Biography of August B. Becker

August B. Becker (b. 1852), a prominent landowner and farmer in Arago Precinct, Richardson County, Nebraska, was born in Baden, Germany. He emigrated to the United States in 1876, eventually settling in Richardson County. Becker initially worked as a farmhand before purchasing his own land in 1884. Over the years, he expanded his holdings to more than 300 acres, becoming known for his well-kept farm and successful Shorthorn cattle breeding. In 1879, he married Lydia Sholl, and they had thirteen children. The Becker family were active members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, contributing to their community’s social and civic life.

August B. Becker, one of Arago precinct’s substantial landowners and one of the most progressive farmers of Richardson county, owner of more than three hundred acres in his home precinct and the proprietor of one of the best-kept farms in the eastern part of the county, his home being a bit over nine miles northeast of Falls City, is of European birth, but has been a resi­dent of this country and of Nebraska since the days of his young manhood, and has done well in his operations since his arrival here back in 1876, in what was regarded even then as pioneer days. He was born in the grand duchy of Baden on February 27, 1852, son of William and Elizabeth (Redel) Becker, also natives of Baden, the former born in 1819 and the latter in 1822, who came to this country in 1878, their elder children having preceded them here, and settled on a farm in the precinct of Arago, this county, where they spent the remainder of their lives, the former dying in 1892 and the latter in 1895. William Becker was a knifesmith in his native land, but after coming here became a substantial farmer. He and his wife were the parents of seven children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the second in order of birth, the others being as follow: Prof. William Becker, teacher of German in Eden College at St. Louis, Missouri; Herman Becker, a farmer in the vicinity of Verdon, this county; Mrs. Mary Reschke, of the precinct of Arago; Mrs. Lydia Reschke, of the precinct of Jefferson; Charles, who is still living in his native land, and Mrs. Anna Schroedel, of Washington county, Illinois.

Reared in his native Baden, August B. Becker received his schooling there and there learned the trade of knifesmith, becoming a skilled and efficient cutler. He remained in his native land until he was twenty-four years of age, when, in 1876, he came to this country, coming over on the sailing vessel “Moss,” which was only two weeks in making the voyage. His objective point was Nebraska, he having been in previous correspondence with others from Baden who had settled in Richardson County, and when he arrived in this county his slender supply of cash had been reduced to twenty-five dollars. For a time after his arrival here Mr. Becker worked as a farm hand and then rented a farm in Arago precinct and was engaged in farming during the period of the grasshopper scourge on the plains, a not very encouraging experience to a newcomer. He bought his present home farm in 1884 and after his marriage in the spring of 1879 he established his home on the farm and has ever since been engaged in farming and stock raising, long having been regarded as one of the leading farmers and stockmen in that part of the county. Mr. Becker now owns a very well-improved farm of one hundred and ninety-five acres in section 16 of the precinct of Arago and is also the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres in section 25 of that precinct. He has a fine house and an excellent farm plant, situated about the center of his home place, and he and his family are very pleasantly and very comfortably situated there. The Lutheran church and cemetery are located on his farm. Mr. Becker is a practical farmer and an extensive breeder of Shorthorn cattle and has done very well in his operations. He has taken an interested part in the general civic affairs of his home community ever since acquiring citizenship here and for some time served as a member of the local school board. He and his family are members of the Evangelical Lutheran church and take a proper part in church work, as well as in other neighborhood good works and in the general social activities of their home community.

On April 17, 1879, August B. Becker was united in marriage to Lydia Sholl, who was born in New York on December 21, 1860, daughter of Philip and Lizzie (Kolsch) Sholl, natives of Germany, who came to this country in 1847 and to Richardson County about 1862, becoming substantial pioneers of this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Becker thirteen children have been born, namely: Philip, who is the owner of an eighty-acre farm in section 32 of Arago precinct; August, also a farmer in that same precinct; Henry, who is now a resident of the state of California; Ludwick, of Arago precinct; Lydia, who is at home; Ida, now living in Illinois; William, of Kansas City, Missouri, and Anna Christina, Otto, Albert and John, at home, and Bernard, deceased.


Edwards, Lewis C., History of Richardson County, Nebraska : Its People, Industries and Institutions, Indianapolis : B.F. Bowen, 1917.

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