Donald & Shirley Berg Family of Merrick County, Nebraska

Donald Berg was raised near Elm Creek, Nebraska. His parents were Ernest and Mildred (Einspah) Berg. Donald attended the elementary schools and high school in Overton. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. After the death of his father, members of the family came to Grand Island, Nebraska.

Donald was employed at the Twin Rivers Egg Plant in Grand Island, Nebraska. In 1964, he began work at the Aluminum Supply Company in Grand Island, which later joined Gifford Hill in Grand Island. He has been employed there for sixteen years.

In 1965, he married Shirley Schuette, the daughter of William and Lenora (Schultz) Schuette. Shirley attended Merrick District 2 and graduated from the Grand Island Senior High School and The Grand Island Business College.

Donald and Shirley have four sons: Bradley was born June 12, 1967; Calvin was born March 3, 1969; Steven was born September 15, 1972; and Travis was born October 2, 1975. Bradley attended District #2 and is now a student in the Central City Middle School. Calvin and Steven also attend District #2. Travis attended the Head Start School in Central City the last seven months and will attend District #2 in September of 1981. The sons have all been baptized in the Messiah Lutheran Church in Grand Island where the family attends church and Sunday School. The sons attend Bible school each summer at the church. Bradley, Calvin, and Steven are members of the Seven Plus 4-H Club.

Shirley has been baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. She has taught Sunday School and has assisted with the Bible School a number of years. She joined the Merrick County Home Extension Club, the Sunshine Club in 1969, and has been a 4-H leader for five years. She has part-time employment at the DJ Shop in Central City.

Donald and Shirley belonged to the Parents’ Organization for the Merrick County Head Start and Shirley served as Secretary. They belong to the 89’ers Couples organization in the church. Donald has been on the Rural Fire Department Board since March 7, 1970.

The family resides west and south of Chapman.

Submitted by Shirley Berg

Source: Merrick County Historical Society, History of Merrick County, Nebraska (1981), Volume I, Dallas, Texas : Taylor Publishing Company, 1981.

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