Boone County, Nebraska Genealogy

1885 Map of Boone County Nebraska
1885 Map of Boone County Nebraska

Boone County Nebraska Genealogy is part of the Nebraska History and Genealogy Project. Our names are Judy White and Dennis Partridge and we are the county coordinators. If you have information about this county you would like to place online, then please contact us using the contact form on this website. The American History & Genealogy Project (AHGP) is a group of like-minded individuals committed to providing free access to American genealogical and historical information online. Organized by locations, volunteers host states, counties, and sometimes town or city websites specializing in their areas of interest. Come join us today!

Boone County is in the fifth tier west of the Missouri and the third north of the Platte. Its boundaries, as defined by statute, are as follows: “Commencing at the southwest corner of Township 18 north, of Range 8 west; thence east along the northern boundary of the Pawnee Reservation to a point where the dividing line between Ranges 4 and 5 intersects the same; thence north to the northeast corner of Township 22 north, of Range 5 west; thence west to the northwest corner of Township 22 north, of Range 8 west, thence south to place of beginning.”

The population, which the census of 1880 gave at 4,595, and which is now probably 5,400, is composed largely of settlers who have come from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the Northern States further east. Only a small per cent is foreign. Thrift, sobriety and intelligence are characteristics of the people, and schools, churches and the other attendants of civilization have followed rapidly in the wake of business prosperity. Cheap lands, good neighbors and quick returns are the advantages which Boone County offers to those seeking homes.

4 thoughts on “Boone County, Nebraska Genealogy”

  1. I am putting together a short history of my husband’s grandmother Florence Ella Renken, who lived in Albion in the early 1900s. I would love to add the picture of “Fourth Street, Albion, Neb” to her story. Can I get permission to copy and include it?

  2. I’m researching the John August & Gustava Louisa Carlson family. Gustina was the aunt of my gr-grandfather Charles A. Johnson. I have information to share on the Carlsons from where they lived in Sweden. I’m seeking their obituaries. They farmed 160 acres in section 10 of Shell Creek Township, Boone County. Gustava Lovisa Samuelsdotter Carlson died 26 Jan 1904, John August Carlson died 11 Jan 1915
    They are buried in the Rosehill Cemetery, Newman Grove, Madison County, Nebraska
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you, Teresa Truan-Smith

  3. Researching the family of David Craig Parrott (1846 – 1927) and Thomas Monroe Harris, who came from Wisconsin to settle in Boone County, Nebraska in June of 1872.

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