Washington County, Nebraska Newspapers
Newspapers of Blair
From what seems to be reliable sources it is believed that the
first newspaper in Blair was the Register, established in May,
1869, by Hilton & Son. January 1, 1870, L. F. Hilton, junior
member of the firm, became editor and proprietor, publishing the
paper until the following spring, having an actual circulation
of 1,200 paying subscribers in Washington, Burt and Douglas
counties. At this time the publication was suspended and the
material sold under foreclosure of mortgage.
The next paper established in Blair was the Republican, started
in June or July, 1870, as the Blair Times, by a stock company
consisting of W. H. B. Stout and other citizens of Blair. Its
first editor was J. C. Lillie. Gen. John .S. Bowen succeeded
Lillie as editor and edited a most excellent paper. After
numerous changes in proprietorship the property passed into the
hands of C. B. Sprague in August, 1880, he succeeding Vic Lantry
and others. Sprague changed the name from Times to Republican,
also changed it to a republican organ. In 1904 it was purchased
by Theo. T. Osterman and changed to a democratic paper and
called the Democrat; it was merged with the Courier in 1907, and
absorbed the Tribune in 1917 and the name "Democrat" dropped.
The Tribune was founded by W. R. Williams in 1907 and has been
in the hands of the present owner, Thomas T. Osterman, since
Then the Tribune derives its ancestry from the old Times,
established in 1870. Politically, it is democratic. Subscription
rate $2 in advance. It circulates mostly in Washington County;
is a six-column, eight to twenty-page all home print paper. It
is published every Thursday. The office from which it issues is
equipped with a linotype, drum cylinder press, folder, gordon
jobber, etc.
The building is owned by Thomas T. Osterman, and it is a frame
The Blair Pilot
It is believed generally by the newspaper craft of Washington
County that the first newspaper published in this county was the
one known as the Register, just prior to the Pilot of today. It
appears that what is now known as the Pilot was established at
Tekamah, Burt County, in 1871, by J. Y. Lambert, but it was
removed by him to Blair in 1874. In 1875 George Sutherland
purchased it and L. F. Hilton became its editor. In 1879 Mr.
Sutherland sold to B. F. Hilton, and son, L. F. Hilton. Finally
it became the property of the Pilot Printing Company, with L. A.
Williams as its editor. The present owner, Don C. Van Deusen,
purchased the paper July 1, 1907. This was at one time a
progressive republican journal, but at present does not
advertise its politics, but is supposedly "independent." The
Pilot circulates mostly in Washington County; is printed each
week on Wednesday and its subscription rate is $2 per year in
advance. It is well equipped as a modern printing office, with a
modern linotype, propelled by an electric motor; a Standard
Babcock six-column quarto cylinder press, purchased in the
summer of 1919. It also has a folding machine, two jobbers, a
paper cutter, a stapler, and everything found in offices in
places the size of Blair at this date. Mr. Van Deusen,
proprietor, owns the brick building in which his plant is kept;
it is a good brick structure.
The Washington Democrat-Defunct
This newspaper was established by Blue and Sampson, September
22, 1881, in Blair, but November 28, that year, it was moved to
Bell Creek (now Arlington), where after a five-month struggle it
ceased to exist. Politically, this was a democratic organ, but
in those times democrats were not very numerous in Washington
The Blair Enterprise
This newspaper was established at Kennard in 1896 by E. L.
Tiffany, of Kennard, who sold in 1913 to L. F. Hilton, of
Kennard, who moved into Blair in August, 1913. Politically, it
is an independent republican journal with a circulation in
Washington County, mostly. In form and size it is of the
eight-page six-column size. It is published each Thursday
(originally on Friday). Its yearly subscription rate is $1.50 in
This office is equipped with up-to-date machinery, including a
linotype, job presses, paper press, paper cutter, imposing
stones and proof press. Local news, of course is the main object
of newspapers in this sized towns and cities. This paper a few
years ago, published portions of Bell's History of Washington
County, written in 1876 and from its columns, containing such
historical items, the publishers of this later history are
greatly indebted.
