Mr. and Mrs. Parsons settled on Nov. 7, 1869, ten miles North East of Exeter, on section 10, in York County, and went through many of the Pioneer experiences, they had their losses in the Blizzard and Grasshopper years. For several years they kept the district Post Office and could tell many stories similar to those recorded about the visits of Indians, the scaring of women, etc., etc.
One incident worthy of being mentioned was their first religious service. This was held in Buzzard’s Dugout at Blue Vale, some miles up the Blue River from their home. Elder Colwell of the United Brethren Church was the preacher, there were about 12 whites and 6 Indians in the house when they arrived the Omaha Indians were in the neighborhood at the time, fishing and hunting, it being estimated that the party was 300 strong.
As the service was commencing a young lady came into the house and sat down on one of the benches without at first noticing her neighbor, but, when he looked round and found she had sat next to an Indian she became frightened. The Indian noticing her embarrassment, turned with a smiling face, saying, “Do not fear! Me Omaha, Me a good Indian!”
Source: Pioneer Stories of the Pioneers of Fillmore and adjoining Counties, by G. R. McKeith, Press of Fillmore County News, Exeter, Nebraska, 1915.