Biography of John Findlay

John Findlay (b. 1865) was a prominent stockman and farmer in Porter Precinct, Richardson County, Nebraska. Born in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, he moved to Nebraska with his family in 1875. His father, Hiram Findlay, initially settled in Ohio Precinct before purchasing and developing 160 acres in Porter Precinct. John began farming independently at age 23, eventually acquiring and improving his farm, where he also bred Duroc-Jersey hogs. In 1891, he married Laura Gunnison, and they had five children. The Findlay family were active members of the Lutheran Church, and John was affiliated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen.

John Findlay, a well-known stockman and farmer, living in Porter precinct, Richardson County, was born on October 6, 1865, in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, the son of Hiram and Christena (Stinley) Findlay, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Germany, who settled in this county about forty-two years ago.

When Hiram Findlay came to Richardson County he settled in Ohio precinct, two miles north of Falls City, remaining there until 1881, when he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in section 12, Porter precinct. This land was raw prairie, and he set to work to reclaim it and presently had a portion of it under crops, at the same time dealing in livestock. As he went along, he made extensive improvements on his holding and continued farming to the end of his life. Christena (Stinley) Findlay left Germany when a child of four years old. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay became the parents of the following children: Mrs. Blair, deceased; John, Harvey, living on West Muddy precinct; William, who lives in Porter precinct; Frank, living in Porter precinct; Frank, living in Porter precinct; Evora, the wife of J. Waller and lives at Nemaha, this state; Mrs. Laura Miles, living in Dawson, Nebraska, and one who died in infancy. The parents were members of the Lutheran church, and the children were reared in that faith.

John Findlay, the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm and was ten years old when he came to this county with his parents. At the age of twenty-three he began working for himself and rented land for one year, at the end of which time he bought his present farm. The land was broken but there were no improvements. He carried out all necessary improvements and now has his place well cultivated and he has prospered in his farm work and also as a breeder of Duroc-Jersey hogs.

On October 27, 1891, John Findlay was united in marriage to Laura Gunnison, daughter of Aquilla and Mosell (Peck) Gunnison, natives of New Hampshire and Wisconsin, respectively, who came to Nemaha and settled in an early day. To Mr. and Mrs. Findlay, the following children have been born: Frank, who lives in Nemaha; Mrs. Evelyn Werth, residing at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and John, Joseph and Edwin at home with their parents.

Mr. Findlay, his wife and children are members of the Lutheran church. He votes independently in political affairs but has never been a seeker after office. He is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Stella, Nebraska.


Edwards, Lewis C., History of Richardson County, Nebraska : Its People, Industries and Institutions, Indianapolis : B.F. Bowen, 1917.

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