Nebraska Genealogy

Nebraska Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Nebraska ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Nebraska history.


Pioneers of Fillmore and Adjoining Counties
In 1915, G. R. McKeith compiled a series of narratives entitled “Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and Adjoining Counties,” published by the Press of Fillmore County News in Exeter, Nebraska. This collection serves as a historical account, documenting the experiences and contributions of the early settlers who established the foundations of the local communities. While the book’s format and occasional errors reflect its humble beginnings, its content holds intrinsic value. The stories of these pioneers provide pleasure to the current generation and serve as a factual foundation for future historical research. The accounts included herein are not merely tales but are the documented realities of those who braved the unknown to build the communities we inhabit today.

Families of Merrick County
This is a compilation of family sketches submitted as part of the History of Merrick County, Nebraska, vol. 1.

Biographies of Richardson County
We have begun publishing the biographies that were compiled and published in the 1917 version of the History of Richardson County, Nebraska by Lewis C. Edwards.

Nebraska Obituaries by County

Compendium of History Reminiscence and Biography of Nebraska
Work in progress, many early Nebraska names.

New Nebraska Genealogy

Biography of Peter Carey of Peru

Peter Carey, born January 12, 1838, in Pike County, Illinois, was one of the oldest and best-known residents of Peru, Nebraska. He had been a familiar figure in the town for thirty-five years, known for his work as the pioneer drayman and as a dedicated mail carrier. A Civil War veteran, Carey served with distinction in the 2nd Illinois Cavalry. After the war, he moved to Peru in 1869 and became deeply involved in the community, serving on the town board and as city marshal. Married to Susan Debuque in 1888, Carey was also an adoptive father to Ezra Peter…
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Biography of William H. McIninch of Auburn

William H. McIninch, born March 20, 1836, in Tuscarora County, Ohio, was a retired farmer in Auburn, Nebraska, known for his significant contributions to the development of Nemaha County. Starting with no capital, he became a successful landowner, generously distributing land to his children and contributing to local education and religion. McIninch served in the Civil War with the 2nd Kansas Cavalry and endured nine months as a prisoner of war. He married Catherine L. Dunkle in 1859, and they had ten children. A Prohibitionist and Cumberland Presbyterian elder, McIninch was a respected community figure, known for his integrity and…
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Biography of William H. Stowell of Auburn

William H. Stowell, born May 3, 1855, in Leroy, New York, was the editor and proprietor of the *Auburn Post* in Auburn, Nebraska. His father, Luther K. Stowell, hailed from Cazenovia, New York, and the Stowell family has colonial roots in the United States, originally from England. William began his career as a school teacher before transitioning to journalism, publishing the *Vedette* in Verdon, Nebraska, and later the *Auburn Post*. He married Carrie D. Robertson in 1883, and they had two children. A Republican and active community member, Stowell was involved in local publications and organizations, including the Presbyterian church…
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Biography of J. Louis Engel of Bedford

J. Louis Engel, born August 24, 1829, in Germany, was a leading agriculturist in Bedford precinct, Nemaha County, Nebraska. He settled there over thirty years ago, transforming a raw, treeless tract into a productive farmstead. Engel emigrated to the U.S. in 1859, initially residing in Illinois before moving to Nebraska in 1872. He married Catherine Seachrist in Germany in 1856. Despite early financial losses, Engel prospered through hard work and dedication. A Republican, he served as constable for ten years and was a valued Lutheran community member. Engel’s efforts significantly contributed to the development of southeastern Nebraska.
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Biography of William R. Chaney of Adams

William R. Chaney, born October 24, 1840, in Greene County, Illinois, was a well-known citizen of Adams, Gage County, Nebraska. An Irish descendant, his parents, James and Sarah Chaney, were pioneers in Greene County. William was raised in Mason County, Illinois, and enlisted in the Civil War in 1864, serving in the 133rd Illinois Infantry. He moved to Gage County, Nebraska, in 1880, becoming a prosperous resident. Chaney married Pamelia Finley in 1864, and they shared a life for forty years. A Democrat, he was active in the G.A.R., the Baptist church, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
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Biography of Myron G. Randall of Bedford

Myron G. Randall, a retired farmer, residing on his one hundred and sixty acres in Bedford precinct, with post office at Howe, has lived in Nemaha County over forty years, ever since he was a boy of ten years. He has been an enterprising and successful agriculturist, owning at present one of the best farms in the vicinity, and in affairs of citizenship has gained the reputation of being a reliable and substantial man, who may be depended upon for public-spirited co-operation in what pertains to advancement and progress.When Mr. Randall was three years old and was on a visit…
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Nebraska County AHGP Websites

Nebraska Genealogy is the host for the Nebraska American History and Genealogy Project (AHGP). Please take a few minutes and check out the counties available on those pages.

We also host Adams and Clay County websites for AHGP. If you have a Nebraska County page and need a host, please use our submit form!

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