Antelope County, Nebraska Genealogy

Antelope County, Nebraska Genealogy

Antelope County Nebraska Genealogy is part of the Nebraska History and Genealogy Project. Our names are Judy White and Dennis Partridge and we are the county coordinators. If you have information about this county you would like to place online, then please contact us using the contact form on this website. The American History & Genealogy Project (AHGP) is a group of like-minded individuals committed to providing free access to American genealogical and historical information online. Organized by locations, volunteers host states, counties, and sometimes town or city websites specializing in their areas of interest. Come join us today!

Antelope County is situated in the northeastern part of the State, in the fifth tier of counties from the eastern border of the State and in the second from the northern. It is bounded on the north by Knox County, on the east by Pierce and Madison, on the south by Boone and on the west by Wheeler and Holt Counties. It is twenty-four miles from east to west and thirty-six from north to south, containing twenty-four townships, 864 square miles, or 552,960 acres of land. The 42d parallel of latitude very nearly coincides with the northern line of its southern tier of townships.

The county is composed of valley and upland, the Elkhorn Valley traversing it in a northwesterly and southwesterly direction and comprising the larger portion of the county. South of this valley is a range of hills, embracing most of the land in the southern tier of townships, and to the north of it is another range of hills, constituting the divide between this valley and those of the Verdigris and Bazile Creeks. These two ranges of hills vary in height from slight elevations to about 150 feet above the bottomlands of the Elkhorn Valley.

The valley of the Elkhorn itself is composed of “first” and “second” bottomlands. The first bottoms are small irregular tracts, contiguous to the riverbanks, and, in times of high water, subject to overflow. The second bottoms extend back from these to the foot of the hills on either side, at a distance varying from one to three miles, and at an average elevation of about twenty feet.

The uplands are themselves broken up by transverse ranges of hills and valleys, running nearly north and south, and drained by small creeks flowing for the most part into the Elkhorn. As a general thing these hill ranges are gently undulating and easy of ascent, but occasionally they are too steep and rough to admit of cultivation.

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