Passing of Nebraska Pioneers, After September 2, 1918
Following is a record of the deaths since September 2 of
pioneers who settled in Nebraska not later than the year 1867:

Hugh Aird, born in New York in 1838, died at Pruning, Nebraska,
in October; came to Nebraska City in 1864. (The News, (Nebraska
City), October 26.)
John Blankenship, born in Illinois, died October 19 at Peru,
aged sixty-three years; when two years old came with his parents
to Peru, where he had lived ever since. (Nemaha County Herald,
October 25.)
Christopher Bader, born in Ohio in 1883, died October 29 at
Nebraska City, where he came when he was a small boy. (The Daily
Nebraska Press, October 30.)
William Henry Banning, born in New London, Iowa, in 1837, died
September 25; came to Nebraska City in 1857, where he had ever
since lived. (The News, September 25.)
Mrs. Emma L. Barnard died in Los Angeles, California, late in
October, nearly eighty-four years old; in 1856 was married to
Edwin H. Barnard at Canajoharie, N. Y., her birthplace. In
August, 1856, Mr. Barnard surveyed the town site of Fremont
which he and John A. Koontz had just appropriated as a claim. He
was born in Kirkland, N. Y., in 1830. The Barnard's lived in
Fremont more than fifty years. (Fremont Evening Tribune, October
William Barnich, eighty-one years old, born in Germany, died
September 25; a resident of Omaha since 1867; for forty years
employed in the Union Pacific railroad shops. (The Omaha Daily
Bee, September 25.)
M. J. Burns, Peru, born at Birmingham, Iowa, March 15, 1844,
died September 18. In 1862 he was a freighter from Nebraska City
to Denver. (The Peru Pointer, September 20.)
Henry P. Coolidge of Columbus, born in Tazewell County,
Illinois, October 6, 1835, died September 27; when a boy came
with his parents to Omaha where the family resided several
years; in October, 1865, he became private secretary of D. H.
Wheeler, Pawnee Indian agent at Genoa, and conducted a tin shop
at the same time; moved with his family to Columbus in 1868,
where he lived until his death. (The Columbus Telegram, October
George Gawthorne, born in England in 1834, died September 22 at
his daughter's home in Whitesboro, Texas; came to Nebraska in
the early fifties, where he lived until about two years ago.
(The News, Nebraska City, September 24.)
Alfred P. Hoskins of Fremont, born in Hamilton, Ontario, April
17, 1846, died September 22; came to Omaha in 1866 and to
Fremont four years later, where he engaged in banking; in 1884
went back to Omaha where he became interested with his cousins,
Joseph Millard and Ezra Millard, organizers of the Commercial
National Bank; afterward went into the lumber business in
Chicago and returned to Fremont in 1909. (Fremont Evening
Tribune, September 23.)
P. S. Hall came to Nebraska in 1856; died at his home in Rock
Bluffs early in October, aged eighty-eight years. (The Lincoln
Daily Star, October 12.)
John Kennedy, a resident of Nebraska City for fifty-two years,
born in Donegal County, Ulster Province, Ireland, in 1844, died
September 22; came first to Pennsylvania; in 1866, with his
brother James, settled in Nebraska City; was never married. (The
News, Nebraska City), September 23.)
Mrs. Bertha Krueger, born in Germany in 1843, died October 17 at
Germantown; came to Nebraska in 1865. (Blue Valley Blade,
October 23.)
Miss Agnes McAusland, born in Scotland, died October 6 at Omaha,
where she had lived for fifty-eight years, aged eighty-three
years. (The Omaha Daily News, October 7.)
Albert Noyes, born at Portland, Maine, July 18, 1830, died
September 27; came to Nebraska in 1863, settling at St. Deroin,
where lived to the time of his death. (Nemaha County Herald,
October 4.)
John Martin Osborn, born in Indiana in 1843, died October 10 at
Gridley, California; came to Nebraska in 1867 and settled on a
farm near Pawnee City; a member of the state senate from his
district in the seventeenth legislature, twenty-fifth session,
1897. (The Pawnee Chief, October 18.)
Lewis S. Reed died in Washington, D. C, October 27, aged
seventy-one years; came to Omaha in 1863; was a member of the
House of Representatives of the eighth legislature, which
impeached Governor Butler; was for twenty years president of the
Equitable Trust Company, and vice president of the Nebraska
National Bank in Omaha. (The Omaha Daily News, October 28.)
Nicholas Rix, born in Schleswig Germany, 1830, died at Fort
Calhoun, October 10; came to America in 1852, landing at New
Orleans; went thence by steamboat to Camanche (Clinton County),
Iowa, where he worked as a carpenter; the next year, with his
wife, crossed the state of Iowa, with two yoke of oxen, to
Omaha; soon after settled on a homestead which included the site
of Fort Atkinson, one mile west of the present city park of Fort
Calhoun. (Fort Calhoun Chronicle, October 17.)
Henry W. Smith, born in Germany in 1844, died at Burkett,
Nebraska, October 19; came to America in 1847 and to Nebraska in
1865; homesteaded near Richland, Nebraska. (The Colfax County
Press, October 25.)
Mrs. Louisa Stoll, born two miles north of Nehawka in 1859, died
October 23; was mother of twelve children. (The Nehawka News,
October 31.)
Mrs. Calvin G. Taber died October 24 near Inavale; settled on a
homestead two miles northwest of Weeping Water in 1866. (Weeping
Water Republican, October 31.)
Mrs. Albert Thies, born in Denmark in 1848, died at her home in
Nebraska City, October 23; had been a resident of Otoe County
since 1857. (The Nebraska Daily Press, October 24.)
James Thomas, born in Ohio in 1824, died in Lincoln, September
27, 1918, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Gould; came to
Nebraska with his family in 1885, where he was a farmer until he
was past eighty years of age. His first vote for a president was
cast in 1848, for Zachary Taylor.
Mrs. Mary Tex, born in Luxemburg in 1847, died in Papillion
September 14; came to America in 1855; lived a few years in
Dubuque, Iowa; then moved to Omaha; a resident of Sarpy County
since 1872. (The Gretna Breeze, September 27.)
Nebraska AHGP

Source: Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days, Volume I,
Number 1, Published Monthly by the Nebraska Historical Society,
February 1918.
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