Biographical and Genealogical History of Southeastern Nebraska

These 457 biographies were published in the two volume set by Lewis Publishing Company called “A Biographical and Genealogical History of Southeastern Nebraska.

This compilation, titled “A Biographical and Genealogical History of Southeastern Nebraska,” presents 457 biographies of individuals who have significantly contributed to the region’s development. Published in a two-volume set by the Lewis Publishing Company, the work aims to provide a reliable historical account through the lens of personal achievements and contributions.

Thomas Carlyle once remarked, “History is the essence of innumerable biographies,” a sentiment that underscores the importance of documenting individual lives to understand broader historical contexts. Southeastern Nebraska has been home to many individuals who have played vital roles in public affairs and industrial enterprises over the past fifty years. These biographies highlight the qualities that contribute to the greatness of individuals and, by extension, the nation.

The success of any community relies on the character and achievements of its people. This biographical history aims to illustrate the intrinsic qualities that lead to personal and collective accomplishments. By examining the lives of prominent figures in Southeastern Nebraska, readers can gain insights into the forces that have shaped both individual destinies and the broader historical narrative of the region.

The editorial team and publishers selected and documented the lives of those who were pivotal in the area’s public, social, and industrial spheres. While some notable individuals were omitted due to various challenges in obtaining complete data, the biographies included strive for accuracy and comprehensiveness. This collection stands as a valuable resource, offering a detailed and trustworthy portrayal of the people who have left an indelible mark on Southeastern Nebraska.

This is a work in progress. We have placed online the first 75 biographies of the 457 total.

Table of Contents



  • Caleb M. Bacon
  • Benjamin H. Bailey
  • Luther S. Baker
  • William H. Baker
  • Andrew D. Barclay
  • C. D. Barnes
  • Casner Barnes
  • John W Barnhart
  • J. A. Beeler
  • G. T. Belding
  • Alexander Bell
  • James T. Bell
  • Robert D. Bennett
  • James M. Biirress
  • Edwin J. Bill
  • Henry Binger
  • Toliver P Black
  • John F. Blandin
  • Clayton E. Blessing
  • Alanson M. Borst
  • Henry T. Bower
  • Edward M. Boyd
  • Robert C. Boyd
  • William Brandow
  • John H. Brandt
  • Henry C. Bridges
  • Harvey A. Brown
  • J. P. Brown
  • Jefferson D. Brown
  • M. M. Brown
  • Walter D. Bush
  • Chatfield H. Butler


  • Samuel L. Caldwell
  • Lewis Caley
  • Harvey J. Callen
  • Jesse B. Callison
  • Chester R. Camp
  • Peter Carey
  • John Carmichael
  • Frank A. Carmony
  • John W. Carmony
  • Jonathan Carpenter
  • Preston W. Carr
  • Bernard L. Castor
  • Shadrach M. Chaffin
  • William R. Chaney
  • Lumon Chase
  • Carlton K. Chubbuck
  • Robert A. Clapp
  • Mrs. Mary E. Clark
  • William A. Clark
  • William L. Clark
  • John H. Coatney
  • Sanford D. Cole
  • Andrew G. Collins
  • Allen Colman
  • Daniel Confer
  • Monroe T. Conner
  • Thomas Copeland
  • John F. Cornell
  • Robert Coulter
  • James Cowel
  • S. J. Cowperthwait
  • E. M. Cramb
  • William H. Crane
  • Joseph M. Cravens
  • Charles Creuz
  • Robert Crinklaw
  • Jesse Crook
  • Morton O. Croop
  • George Crow
  • Jackson Cussins
  • James Cussins




  • Truman E. Fairall
  • C. P. Fall
  • George H. Fallstead
  • Peter W. Feather
  • Joseph Forney
  • Charles L. Fowler
  • David Frankforter
  • Noah Frankforter
  • John Frederick
  • Oliver Freel
  • John H. Friday
  • John I. Frieze
  • L. R. Fritz
  • Isaac M. Fry
  • Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller
  • Wesley M. Fulton
  • Robert W. Furnas



  • Charles R. Hacker
  • John C. Haddan
  • Gaddis P. Hageman
  • George T. Haggard
  • Frederick J. Hahn
  • Mrs. Catherine Hahn
  • James Hamersham
  • Charles Harden
  • Henry Harmon
  • G. A. Harris
  • Fred. S. Hassler
  • George H. Hastings
  • William H. Hawley
  • Ashbel P. Hazard
  • W. L. Heilman
  • Henry W. Helvey
  • Hiram P. Helvey
  • Jasper Helvey
  • Claude P. Hensel
  • H. M. Hepperlen
  • John W. Heskett
  • Thomas E. Hibbert
  • Isaac N. Hickman
  • Arthur E. Hildebrand
  • Milton Hileman
  • Noah Hockman
  • Stephen F. Holbrook
  • William Holroyd
  • John F. Holtgrewe
  • Harry G. Hoover
  • Mrs. Harriet Hoover
  • Joseph M. Horney
  • James W. Hosford
  • John Hossack
  • James Houck
  • Harry Houseman
  • Seymour Howe
  • Elisha Huffman
  • Amos T. D. Hughes
  • Wesley G. Hummel
  • Thomas W. Humphreys
  • M. C. Hurlburt
  • Charles B. Hurst
  • Osvvin S. Hutchinson
  • Isaac Huyck


