Logan Township, Dodge County, Nebraska

Logan Township is in the extreme northeastern corner of Dodge County. It comprises all of the Congressional township 20, range 8, east. Until a few years ago it was without railroad facilities and purely an agricultural section, but in recent years transportation facilities have been furnished by the building of a branch line of the great "Burlington" system, with a station near the northern line of the township and county, Uehling. Logan Township is bounded on the north by Burt County, on the east by Washington County, on the south by Hooper Township, Dodge County, on the west by Cuming Township, making a six-mile square tract of land.

Population and Organization

The township was organized as a precinct in 1857. The first election was held at the house of C. H. Lisers; the judges were Hiram H. Ladd, Willis Carr and Martin Shearer. The population in 1890 was, according to the United States census, 673, in 1900 it was only 621, and in 1910 had increased to 857. The 1920 enumeration figures have not yet been given out.

Settlement Notes

A colony from the north of Sweden, just at the close of the Civil war in this country, made the pioneer settlement in Logan Township, aside from a few who preceded them. This Swedish colony was headed by Peter Saspair, of section 15. Many remained and took homesteads, while some went to Omaha for settlement. Among those who may be termed "first settlers" were: Andrew Larson, O. Larson, Lars Lund, M. M. Frost, Peter Dahl, Andrew Linn, M. Olson, P. A. Anderson, Nels Hanson, Oscar Bergquist, Carl Morrell, Christian Dueholm and N. P. Westlin.

Theodore Uehling came to this county in 1860, settling in section 18, township 19, range 9, and there built him a log house and covered it with slough grass. He bought and traded for many tracts of land until he owned 1,000 acres.

In 1865 Andrew Bowman and his mother came. They homesteaded eighty acres in section 10 and built a log cabin which was burned, and later they were driven from the premises by high water, but they were not the type of people to easily give up, and after a few years of great privation and hardship they became well circumstanced.

In 1867 George Briggs, later of section 34, located in this township. He purchased a quarter section of wild land and made his own improvements as best he could.

In 1868 the township had other settlers in the persons of John Sampson, section 26. He stopped in Fremont one year and then took his homestead.

Peter Swanson, Peter Anderson, T. H. Mallett and others came about the same time or a little later.

Hon. N. P. Nelson settled here in 1869. His mother took a homestead in the fall of that year, in the west half of the northeast quarter of section 34.

Ole Johnson was another settler of the last named year and he claimed a part of section 34. He also bought railroad lands in section 35.

Fred Daubert settled in section 7 in 1872.

Gus J. Bergquist bought eighty acres of wild land in section 24 in 1875.

Other settlers included Gus Swanson, John Daubert, J. G. Myer and Howard Myer.

Of the churches and public schools the reader is referred to special chapters in this volume on such topics covering the entire county.

Early Post office

Swaburgh post office was established in 1881 in section 14, but in 1888 it was moved to section 24. E. Morrell was postmaster in the '90s. Mail was then being received at that date three times a week on a route from Hooper to Herman station.

Vast indeed has been the transformation in this portion of the goodly "Kingdom of Dodge" since those days away back in the '60s. One now sees in traveling through the country, a splendid agricultural section, well developed, with handsome farm houses and barns, and the passer-by is greeted by the smiling faces of a contented and prosperous people.

The Village of Uehling

This village is a station on the "Burlington" Railroad situated near the north county line.

It was platted in a great cornfield and construction of the "Burlington" road was carried forward in 1905 and the track laid to Uehling February 17, 1906. The first building in the place was erected by Mr. Uehling on the corner where now stands the Farmers State Bank Building.

Uehling now has a population of about 400. It was incorporated as a village November 20, 1906. The following have served as village chairmen of the board: 1906, Henry Piefer; 1907, L. A. Green; he served until 1911 and was followed by H. R. Suhr, who served till 1914, when Andrew Frost was elected chairman and held the position until 1919, when the present chairman, M. Peterson, was elected.

The various village clerks have been in order as follows: H. F. Meyer, V. P. Hart, L. A. Larson, H. F. Meyer. 1912-18, A. J. W. Koehler, 1918-20.

A fine system of waterworks was installed in 1909. The cost was $10,000. The source of water supply is three deep wells from which water is forced to a steel tower and tank 120 feet high. Electric lights were installed in 1914. The village has a two-story brick and frame town hall in which the fire department and village officers are housed.

Post office, Hospital, Etc.

The first postmaster was F. J. Uehling, who served from February to July, 1906, then it passed into the hands of R. S. Honey, who held it till October, 1917, then H. Christensen held from October, 1917, to October, 1919; the next postmaster was Mrs. R. S. Honey, who still serves. It is a fourth-class post office.

Doctor McKnight, a newcomer to the village, established a hospital in the season of 1920 and is doing nicely at this date. One of the finest baseball parks within Nebraska is to be seen at Uehling, on the banks of the Elkhorn River.

The village supports a Congregational Church and a Lutheran Church.

A Modern Woodmen of America and a Woodman of the World lodge are found here

Commercial Interests-1920

Banking-Farmers State Bank and the Logan Valley Bank.
Doctors-Doctor McKnight.
Auto Garage-Barton Strand, H. N. De Molin.
Blacksmiths-Oliver A. Larson.
Barber Shop-Marshall Bennett.
Cream Station-Russell Anderson.
Drugs-The Hansen Drug Company.
Elevators-Farmers' Co-operative Association and the Holmquist Company.
Furniture (with Hardware)-Fred J. Uehling and L. W. Larson.
General Dealers-Fred H. Steckelberg, W. A. Stach, Christemen & Rinderhogen.
Harness-W. H. Miller.
Hotel-Mrs. Chris Nelson.
Ice-C. J. Shaw.
Lumber-Farmers' Co-operative Association, Bowman, Kratz Lumber Company.
Meat Market-C. J. Shaw.
Newspaper-The Uehling Post. See
Opera Halls-The Uehling Hall, Larson Hall and Lodge Hall.
Restaurant-Otto A. Graves.
Farm Implements-Larson Brothers. 

Dodge County | Nebraska AHGP

Source: History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.

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