Biography of Albert B. Mutz of Auburn

Albert B. Mutz, born in Cass County, Nebraska, in 1857, was a commercial traveler based in Auburn, Nebraska. After completing his education at Nebraska State Normal School, he transitioned from teaching to a long career in the grocery trade. In 1894, he married Minnie Furnas Teare, a former teacher from Brownville, Nebraska. They had five children, with four surviving past infancy. Mutz was known for driving his own team to various points in southeastern Nebraska for work and spent his Sundays at home. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and a Democrat.

Among the pretty homes in the pleasant town of Auburn, Nebraska, is a fine old residence with a spacious lawn in front bordered by an arborvitae hedge and with a large orchard in the rear. This is the Mutz homeplace, where lives the commercial traveler, that hale fellow well met, Albert B. Mutz.

Albert B. Mutz was born in Cass County, Nebraska, on November 10, 1857, the son of John Mutz, who settled in Auburn in 1881, and of whom further mention is made on another page of this work, in connection with the biography of A. C. Mutz, brother of Albert B.

Mr. Mutz received his early education in the public schools and then took a course in the Nebraska State Normal School, from which he graduated. For four years he was a teacher. Leaving the schoolroom, he turned his attention from the educational to the commercial field of labor, and for nearly nineteen years he has been selling groceries to the trade, chiefly in southeastern Nebraska. Two years, however, were spent in the Black Hills, South Dakota, and in Wyoming. Thirteen years of his commercial career have been spent in the employ of one house. He owns a fine team, and with his own turnout drives to many of the points in his territory, frequently being accompanied by his wife on these trips; and he makes it a practice to spend his Sundays in Auburn. He owns the home above referred to. This place originally comprised twelve acres, or four blocks, but some of it has been sold and there are now only seven acres in the place.

Mr. Mutz was married in Auburn, in June 1894, to Miss Minnie Furnas Teare, a native of Brownville, Nebraska, born on June 3, 1868, daughter of Robert and Mary C. (Downey) Teare. Her father was a native of the Isle of Man and her mother was born in Maryland. The former is deceased and the latter is now living in Auburn with her two sons. Mrs. Mutz was educated in the Brownville High School and previous to her marriage was engaged in teaching school for four years. Their union has been blessed with the birth of five children, namely: Robert Teare, who died at the age of eleven months; Alberta Beatrice, born January 25, 1897; Mary Downey, born February 9, 1899; Howard Stewart and Harold Furnas, twins, born December 14, 1900. Fraternally Mr. Mutz is a Knight of Pythias, and politically he is a Democrat.

Source: Lewis Publishing Company, A Biographical and Genealogical History of Southeastern Nebraska, 2 volumes, Lewis Publishing Company, 1904.

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