  • Swen A. Isaac


  • William Jacobs
  • P. H. James
  • J. O. Jeffrey
  • Joseph Jr. Jelinek
  • Philip Jenkins
  • James Johnson
  • Porter C. Johnson
  • William J. Johnston
  • Benjamin F. Jones
  • Joel T. Jones
  • William W. Jones
  • John D. Jump




  • Thomas J. Majors
  • Abram F. Manley
  • Jeremiah Marlatt
  • Frank L. Marrs
  • Thomas C. Marshall
  • Everard Martin
  • T. E. Massey
  • Joseph D. Masters
  • Daniel Mather
  • Elias A. Maust
  • Edward J. Maxwell
  • Jackson Maxwell
  • Mrs. Ann Maxwell
  • Robert T. McAdams
  • Daniel L. McBride
  • A. D. McCandlass
  • Edward M. McComas
  • Mortimer M. McComas
  • Joseph B. McDowell
  • Robert McElhose
  • James A. McGuire
  • William H. McIninch
  • J. W. McKibben
  • Alfred McKinney
  • Adam McMullen
  • A. B. McNickle
  • Frank L. McNown
  • Giles H. Mead
  • Cyrus C. Meader
  • Michael Meliza
  • Henry S. Meyers
  • Appollas H. Millar
  • Franklin Miller
  • John Miller
  • Theodore H. Miller
  • Andrew Moffitt
  • James S. Moles
  • Jacob W. Moore
  • Thomas Moore
  • Lewis H. Morris
  • Ebenezer Moses
  • Mrs. Catharine Muff
  • Robert V. Muir
  • Albert B. Mutz
  • Austin C. Mutz


  • Ross W. Nelson
  • John Nider
  • Louis J. Nutzman
  • C. F. Nye



  • James W. Pace
  • Alfred Page
  • John Palmer
  • Phillip Palmer
  • Fred Parker
  • Robert B. Parks
  • William C. Parriott
  • Valentine P. Peabody
  • Judson Percival
  • David P. Perry
  • James K. Perry
  • Samuel Pettit
  • W. H. Phillips
  • William Pickrell
  • Reuben S. Pittenger
  • Joseph K. Pittman
  • George M. Place
  • Thomas B. Poe
  • John H. Pohlman
  • James N. Porterfield
  • Francis L. Prouty
  • George W. Pyle



  • William W. Sanders
  • Hiram Schoonover
  • Henry A. Scott
  • Robert T. Scott
  • Daniel A. Shade
  • Michael Shafer
  • Greenville G. Shannon
  • James I. Shaw
  • Alexander Shepherd
  • Daniel Shepstall
  • George W. Shepstall
  • Nathaniel I. Shepstall
  • David A. Sherwood
  • John H. Shook
  • Benjamin F. Showalter
  • Henry W. Shubert
  • John D. Shubert
  • H. W. Shufeldt
  • Benjamin T. Skeen
  • Thomas B. Skeen
  • John B. Skinner
  • W. T. Sloan
  • Samuel E. Slocum
  • Albert F. Smith
  • George Y. Smith
  • Mrs. Eliza C. Smith
  • William Smith
  • William W. Smith
  • Anthony W. Snyder
  • Edward W. Snyder
  • James A. Snyder
  • John F. Spirk
  • Marcus Stainbrook
  • W. B. Stainbrook
  • Joseph W. Starr
  • Peter D. Starr
  • James A. Stephenson
  • Charles F. Stewart
  • Washington Stewart
  • Thomas J. Stockman
  • William H. Stowell
  • Michael Sullivan
  • Jasper M. Sykes


  • J. S. Taylor
  • William M. Taylor
  • Joseph Teale
  • Levi Thacker
  • Isaac N. Thompson
  • John L. Tidball
  • Samuel Tigard
  • John M. Tout
  • Reuben J Towne
  • Julius Tramblie
  • Thaddeus Trimmer
  • Edward J. Tucker
  • Robert T. Turner
  • Simon Twedell
  • William Tynon


  • David Upton


  • George C. Vance
  • Morgan H. VanDeventer
  • Dudley Van Valkenburg
  • Samuel D. Vertrees
  • William Viette
  • Wencil Vilda
  • John Vollbehr


  • Louis Waldter
  • Benjamin Walker
  • W. H. Walker
  • George E. Ward
  • H. L. Ward
  • John A. Ward
  • Henrick L. Watson
  • William Watson
  • Henry C. Welch
  • Horace M. Wells
  • John B. Welsh
  • Charles M. Welton
  • Ferdinand Wendorff
  • William Weston
  • H. J. Wetmore
  • Charles A. Wey
  • Theodore M. Wheeler
  • Brothers Whitaker
  • William White
  • Needham B. Whitfield
  • Peter Whitlow
  • William L. Whitney
  • David Wilkie
  • James A. Williams
  • Winfield S. Willoughby
  • Joseph D. Wilson
  • W. P. Wilson
  • Walter H. Wilson
  • F. W. Winter
  • John Wirick
  • Lewis P. Wirth
  • John H. Woodman
  • W. W. Wright


  • Abraham Zook

Source: Lewis Publishing Company, A Biographical and Genealogical History of Southeastern Nebraska, 2 volumes, Lewis Publishing Company, 1904.

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