The Blair Courier
The Courier was established at Blair the summer of 1889, Vol. 1,
No. 18 bears date November 2 of that year. It was established by
the Blair Publishing Company with W. H. Eller, associate editor,
S. L. Hamilton, secretary and B. C. Maynard, manager. It was a
six-column folio, and politically, it was democratic. It was a
well-edited paper and had an excellent circulation. It was
merged in 1907 with the Democrat.
The Kennard Weekly News
This enterprising local newspaper was established at the Village
of Kennard, June 14, 1916, and is an independent local journal
with no special political trend. The paper was started by its
present owner and editor. Otto F. Olsen. It is an eight-page,
six-column paper and circulates within a radius of about six
miles of Kennard. Its subscription rate is $1.50 per year in
advance. Its publication day is Wednesday of each week.
The equipment of the News office consists of modern appliances
including one 10 by 15 Chandler & Price jobber; one Diamond
cylinder news press and one 13-horsepower Mogul kerosine engine,
with such other fixtures as make up a modern printing office.
The News aims to give the local happenings within the radius of
its circulation and to have the same in readable shape such as
will be interesting and instructive to the subscribers.
The Herman Record
The Herman Record was established October 14, 1908, and among
its publishers and owners have been: F. L. Fassett, Paul E.
Hubbell, and present owner, H. L. Swan.
It is non-political; circulates in Washington County mostly; is
an eight-page, six-column paper with six pages home print. It is
published every Thursday at $1.50 per year in advance.
This newspaper is published in Rooms 1, 2 and 3 in Plateau Bank
Building. Its outfit includes a good cylinder press, two jobbers
and a modern linotype.
The Record is a well-edited and neatly printed paper and is duly
appreciated by the large list of well satisfied patrons who find
all the news of the community each week.
Danish Lutheran Publishing House Papers
The Danish Lutheran Publishing House at Blair publish and print
the following publications that go broadcast all over the United
States and Canada:
Danish Lutheran Kirkeblad is now 50 years old-published in Blair
for 30 years.
The Danskeren (a newspaper) was published in Wisconsin until
1899 since which it has been published in Blair, Nebraska. Since
1903 its editor has been Rev. A. M. Andersen. Subscription rate
is $2 a year. Our Lutheran Youth, (for young people) a
semi-monthly is now 15 years old.
Bornebladet is now in its thirty-first year of publication. This
is a Danish Sunday school paper.
The Little Lutheran, (a Sunday School in English) in its eighth
year of publication.
Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Blair, Nebraska, are the only two points
in America where church papers are published by the Danish
Lutheran Church. Their mailing list is immense, their postage
bills are more than $800 per year, all told.
Washington County's First Newspapers
The first newspaper published in Washington County, Nebraska,
was the De Soto Bugle, established in 1856 at the little pioneer
Village of De Soto, by Hon. Isaac Parrish, who in a speech over
in Harrison County in 1859 declared that there would be
railroads over the Rocky Mountains to the far off Pacific Coast
within a score of years. The people called him "daffy," but it
was only half that length of time before the Union Pacific
Railroad was completed.
The next newspaper started in this county was the De Soto Pilot,
established in 1857 by Merrick and Maguire; the third paper was
the Washington County Sun, established in 1858 by Potter C.
Sullivan, and the fourth paper was the De Soto Enquirer,
established in 1858 by Z. Jackson. No other attempt at starting
a newspaper in this county was made until 1869, when the
Register was established at Blair, by B. F. Hilton and son. In
1870 the publication of the Blair Times was undertaken by a
company made up of a number of citizens of the county, as will
be seen by reference to the history of that paper elsewhere in
this chapter.
The Nebraska Pioneer, a weekly newspaper was started under the
management of a Mr. Dimmick, at Cuming City in 1857, and soon
was numbered among the dead enterprises of the young "city."
The Cuming City Star flashed out and made the second newspaper
attempt in Cuming City, the date of its issue being 1858. It was
a good weekly paper edited by L. M. Kline. This paper remained
as long as there were any hopes for the town's future greatness.
The Calhoun Chronicle
Fort Calhoun's present local newspaper is the Chronicle,
established about 1914 and is now conducted by its owner, Frank
C. Adams. It is a six-column folio sheet, published each
Thursday at a subscription rate of $1.50 in advance. Further
data concerning this publication was not furnished the
Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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