History of Battle Creek, Madison County, Nebraska

1885 Map of Madison and Battle Creek Nebraska

This flourishing town is situated on Battle Creek, about one mile above its junction with the Elkhorn. It is surrounded by level prairie, better adapted to grazing and meadow than to the raising of cereals, though the soil is rich, and, where plowed, produces excellent corn. The town site, at the time of the laying-out of the town by J. D. Hoover, belonged to a company, consisting of F. J. Hale, John F. Tiedgen, Hogrefe and P. J. Neil. The first buildings erected were a store and dwelling combined, by F. J. Hale; a hotel, by John F. Tiedgen; a … Read more

Genealogy and History of Madison County, Nebraska

1885 Map of Madison County Nebraska

Madison County is in the third tier of counties, south from the Missouri River, on the north line of the State, and the fourth tier from the same river on the east line of the State. Its area contains 576 square miles, or 368,640 acres. The county was created in 1856, by the Territorial Legislature, and its boundary lines fixed by statute; nor have these original boundaries since been changed. The surface of Madison County is composed of upland, valley, bluff and bottom lands in the following proportions: Upland, 40 per cent; valley, 40 per cent; bluff and sandy lands, … Read more

Native Americans of Madison County, Nebraska

Yankton Sioux War Dance

The people of Madison County have had but little trouble on account of Indians. The settlement on the North Fork had, perhaps, most difficulty with them in the spring of 1867. The winter had been exceptionally severe, snow lying on the level to the depth of three feet, and the cold being intense. It was next to impossible for the Indians to find food. Provisions were not plenty with the settlers, and for their own supplies they had to travel to the Logan Creek, a distance of sixty-five miles, the trip frequently requiring a whole week. Under these circumstances, it … Read more

History of Madison, Madison County, Nebraska

Madison Nebraska

Madison was made the county seat October 12, 1875. It is beautifully situated at the junction of Union and Taylor Creeks. It is immediately surrounded by valley and rolling prairie, most of the land in all directions for a number of miles being well adapted to mixed farming. To the westward, in what is called the Knapp & Scheer settlement, are to be found farms equal, perhaps, to any in the State, both as regards their fertility and the improvements that have been made upon them. Good barns have been erected on most of the farms, which, on account of … Read more

Biographies of Madison Nebraska

Charles P. Mathewson

Historical and Biographical Sketches of Madison, Madison County, Nebraska Barnes, F. W. Barnes, W. J. Bauch, Phil Becker, H. E. Bridenstine, S. J. Dr. Clark, P. A. Findeisen, L. W. Fricke, Herman Fritz, F. W. Gerecke, William Hoffman, F. Kelly, H. D. Kimball, William E. Rev. Neidig, C. Prince, E. F. Robertson, W. M. Scott, M. C. Searles, William T. Seidel, H. G. Sherlock, J. J. Steele, A. H. Stuart, James Tyrrel, A. C. Wolf, F. W. Source: Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Nebraska, p. 1108-1109. Chicago: The Western Historical Company. 1882.      

History of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska

Norfolk is located on the North Fork of the Elkhorn, in the northeastern part of the county, about four miles above its junction with the main branch of that river. The valley surrounding it is level, and the town is occasionally flooded. This might be, and probably will be, prevented. The first store-keeper here, and the pioneer store-keeper of the county, was Evan Jones, who kept a small store in a dug-out, near the present site of the “Norfolk Mills,” in November, 1866. These mills were built by Col. Charles Mathewson, being completed in February, 1870, and they determined the … Read more

Biographies of Norfolk Nebraska

Charles P. Mathewson

Historical and Biographical Sketches of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska Asmus, Carl Bear, Alex Dr. Bugelow, A. Daniel, D. R. Dr. Donaldson, I. B. Fletcher, George B. Gerecke, Herman Hayes, C. S. Hayes, Samuel W. Hon. Jones, B. W. Koenigstein, J. Mathewson, Charles Hon. Mathewson, Charles P. McClary, J. S. Olney, John E. Pilger, A. P. Pollock, J. G Selah, C. Verges, F. Dr. Wegener, F. Welch, Frank Hon. Widaman, W. H. Yost, A. N. Source: Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Nebraska, p. 1106-1107. Chicago: The Western Historical Company. 1882.

Incorporation of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska

Lutheran Community Hospital, Norfolk, Nebraska

The town was incorporated in 1881. Its first Board of Trustees were: Charles P. Matthewson, Chairman; John E. Olney, Clerk; A. P. Pilger, John Koenigstein and Frederick Lukas; Samuel W. Hayes was chosen Treasurer. Of the principal business men in Norfolk, John E. Olney settled here in 1869, and erected his fine, large brick store in 1879; Carl Asmus came in 1871, and erected his store, constructed of homemade brick, in 1880; J. S. McClary and A. P. Pilger came also in 1871; Dr. Daniels in 1872; W. H. Widaman and S. W. Hayes in 1873; John Koenigstein in 1871, … Read more

The Organization of Madison County, Nebraska

Madison Nebraska

The county was organized in December, 1867, and the first election was held in a small frame house on Taylor Creek, January 21, 1868. The following officers were elected at that time: County Commissioners, Herman Braasch, August Raasch and Henry M. Barnes; Probate Judge, Frederick Wagner; Clerk, Samuel H. Thatch; Treasurer, Frederick Heckendorf; Surveyor, August Lentz; Coroner, Horace J. Severance; Sheriff, Fielding Bradshaw; County Assessor, Frederick Boche; Justices of the Peace, John Allison and William Bickley; Constables, Thomas Bickley and Fred Hasse. The Commissioners held their first meeting at the house of Samuel H. Thatch, April 6, 1868, at which … Read more

History of Other Towns in Madison County, Nebraska

Newman Grove School

Blakely Post Office is situated on mostly level prairie. It was established in 1880, George B. Rouse being appointed first Postmaster. Mr. Blake was the first settler, in 1871; others were Messrs. Hutchins, Reynolds, Snow and Derry. The first birth was that of Mary Hamley, in August, 1871. E. Rouse taught the first school. Except the post office, there is only a blacksmith shop here. Warren Post Office is situated in the northwest part of the county, on the Elkhorn River. O. P. Goodrich, Postmaster. It is surrounded by a fine grazing section, and near it is some excellent farming … Read more