North Bend Township, Dodge County, Nebraska
What is now styled North Bend civil township was within
Cotterell Township before township organization took place in
Dodge County in 1886. North Bend Precinct, as once known, is not
without its interesting local history, and the same is covered
by the village history in this chapter. It was here that the
first little colony of pioneer emigrants from Ohio settled in
1856. The first election after Dodge County was organized was
held in North Bend the first Monday in February, 1860, at which
time Fremont was made the county seat.
North Bend Township is now confined to the corporate limits of
the village of the same name-see its history.
City of North Bend
This is a thriving city situated fifteen miles to the west of
the City of Fremont, on the north bank of Platte River, in
township 17, range 6, east. It now has a population of about
1,200, according to the latest United States census. It was
platted October 12, 1867, by S. S. Caldwell, M. S. Cotterell and
the officers of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The
population in 1876 was 250 souls and in 1890 it was placed at
897. It is within one of the richest agricultural sections of
the state, where land is now worth from $250 to $400 per acre.
The main line of the Union Pacific Railway runs through North
Bend, which place is fifty miles from Omaha, the terminus of
that great rail route from the Missouri River to the far-away
Pacific coast. The altitude of North Bend is 1,275 feet.
Pioneer History
The first twenty years' history of North Bend was well described
"Centennial Year" (1876) by J. Mason Smith, who responded to the
general call made by President U. S. Grant that every township
in the country make an effort to preserve its history on that
occasion. This historical sketch was read before those who
assembled on July 4th that year, and the same (by permission) is
here inserted, and it is believed that no better account of the
place between 1856 and 1876 can be given than Mr. Smith's
graphic account of its first settlement, which runs thus:
The Town of North Bend takes its name from the bend in the
Platte River on which it is located. Long before the settlement
was made this point was a favorite camping ground for emigrants
going to California, Utah and other points west. Here was an
abundance of grass and water for their weary cattle; here was
wood and water by which the hungry traveler could cook his
victuals and refresh the inner man; here in the Platte's swift
running waters they bathed their weary limbs and started anew on
their journey, refreshed and invigorated.
Nebraska Territory was not long organized when some of its
leading men saw that at North Bend was a good point to locate a
town. Governor Izard, Secretary Cummings, John I. Redick, Judge
Mathews, Squire Hallock and others-sixteen in all-formed
themselves into a company known as "The North Bend Town
Company." About the first of April, 1856, Mathews and Hallock
came and located a town for this company. About the first of
July, 1857, the town was surveyed and laid out by Charles
Turner, United States deputy surveyor.
God made the country-man made North Bend a "Paper Town."
Most of the towns in the territory at that time were paper
towns. Speculations ran very high and a number of land sharks
made what they called a good thing out of it. They sold lots
from $50 to $100 each to parties who never saw the lots and it
may be reasonably supposed never will. The first settlement in
the vicinity was made on July 4, 1856, by a few Scotch families
who had for a few years previous been living in Illinois. The
party consisted of Robert Miller, his wife and four children;
John Miller and wife: William and Alexander Miller, brothers of
Robert and John, and Miss Eliza Miller, now the wife of W. H.
Ely of Fremont.
This little party had the night previous camped about four miles
east of North Bend; finding no wood to cook their supper with
they each drank some milk and went to bed. They arose early the
following morning- July 4th, yoked up their oxen and arrived at
North Bend about 9 o'clock A. M., where they found plenty of
wood and water to cook their breakfast with. They liked the
appearance of the country, but thought they would go further on
and prospect. They got ready and started; after going a few
miles they came to the conclusion that they would turn back and
settle at North Bend, which they did. As soon as possible they
put up shanties to live in, which were made of willows and hay.
That fall two log houses were erected and were located on
section 12, near the present farm of James Sloss.
In August that year the little colony was increased by the
arrival of George Turton", who was strong and robust and a good
practical surveyor. He was a host in himself and the right man
in the right place; his experience as a surveyor was of much
benefit to the little colony.
Early in the fall the town company put up what was called the
"Town House." The contract was let to George J. Turton and
William Miller. Its dimensions were 16 by 40 feet. It was built
of cottonwood logs and stood a few rods west of what is now
called 0876) the Old Bend House.
