This little village is situated nearly six miles in a direct line from Tekamah, and a little to the north of east. The first settler was J. M. Simpson, who arrived here in August 1855. Asa Chillcot came in 1856. This village has a store, post office, blacksmith shop, church and schoolhouse. Arizona is the home of ex-State Senator Beck, a brother of United States Senator Beck of Kentucky. Raising corn and feeding stock are the main occupations of the farmers near
Alder Grove
Is a post office situated in the northwest part of the county. The first settlements were made here in 1867, by George Robinson, J. A. Brown and George Cox. The first school was taught here in 1871, by C. B. Sawtelle, in the residence of George Robinson. Afterward, in the same year, a schoolhouse was built, and also in the same year the first sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Perkins. In 1880, a church was built by the Methodists. A post office was
established in 1876; first Postmaster, A. C. Randall.
This little town, which is also in Logan Valley, was started in the fall of 1880, by the location of a station there by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad. It is on the farm of B. F. Barber, who located there in 1874. Bancroft has, besides the station, a post office, store, blacksmith shop, hotel, and a population of twenty-five.