Grant, Sheridan and Lincoln Precincts, Washington County, Nebraska
When Local Historian Bell wrote his Centennial History of
Washington County in 1876, he mentioned the then quite new
townships of Grant, Sheridan and Lincoln in language as follows:
"The above named precincts are of comparatively recent
settlement; but wonderful changes have been wrought within the
past half dozen years.
"Grant precinct is in the northern part of the county, west of
Herman. Among its first settlers were:
L. P. Thone
Martin Peterson
Gilbert Thone
William Raver
L. D. Cameron
Foxwell Fletcher
Edward Fletcher
S. C. Rose
Perry Selden |
Frank Whizinand
Mr. Crane
Josiah Pace
Alfred Van Valin
Samuel Spiker
Thomas Wilson
M. A. Preston
Daniel Geary |
Nearly all of the men have splendid farms, and are more or less
engaged in stock raising. This part of the county is well
watered by New York Creek and its tributaries, along which are
fertile, beautiful valleys especially adapted to grazing, the
grass growing rich and luxuriant."
Organization, Population, Etc
Grant Township was organized after the Civil war and named for
that illustrious commander and President, U. S. Grant. It had a
population in 1890 of 926; in 1900 it was placed at only 886,
and the United States census returns in 1910 gives it at only
775. The writer is at a loss to account for so great a decrease
in population, but such seems to have been the fact. Possibly a
change in boundary lines may account for a part of the loss in
population. The 1920 enumeration has not yet been made public.
Sheridan Township is situated in the extreme northwestern corner
of Washington County. It is bounded on the north by Burt County,
on the east by Herman Township, on the south by Fontanelle
Township and on the west by Dodge County. It contains thirty
sections of land. Within its borders and in section 33 is
situated the little Hamlet of Admah. There is no railway in this
township. It is chiefly given over to extensive farming and
stock raising. There are no large streams but a large number of
small water courses break up the otherwise monotonous appearance
of the territory.
The population of the township in 1890 was 649; in 1900 it was
575, and in 1910 placed at 546. The 1920 census returns have not
yet been made public.
Its Settlement and History
Sheridan had for its original settlers people who stopped along
the banks of Clark Creek in 1856-57, at a date when this part of
the county was yet counted as a part of Dodge County. The
interior and eastern parts of this township were not settled
until many years later. Among the Clark and Logan Creek settlers
may now be recalled such men as Chris Leiser, Charles and Fred
Eisley, Uriah Thomas, Harvey J. Robinson, who built the first
grist mill at the fine water power later owned by A. C. Briggs &
Son, John and Silas Seeley, Samuel Williams, Tom and Sam Parks,
Sullivan Gaylord, J. B. Robinson, John and Dick Shur (who was
accidentally killed by Tom Parks during the Indian scare of
1859), John Clayton and his father-in-law, Mrs. Clark, Chris
Hinneman and Mr. McBroom.
Once there was a post office in this township called Lewisburg,
on Clark Creek, but it was sacked by the Pawnees in June, 1859,
and discontinued soon thereafter.
Between 1866 and 1876 the following located in this township: W.
A. Johnson, Phillip Gossard, David Clark and son, Hiram G.
Clark, Archie Bovee, W. O. Hatch, Robert Adams, John Adams,
Anson Hewitt, C. B. Sprague, Robert Schenk, J. M. Jackson,
Joseph Cook, Henry E. Meservey, L. L. Arnold, Matthew Maloney
and Thomas Dunn.
Admah Hamlet
In the northwest corner of Washington County, in section 33,
township 20, range 9, east, is the Hamlet of Admah (named for a
Bible name). The earliest settler there was G. Pegau, who was
appointed first postmaster there also. A general store and a
shop or two, a physician, a Presbyterian Church and a Lutheran
Church, with possibly a hundred souls constituted all the
interests the place ever had in its best days. Lincoln Precinct
(as formerly called but now township) is situated almost in the
central portion of Washington County, with Grant Township at its
north, Blair Township at the east, Arlington Township on the
south and Fontanelle on the west. It contains thirty-six
sections. It is without a railroad or town, except the Hamlet of
Oram in section 19, where there has been for years a country
store and a shop or two for the accommodation of farmers.
There are no large streams, but numerous small watercourses of
value in watering and draining the domain within its borders.
The largest stream is Little Bell Creek in the western part of
the territory.
In 1890 the population, according to the Federal census reports,
was 856; in 1900 it was 850, and in 1910 had decreased to 791.
The department at Washington has not made the 1920 enumeration
figures public as yet for the subdivisions in Washington County,
hence they are not here added.
This township was organized about 1866. The first attempt at
claiming land within this part of Washington County was in 1856,
by Pomeroy Searle on a portion of the farm later owned by E. S.
Gaylord, who was state's representative in 1876 from Washington
County. Bell's Washington County History, published in 1876,
gives the best account extant of the first settlement in this
In 1857 Searle broke out about twenty acres and set out both
fruit and forest trees. In 1858 he went to California and the
first permanent improvement was made in the township in 1868. In
that year there were only two families living on the route from
Cuming City to Fontanelle, viz.: A. Sutherland and Benjamin
Taylor. F. Curtis had his cabin up but it was unoccupied. On the
north to the line of Burt County there were only four settlers.
There were a few settlements on the southern border of the
In 1857 John Mattes pre-empted the land later owned by William
Hilgenkamp and the next year a Mr. Coyle settled on the
adjoining place north, subsequently owned by William's father.
With the exception of Mr. Parker, who settled on land later
owned by Herman Stork, there were no new settlements made in the
township until about 1862.
James R. Tharp bought the land he later owned among the early
purchasers but went, it is believed, to California and then to
China, returning to his old home in New York in time to enlist
and go through the Civil war, after which he returned and
located on his place in this township in 1868. In 1865 or 1866
the influx of homesteaders commenced and settlements were
effected by George Morley, Frank Curtis and John A. Young and
sons, followed soon after by H. N. Mattison, his son George, Mr.
Ostrander, Soren Jensen, Henry Hilgenkamp and others, who
secured good farms and made valuable improvements in this
In 1857 William R. Hamilton, county commissioner for six years
prior to 1876, and W. M. Saint settled on the west side of Bell
Creek. In the autumn of the same year a party of nine Indians
made a raid on Saint's cabin, he being absent at the time,
robbed it of all the provisions, cut open a feather bed, gave
its contents to the winds and replaced the same with the stolen
property secured upon a pony and then mounting, raised a whoop
and charged upon Mr. Hamilton and his brother-in-law, who were
building a sod stable at his place and who stood upon the
defensive, arms in hand. After circling around them a while in a
menacing manner, and finding they "didn't scare worth a cent"
the redskins came to a parley and wanted something to eat. Upon
being refused they made a break for the house but were beaten in
the race by Mr. Hamilton, who finally drove them off. On the
following day Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Saint went to the Indian camp
on the west side of the Elkhorn River to try to recover the
stolen property but failed. The spring of 1858 opened with
scarcity of provisions among the pioneers and Mr. Hamilton with
a team of three yoke of oxen started in search of supplies and
in the course of his travels found himself at Magnolia, Harrison
County, Iowa, having crossed the Missouri River "on the ice.
After obtaining the needed supplies and starting for home he was
told that the crossing was unsafe, but there was no alternative.
The family at home was in need and the stream must be crossed at
all hazards, so locking the wheels of his wagon he drove down
the bank upon the ice. While trying to undo the lock the ice
sank about eighteen inches: he not wishing to travel in that
direction whipped up his team and came over in safety.
Nebraska AHGP
History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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