North Bend High School
It was fearfully and wonderfully made, a kind of cross between
Noah's Ark and the house that Jack built. In 1866, it being too
near the railroad, it was taken down and moved away. Part of the
logs are now (1876) used, as they are rebuilt in a stable. (Many
of the first events of the settlement were told in this history,
read July 4, 1876, which have been cut out and added to the
history of the surrounding townships.) June 29, 1857, an
important addition was made to the settlement by the arrival of
Alex Morrison, J. Humphries and J. M. Smith.
M. S. Cotterell, Jr., belonged to this party but did not arrive
until July 12th. This party was from Cleveland, Ohio, and
brought a steam sawmill with them as far as Omaha; they were
looking up a site for their mill. They were pleased with the
country and concluded to locate the mill here, which they did.
They had left their wives behind, but August 2nd Mrs. Morrison.
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. James Humphries with her five children
arrived. In the anticipation of their coming, the Town House had
been chinked and shingled, but the women were much disappointed
with the looks in general, still with stout hearts they accepted
the situation and went to work earnestly and energetically,
cheered by the hope that by and by they would get their reward
for all their toils and privations.
Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Humphries brought chickens with them from
Cleveland, these being the first chickens in the town and
settlement. Now, with the prattle of children, the cackling of
hens and a crowing rooster, things commenced to wear a little
aspect of civilization. John Sloss arrived in September; he soon
went to work for the sawmill company. He located on section 11,
four miles east of North Bend, Cotterell Township. He later
married a Miss Kelley. Robert Graham and wife and James H.
Graham from Cleveland arrived late in 1857 and located in what
was later Union Township.
On the first of January, 1858, the number of persons in the
settlement was twenty-eight. Of this number fifteen were
children under twelve years of age.
In the spring of 1858, as the town company had not complied with
the law, failing to make the improvement the law required, it
left them without a legal claim to the property, therefore the
townsite was jumped by M. F. Cotterell and J. M. Smith. The
company did not make much fuss, it may be supposed they had
realized about all they saw any chance of doing, therefore let
go without showing much fight!
When the colony first located here their nearest post office was
Omaha, fifty miles away, which was very inconvenient for those
who had left their wives behind them. It is related that M. F.
Cotterell is one who whistled "The Girl I Left Behind Me" and
footed it to Omaha for mail that was not there, returning the
next day. It was a long ways back to North Bend. On December 31,
1858, the number of persons in the vicinity was thirty-seven,
twelve of these being under twelve years of age.
The above paragraphs bring the settlement of North Bend down to
what its citizens today are pleased to call "modern times."
Before going into the details of business interests in this
enterprising little city, some of the early events of interest
will be narrated.
Early Events
The first election was held on the second Tuesday of November,
1856, when the County of Dodge was in three precincts. Robert
Kittle and George Young were elected justices of the peace and
George Turton was elected county commissioner.
The first marriage within the place was John B. Waterman to
Elizabeth R. Graham, July 28, 1859. This refers to the
"settlement" and the first marriage in the Village of North Bend
was not until 1860, when George Bathrick and Miss Nancy Rhodes
were united in marriage by Rev. I. A. Wilson, pastor of the
United Presbyterian Church. The first male child born in this
vicinity was Seth W. Young, November, 1856; he was also the
first in Dodge County. Roderick C. Smith, son of J. Mason Smith,
was born December 21, 1858.
The first family to set up housekeeping in the Village of North
Bend was that of George J. Turton, May, 1857. He came to the
county the year before, a single man, but in March, 1857, went
east and returned with his bride.
The first sawmill of Dodge County was placed in running order in
this vicinity and was operated until the fall of 1860, when it
was burned by a prairie fire. This mill was brought from
Cleveland, Ohio, in July, 1857, by Messrs. Cotterell, Smith,
Morrison and Humphries. Indeed, this was the pioneer sawmill in
all the far-reaching Platte Valley. It proved a financial
failure to its various owners, but was of much value to the
settlers. Persons came from Fremont and obtained small loads of
lumber, cut from cottonwood logs sawed by this mill. This lumber
took the place of the former hay roofs in use; also furnished
their shanties with solid floors. A small iron grain-grinding
mill was later attached to this sawmill and corn was ground
constantly until the burning of the mill.
