
1915-Chairman, Wm. Shafersman; clerk, Henry Truhlsen.
1916-Chairman, Wm. Shafersman; clerk, Henry Truhlsen.
1917-Chairman, Henry Truhlsen; clerk, E. C. Burdic.
1918-Chairman, Henry Truhlsen; clerk, E. C. Burdic.
1919-Chairman, L. V. Ackerman; clerk, E. C. Burdic.
1920-Chairman, R. P. Rasmussen; clerk, E. C. Burdic. |
The 1920 village officers are as follows: Chairman, R. P.
Rasmussen; clerk, E. C. Burdic; with trustees, Messrs. Waldo,
Hancock, and C. E. Johnson.
The village first installed a system of water works in 1889,
just before the terrible cyclone swept through the village and
nearly wiped it from the face of the earth. The standpipe was
blown down and other material damage done by the storm. The
system is now excellent. The village has a block of ground
really a park-on which the pumping plant and fire department
buildings are situated. From the center of this high elevated
city park the steel water tower or standpipe stands, while
shaded trees ornament the grounds and the surroundings can be
made a place "beautiful."

Herman High School
1920 Business Interests
In the month of June, 1920, the commercial and professional
affairs in Herman was made up as follows:
Banking-Herman State Bank, Plateau State Bank.
Cement Contractor-R. P. Rasmussen.
Clothing-A. H. Smith.
Cream Buyers-David Cole Creamery Company, Fairmont
Company, Farmers Union Co-operative Company.
Drayage-O. L. Hilsinger.
Drugs-The Johnson Drug Company.
Elevators-Crowell Grain & Lumber Company, Holmquist
Grain &
Lumber Company, Latta Grain Company, Roberts & Rose,
Woods-Updike Grain Co.
Garages-Ed Olson, Louis Rasmussen, R. J. Schenck, West
General Merchandise-L. V. Ackerman, H. P. Dulaney
(Fletcher), Gray & Gossard, Nels Rasmussen (Spiker),
Mrs. E. A. Wachter.
Hardware-Truhlsen Brothers.
Hog Breeders-W. C. Cameron, H. O. Williamson.
Hotel-The West Hotel.
Implement Dealers-C. H. Blanchard, Hancock Implement
Jewelry-O. H. Godsey.
Lumber Dealers-Herzog Lumber Company.
Meat Market-J. B. Jensen.
Newspaper-The Herman Record
Oil Dealers-C. H. Blanchard, C. W. Ford, Hancock
Company, Standard Oil Company.
Physician-Dr. A. J. Cameron.
Pantatorium-Fern West, proprietor.
Plumbing-Frank J. Kastl.
Restaurant-L. E, Nelson.
Schools-Broderson School, Herman Schools, Hillcreek
School, New
England School.
Stock Buyers-Burdic Brothers.
Veterinary Surgeon-Dr. C. V. Weeces. |
The village is surrounded by a very fertile country and its
farmers are a thrifty, intelligent class of people, of many
nationalities, but generally speaking, are truly thoroughgoing
American citizens, who are good citizens and great home builders
and appreciate the country in which they reside.
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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