Biography of W. H. Taylor

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W. H. Taylor was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, a country which has given birth to some of the fairest women and brightest men of modern times. Though not among the very first settlers of any country, he has seen something of pioneer life in both Canada and the United States. At the age of four years, he with their family left Ireland on a sailing vessel; the voyage lasting eight weeks, during which time most of the family including himself had the smallpox. They arrived in Canada and settled in Carleton County, in what was then an unbroken wilderness; … Read more

Early History of Exeter, Nebraska by W. J. Waite

Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties title page

My good friend and neighbor, Rev. G. R. McKeith, has asked me (W. J. Waite) for a few lines regarding my recollections of the early days of Exeter. I have gotten somehow out of the writing habit and my first recollection of Exeter is somewhat vague. The first time I saw it, I didn’t see it because it wasn’t there (or should I say here?) In the early days of the summer of 1871, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska, (for such was its legal and official name at that time), was in operation from Plattsmouth to Crete, … Read more

Biography of William McGhie

Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties title page

William McGhie was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, and was therefore a citizen of no mean city. Having been born in the “Granite City” amidst its seats of learning, culture and art, beautified with its world famed granite buildings; there is no knowing what might have been the filling in of his life had all things been equal, but unfortunately he was deprived of the advantages of a true home and of a mother’s love and leading, she having died in his infancy. After struggling up to manhood he worked about the farms on the outskirts of the city, and evidently … Read more

Remembrances of Mrs M. E. Babcock

Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties title page

Mr. William N. and Mrs. M. E. Babcock came to Nebraska in the fall of 1870, remaining through the winter in Ashland. Mr. Babcock took up a Claim in February, 1871, and they moved onto it in May of that year. The land joined Dr. Smith‘s on the West, part of which is now the Town 1Presumed to be speaking about Exeter, Nebraska. Mr. Babcock died eight years ago and we are indebted to Mrs. Babcock for these reminiscences, who, let me say, fully appreciates the experience of having grown up with a new Country. Their first shelter was a … Read more