Commercial Interests of North Bend
The Union Pacific Railroad made its appearance at North Bend in
the spring of 1866, and that marked a second era in the
settlement of that part of the county. There was only one house
on the site of the place when the iron horse first entered that
green, glad solitude, that being one owned by M. S. Cotterell,
Jr. George Canfield opened a small grocery store in July of that
year, the first goods being sold on Independence Day.
The earliest hotel was built by Williams & Perkins in 1867. In
1872 it was moved to the tracks and converted into a grain
warehouse by Dowling & Purcell.
From 1866 to 1876 there were shipped 19,000,000 pounds of grain
from the North Bend depot. The first wheat shipped to Omaha was
by John Burger. The freight rate was $18 per car. The first
livestock was shipped by Robert Hall.
The first real, up-to-date grocers were T. B. Purcell and M.
Dowling, at first in the Canfield Building, but built for
themselves on Sycamore Street. For many years these men were
heavily engaged in the grain trade at North Bend.
The first exclusive grain dealer was N. Merriam, who shipped the
first car of wheat to Chicago in August, 1874. Down to that time
the home-grown grain was usually all consumed by the flouring
mills located at Fremont. This dealer paid Fremont prices at his
warehouse at North Bend, which caused his business to be very
extensive. He was always noted for his correct weights and
honorable dealings.
In passing it should be stated that the first fat cattle were
shipped from North Bend by rail on June 22, 1876.
A lumber yard was started in North Bend in the autumn of 1875 by
J. B. Foote.
The pioneer "Village Blacksmith" was Robert Graham, who came in
the spring of 1867, but soon sold his forge to Jerry Dion. Smith
Brothers in 1867 built what was styled the "Corner Store." The
first man to practice medicine at and around North Bend was
Doctor Bell, a North Carolinian, who arrived here in 1868. He
finally met with an accident by which he lost both his feet. He
was caught out on a professional visit and had his feet frozen.
Doctors Abbott of Fremont and Moore of Omaha amputated his feet.
For an account of the schools, churches and lodges the reader is
referred to special chapters on such topics elsewhere in this
work. The various newspapers and banks are likewise treated in
chapters on such subjects for the entire county.
A good nursery was established by J. W. Stevenson in 1882. From
this nursery he shipped transplanted stock to many western
states and territories. The nursery joined the town plat and a
large annual business was transacted. This being the only
nursery in this part of Nebraska, his shipments were made many
Many persons have been engaged in business in North Bend for a
greater or less period of time with the passing years-some are
still residents of the place, but most all have left for other
fields or departed this life. At this time (summer of 1920) the
historian finds the commercial and professional interests to be
in the hands of the following persons:
Business Interests, 1920
Attorney-J. J. Gleeson.
Auto Garages-W. H. Westthal, U. S. Tym. W. H. Snyder, City
Garage and Ford Garage.
Banks-The First National and First State Bank.
Barbers-Al Hammond, N. L. Thorp, P. J. Laughlin.
Bakery-H. A. Miller, Frank Kenney.
Blacksmithing-G. A. Millar, Anderson Brothers, C. J. Lehmer.
Community Club-J. J. Gleeson, secretary.
Cream Station-Lincoln Butter Co.
Cement Tile Works-A home concern.
Drugs-J. R. Tapster, W. A. La Violette.
Dentists-Drs. J. H. Stebbins, T. F. Frederick.
Elevators-Farmers' Co-operative Association, C. A. Millar Grain
Electric Supplies-All hardware dealers.
Furniture-P. F. Carey, who also does undertaking.
Farmers' Telephone Company, F. A. Howe, president.
General Merchandise-Houerfield Mercantile Company, and Fred
Young, also the "Baskett Store No. 46."
Hotel-The Hackney House, by C. O. Wagner.
Harness Shop-Adolph Kemper.
Hay Dealer-W. N. Pruyn.
Hardware-Griffin & Co., T. J. Gaughen, V. W. Jansen.
Implements-(See list of lumbermen.)
Ice Dealer-Earl Street.
Jeweler-J. T. Ostry.
Lumber-Cherny & Watson, Farmers Union Company.
Milling-North Bend Milling Company.
Meat Markets-William Buchta, John Buchta.
