Dale and I were married on February 11, 1949, at Pierce Chapel Church northwest of Clarks. Dale is the son of Ruth (deceased) and Raymond Beck now living at Central City. My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kaminsky (both deceased).
Our first home was Dale’s childhood home three miles west of Clarks near District #25 schoolhouse. While living there, our First child, Gay Marie, was born February 25, 1950.
When our second child, David Allen, was born January 13, 1952, we were living northeast of Clarks in my childhood home on the farm purchased from my parents. We later sold this farm.
On December 7, 1954, our twins, Joan Kay and Joe Ray arrived while we were temporarily living back in our first home. After building a home on property purchased near Havens (former town about 5 miles east of Clarks) we moved there in the spring of 1955. Our youngest child, Pat Elaine, was born September 19, 1956.
Our church was the Clarks Methodist Church, where our children were baptized and which we attended.
Our oldest daughter was privileged to attend country school at District #6 1 , less than a mile from home, until consolidation with Clarks where all our children attended.
Our family has a close relationship with our relatives so grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins play an important role in our lives and those of our children.
Horses became the main hobby of our family, with the children riding while very young. We had some trustworthy ponies to ride and pull carts. Soon, however, everyone rode horses and before long several of the children helped their dad break colts. It was not unusual on a Sunday afternoon for the seven of us to ride horses to Clarks and back. We rode nearly every day.
For a number of years, we enjoyed frequent get-togethers with the following Clarks families for picnics and horseback riding: John Kohl, James Booth, Roger Beck, and Ira Reisener.
In 1963, we sold the place near Havens and lived about a year on a farm on the west edge of Clarks where the Deryel Beck family lives now. In 1964, we purchased a two-section ranch (known as the Green ranch) located about halfway between Silver Creek and Genoa on Highway 39. We named our place the Bar Lazy D Ranch, and the family picture accompanying this story was taken here in 1965.
Our children attended and graduated from the Silver Creek School. We attend the Silver Creek United Methodist Church, where the children and I are active members, and I have enjoyed working in Bible School; Jr. M YF; UMW; Bible Study etc.
For several years, we were members of the Pawnee Warriors Saddle Club of Genoa and participated in parades, horse shows, and trail rides. A highlight of our family riding experiences was accompanying the Platte Valley Wranglers on a 100-mile ride to Burwell in 1970. Later, we became members of that club.
At the present time (1980) Dale and our two sons, having acquired more land, operate as a partnership. Our family has grown to 24 in number, with our five children married. Their spouses are: Randy Chinn; Sara (Hord) Beck; Rod Gaedeke; Rosie ( Brand) Beck; Ron Cuba. We have 10 grandchildren, and enjoying them is my favorite hobby.
Written by Mrs. Dale Beck
Source: Merrick County Historical Society, History of Merrick County, Nebraska (1981), Volume I, Dallas, Texas : Taylor Publishing Company, 1981.