Passing of Nebraska Pioneer, After October 26, 1918
These obituaries are compiled largely from death notices printed
in newspapers which are received and kept on file by the
Historical Society. While the sketches have been carefully
edited, it has been impossible to avoid and correct all
inaccuracies. The lives of some subjects of the obituaries were
of unusual public interest, and in such cases the sketches have
been duly amplified. Statements of fact, particularly those
which are of record, have been verified as far as practicable.
Obviously, it is very desirable that these records, which will
always be used for reference, should be correct, and surviving
relatives and editors of local newspapers should carefully
cooperate in preventing errors.

Frank C. Bosler, son of Herman Bosler, a pioneer cattleman in
Nebraska and Wyoming, associated with W. A. Paxton, Alex Swan
and others, died November 26 at Carlisle, Pa.; his Nebraska
property included stock in the Omaha stock yards and the
Ogalalla Land and Cattle Company. He was widely known as a
successful and wealthy business man.
James C. Boyd, born in Blount County, Tennessee, June 10, 1837,
died November 4 at Dunbar; came to Nebraska City in 1864; began
farming in Otoe County in 1867; county superintendent of public
instruction for Otoe county 1880-1885, and sheriff one term;
teacher of the first school in Dunbar.
Mrs. J. K. Cornelius, born in Kilkenny County, Ireland, May 12,
1841, died November 19 at Humboldt; came with her relatives to
America in 1854 by way of New Orleans, and to Nebraska in 1865,
settling on a farm northeast of Humboldt; was one of the first
members of the Catholic Church at Dawson.
William Asa Cox, born in Andersonville, S. C, February 24, 1849,
died November 16 at Falls City; came to Nebraska from Illinois
in a prairie schooner, crossing the Missouri River at
George M. Drexel, died at Florence November 18, sixty-five years
old; had lived in Douglas County for sixty years.
Mrs. Joshua Gapen, born December 13, 1830, in Union County,
Indiana, died November 19 at the home of her son near
Plattsmouth; moved to Nebraska with her parents in 1866.
David Griffith of Verdon, died November 6 at the age of
seventy-one years. He came from Iowa County, Wisconsin, and
settled near Verdon in 1866. His son. Dr. David G. Griffith, is
superintendent of the Nebraska Institution for Feeble Minded
Youth, at Beatrice.
J. W. Hall, born in Kentucky April 7, 1854, died at Beaver City,
November 5; came to Nebraska in 1865 and settled near Vesta.
Titus E. Hall, son of Sybrent Hall, died October 26 at his home
in Pasadena, Cal., buried at Lyons, Neb.; came from Wisconsin in
1866; drove a stage with Tekamah as headquarters; his last route
from the railway terminus at Herman to Tekamah; county
commissioner in 1885.
Mrs. Silas Holcomb died on November 12, at Lincoln. The body was
taken to Broken Bow, the former home of the family, for burial.
Mrs. Holcomb went first to Broken Bow in 1883. The family lived
in Lincoln during the time that her husband was governor and
judge of the Supreme Court [1895-1898; 1900-1905]. They then
went to Washington State, and in 1909 returned to live in Broken
Bow; but in a short time Mr. Holcomb was appointed a member of
the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions, and since then
the family has resided in Lincoln.
Mrs. Henry Hubbard, born in White Pigeon, Mich., October 9,
1835, died at her home in Weeping Water November 3; in 1865 came
to Weeping Water, or Weeping Water Falls as it was called; her
husband, a miller, built the three mills on the Weeping Water.
Joseph Kruntorad, who was born in Bohemia eighty-two years ago
and died on November 15 at Spencer, came to Nebraska from New
York in 1885 and went to Boyd County, where he built the first
house between Spencer and Butte. He farmed his homestead until
ten years ago. (The Spencer Advocate, November 21.)
Mrs. Mary A. Latta, born in Connecticut October 2, 1833, died
November 10 at Tekamah; married to W. W. Latta May 10, 1857;
they came to Nebraska in a wagon drawn by oxen, crossing the
Missouri River at Sioux City and reaching Tekamah July 25, 1857;
starting with little besides a breaking plow and cooking
utensils they acquired a large acreage of fine farming land
which was heavily stocked with cattle.
Patrick McEvoy, born in Ireland, died in Omaha, November 9, aged
seventy-six years. His parents came in a wagon to Omaha in 1854,
from their former home in Illinois.
Charles A. Morell, born in Sweden January 9, 1863, died at
Gothenburg October 26; came to America with his parents when one
year old; they first settled in Omaha, then at Oakland, and in
1884 at Gothenburg.
Mrs. Timothy Murphy, died October 28 at the farm home near
Dakota City; a resident of Dakota County since May 10, 1856.
Noah S. Wood, died in Dillon, Mont., October 31, the last of
three brothers who came to Table Rock in 1857.
Mrs. Katherine Reichart, born in Germany November 11, 1833, died
at Louisville November 22; came to America a young girl and to
Nebraska in 1858; her first home In Plattsmouth a dugout; was
the third wife of her husband and bore five children.
Charles Frederick Schafer Templin, born in Lancaster, Ohio,
September 17, 1847, died at Nebraska City November 15; came to
Nebraska in 1860; it is said that he wrote the call for the
first prohibition convention in Nebraska.
George P. Schwab, born in Germany, April 23, 1833, died November
23 at Clay Center. With his parents he came to America on a
sailing vessel, the voyage lasting fifty-eight days; had been a
resident of Clay County since 1880; at one time one of the
largest land owners and most successful farmers and stock
raisers in the county and president of the Clay Center State
Bank; father of thirteen children, eleven of whom survive him.
William F. Sweesy, born in New Jersey, May 5, 1828, died in
Omaha November 2; came to Omaha by steamboat, in 1856; with
Aaron Root, his brother-in-law, built the Tremont House on
Douglas street; in 1866 bought twenty-two acres of land west and
south of the present site of Creighton University; he was
appointed register of the land office at Omaha in 1867, and in
1876 he was United States marshal for Wyoming; built the
Brunswick Hotel, now a part of the Rome, and other important
Harrison Wixson, who died at Beaver City on November 17,
seventy-five years old, had been a mail carrier in Nebraska for
twenty eight years. In the course of his service he traveled
about 128,000 miles, a distance of more than five times around
the world. It is said that he never lost a piece of mail or was
disciplined for misconduct. This veteran had never ridden on a
railroad train until last summer, when he went from Wilsonville
to Beaver City by the line which follows the route he had
traveled in the mail service before the road was built. He first
carried mail in 1882, from Arapahoe to Wilsonville, and then
from Beaver City to Cedar Bluffs (in Decatur County, Kan.,
forty-two miles by the railroad west of Beaver City). He had
other routes, but during the last nine years he has had the
daily route from Beaver City to Oxford. (The Times-Tribune,
November 21.)
Mrs. Katherine Wolcott Green, died November 21 at Omaha; lived
on a homestead at Elk Creek, Neb., for more than fifty years;
lately at Akron, Col.; before marriage taught in the public
schools of Omaha.
Nebraska AHGP

Source: Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days, Volume I,
Number 1, Published Monthly by the Nebraska Historical Society,
February 1918.
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