Millinery-Mrs. Roy Clay.
Newspaper-The North Bend Eagle.
Nursery-The "North Bend Nursery."
Picture Show-The Lyric, by Fred Mehaffey.
Public Library-"The Carnegie."
Photographer-G. C. Armstead.
Physicians-Doctors Hamod, A. E. Hoff, W. E. Doane, S. W. Yates.
Restaurant-Kenney Bakery and one more (proprietor's name
Tailors-R. S. Palmer.
Veterinary Surgeons-Drs. O. O. Wallace, James Thom.
Variety Store-V. W. Vauter.
Post Office History
The North Bend post office was established early in the spring
of 1858, with G. J. Turton as the first postmaster. July 4th
that year the first mail arrived over the tri-weekly stage line
operated by the Northwestern Stage Company between Omaha and
Fort Kearney, with a station point at North Bend. The first
stage keeper here was Alexander Morrison. A daily stage line was
had in the spring of 1859, when the famous Pike's Peak gold
mining excitement set in. Before the post office was established
at North Bend the few settlers there had to depend on trips by
someone to Omaha for their mail facilities.
A money order office has been maintained here since July, 1879,
and the first order ever issued from the West Bend post office
was in favor of George W. Gray for the sum of $5.50 to be paid
at Omaha. O. A. Hough was then the postmaster. Up to 1892 more
than 11,000 money orders had been issued from this office. Since
then the record is not accessible. For a number of years what
was known as the "Postal Note" was also issued from post offices
as well as regular money orders.
The postmasters from the establishment of the office to 1892
George J. Turton
Charles Dickinson
Thomas Jones
M. Dowling |
J. A. Hough
C. W. Hyatt
H. Williams
J. P. Yost |
Since the last named the list of postmasters has included these:
A. L. Norris succeeded Yost, served one year under President
Cleveland's administration.
Next was C. A. Long from May 17, 1897, served nine years and one
John Cusack then served eight years, ending April 25, 1914,
since which time the present postmaster, J. E. Newsom, has been
This is a third-class post office and the last year's business
amounted to $5,800. Three rural free delivery routes go out from
this post office.
Municipal History
North Bend has been twice incorporated into a municipality,
first, April 20, 1876, as a village and again in 1886 as a
"city." The original village officers were as follows: James H.
Hough, M. Dowling, Peter Gillis, C. C. Kendal and A. L. Norris,
as trustees; C. W. Hyatt, clerk:
Thomas B. Purcell, treasurer; Jerry Dion, assessor; Duncon
Smith, marshal.
The following shows who served on the village board up to the
time of reincorporating into a "city":
1877-Trustees: J. H. Hough (chairman), Merriam Dowling, A.
Foote, D. M. Strong; clerk, Thomas Love.
1878-Trustees: Milton May (chairman), J. H. Hough, Peter Gillis,
C. Cusack, B. P. Rice; clerk, Thomas Love.
1879-Trustees: J. H. Hough (chairman), J. J. Kelser, John
Purcell, C. B. Treadwell, C. Cusack; clerk, N. M. Vedder.
1880-Trustees: J. H. Hough (chairman), Peter Gillis, C. Cusack,
John Keith, Frank Stouffer; clerk, H. B. Millard.
1881-Trustees: A. J. Kenyon (chairman), F. F. Doubrava, A.
Crawford, T. F. Keeton, D. M. Strong; clerk, R. Spence.
1882-Trustees: James Sloss (chairman), Frank Stouffer, Peter
Gillis, A. K. Walla, T. F. Keeton; clerk, T. F. Keeton.
1883-Trustees and clerk same as for 1882.
1884-Trustees: Q. B. Skinner (chairman), A. Crawford, D. A.
Hopkins, M. Dowling, A. K. Walla; clerk, C. B. Treadwell.
1885-Trustees; O. B. Skinner (chairman), A. K. Walla, J.
Purcell, J. B. Foote, H. Williams; clerk, C. B. Treadwell.
1886-During this year the place was incorporated into a "city"
since which time the mayors have been as follows:
1886-Q. B. Skinner. 1887-Q. B. Skinner. 1888-D. M. Strong.
1889-A. L. Norris. 1890-A. L. Norris. 1891-Same as for 1890.
1892-M. Dowling.
