About five miles north of Arizona, on the Missouri River, is a small settlement called Riverside. At this point there are located a store and sawmill. The former post office was discontinued in 1881, by Postmaster General James, as was also that at Bertrand, formerly situated about ten miles northwest from Tekamah, and that at Homestead, about six miles south of Arizona.
Alder Grove Post Office, ten miles southwest of Tekamah, and that at Craig, a small station on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad, eight miles west from Tekamah, are still retained, and these villages, being surrounded by fertile farming lands, are destined to become important in the future history of the county.
Golden Spring was so named because of the proximity of a beautiful spring by that name, which flows from the rock and is noted for the purity of its waters. The town is situated about ten miles north of Tekamah, and contains a post office.