Biography of Hon. Thomas R. Burling of Buda, Nebraska

Portrait and biographical album of Lancaster county, Nebraska title page

Hon. Thomas R. Burling is one of the leading citizens of Nebraska, of which he was an early pioneer, and with whose interests he has long been identified as an agriculturist, as a statesman, and as a merchant, and in all that relates to her commercial, social and political life, he is pre-eminent. He is now carrying on an extensive business in the town of Firth, as a dealer in dry-goods, hardware, clothing, boots, shoes, groceries, and other merchandise. He is a native of England, but coming to this country when a child, he has become thoroughly Americanized, reared, as … Read more

Biography of William McGhie

Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties title page

William McGhie was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, and was therefore a citizen of no mean city. Having been born in the “Granite City” amidst its seats of learning, culture and art, beautified with its world famed granite buildings; there is no knowing what might have been the filling in of his life had all things been equal, but unfortunately he was deprived of the advantages of a true home and of a mother’s love and leading, she having died in his infancy. After struggling up to manhood he worked about the farms on the outskirts of the city, and evidently … Read more

Early History of Exeter, Nebraska by W. J. Waite

Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties title page

My good friend and neighbor, Rev. G. R. McKeith, has asked me (W. J. Waite) for a few lines regarding my recollections of the early days of Exeter. I have gotten somehow out of the writing habit and my first recollection of Exeter is somewhat vague. The first time I saw it, I didn’t see it because it wasn’t there (or should I say here?) In the early days of the summer of 1871, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska, (for such was its legal and official name at that time), was in operation from Plattsmouth to Crete, … Read more

Biography of William Downey

The Old Downey Home, And the Last "Soddy" in Fillmore County, Neb.

William Downey was a native of New York State, and went with his parents to Michigan, where he grew up to manhood, living in Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Counties. He came to Nebraska in May 1871 along with Messrs. Ramsdell, Stephens and Krader, the latter settling in Dodge County. They traveled all the way with wagons and teams, and were six weeks on the road. Mrs. Downey and the children stayed near Lincoln about nine months. Mr. Downey and Mr. Stephens came to this district and sought claims, Mr. Downey homesteading in July on the west half of the north … Read more

L. T. Mead of Fillmore County

Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties title page

L. T. Mead, from Fort Branch, Indiana, moved to Nebraska in March 1870 with his wife and son, later joined by their two daughters. Initially working as a wagonwright in Lincoln, he secured a homestead in March 1871 on the southeast quarter of Section 4, Town 8, Range 1. Their first house was a small, 18-foot-square wooden room, often hosting passing travelers. Despite harsh winters, including one where their cow’s mouth froze, they persevered. Mead built a sod workshop and did wagon repairs. After eleven years, they moved to Exeter, where Mead passed away in 1901 and his wife in 1913. Both were active in local churches and traced their genealogies to notable historical figures.