1892-M. Dowling, mayor; J. E. Newsom, clerk.
1893-T. J. Catterell, mayor; C. K. Watson, clerk.
1894-Spencer Day, mayor; C. K. Watson, clerk.
1895-C. W. Dodge, mayor; C. A. Long, clerk.
1896-Hugh Robinson, mayor; C. A. Long, clerk.
1897-Hugh Robinson, mayor; C. L. Norris, clerk.
1898-J. H. Johnson, mayor; J. C. Newsom, clerk.
1899-Hugh Robinson, mayor; J. C. Newsom, clerk.
1900-C. H. Wolrath, mayor; J. C. Newsom, clerk.
1901-John Cherny, mayor; J. C. Newsom, clerk.
1902-(No record).
1903-D. M. Dodge, mayor; Mr. Main, clerk.
1904-T. B. Percell, mayor; D. M. Dodge, clerk.
1905-T. B. Percell, mayor; D. M. Dodge, clerk.
1906-A. Harvey, mayor; D. M. Dodge, clerk.
1907-T. B. Percell, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1908-Alex Thorn, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1909-T. B. Percell, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1910-L. B. McClaren, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1911-William Nichol, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1912-L. B. McClaren, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1913-L. B. McClaren, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1914-L. B. McClaren, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1915-R. C. Brownell, mayor; F. D. Howe, clerk.
1916-R. C. Brownell, mayor; J. C. Newsom, clerk.
1917-R. C. Brownell, mayor; C. K. Wilson, clerk.
1918-Alex Thorn, mayor; J. C. Newsom, clerk.
1919-Alex Thorn, mayor; John Emerson, clerk.
1920-Alex Thom, mayor; John Emerson, clerk.
The present (1920) municipal officers are: Mayor, Alex Thorn;
clerk, J. A. Emerson; marshal, D. G. Lehmer; councilmen, C. M.
Black, D. F. Carey, Levi Williams, Martin Rees; treasurer, Roy
J. Cusack; physician. Doctor Yates.
The place has a good system of water works, is lighted by an
electric plant; has good streets with paving put down the
present year. These improvements have all cost much money but
the taxpayers are not finding fault, knowing that these things
must needs all go with the building of a modern city.
A good city building was provided North Bend in 1890, a
two-story brick structure on Seventh and Maple streets, costing
$6,000. The beginning of the fire department in North Bend was
in 1880, when the hook and ladder company was formed, as a
safeguard against the ravages of the fire fiend. In 1892 the
place had hook and ladder and engine company as well as a hose
outfit well handled by competent men. At that day the company of
volunteer firemen were all well uniformed and drilled for
actual, practical service as fire fighters.
Among the greatest fires in North Bend were those of 1885 and
1892. The former occurred in August, when the southeastern block
of the business portion was totally destroyed, but most of the
property was well insured, and was soon all rebuilt. The 1892
fire was on September 29th, at 3 o'clock in the morning. This
fire destroyed the opera house. First National Bank, post
office. Star printing office, as well as other buildings on the
west side of Sycamore Street, between sixth and seventh.
Miscellaneous Improvements, Etc.
The first opera house in North Bend was erected in 1884, a fine,
large two-story brick block costing $4,000 and seated nearly 500
persons. It stood on the west side of Sycamore Street and was
burned in the month of September. 1892.
The real flour mill industry commenced here by the construction
of the roller mills in 1890, with a daily capacity of fifty
barrels. The proprietors of this plant were York & Thomas, who
sold to the firm of Collins & Thomas.
First Platte River Bridge at North Bend was the result of county
bonds issued in 1875 to the amount of $10,000, and again another
issue in 1880 of $4,000 was voted by the Precinct of North Bend.
The bridge was completed and opened to the public in March,
1881. Its total cost was $15,300. It was built by the Union
Pacific Company. Prior to this a ferryboat and later a pontoon
bridge was used for passage over the Platte between Dodge and
Saunders counties. The public park of North Bend consists of two
full blocks of land, and is only partly improved as yet, but
will in time provide the city with a most attractive spot. Then
there is a small tract used for park purposes known as the Union
Pacific Parkland belonging to the railway company.
Dodge County |
Nebraska AHGP
History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William
H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American
Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.
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