Historic Items of Washington County, Nebraska

Mrs. May Allen Lazure, well-known to the people of Washington County, a few years since made this historic record of some interesting items on the early day history of the county, and from such writings we are permitted to quote freely:

Alfred D. Jones, the first postmaster of Omaha, tells in the Pioneer Record of the first Fourth of July celebration in Omaha and Nebraska, as well.

"On July 4th, 1854, I was employed in the work of surveying the town site of Omaha. At this time there were only two cabins on the town site, my post office building and the company claim house. The latter was used as our boarding house. Inasmuch as the Fourth would be a holiday, I concluded it would be a novelty to hold a celebration on Nebraska soil. I therefore announced that we would hold a celebration and invited the people of Council Bluffs, by inserting a notice in the paper, and requested that those who would participate should prepare a lunch for the occasion.

"We got forked stakes and poles along the river, borrowed bolts of sheeting from the store of James A. Jackson, and thus equipped, we erected an awning to shelter from the sun those who attended. Anvils were procured, powder purchased and placed in charge of cautious gunners, to make a noise for the crowd. The celebration was held on the present high school grounds.

"The picnickers came with their baskets, and the gunner discharged his duty nobly. A stranger in our midst was introduced as Mr. Sawyer, an ex-congressman from Ohio."

I had a life-long acquaintance with one of those early picnickers, Mrs. Rhoda Craig, a daughter of Thomas Allen, who built the first house in Omaha. She often told the story of the first Fourth of July celebration there. Their fear of the Indians was so great that as soon as dinner was over, they hurried to their boats and rowed across to Council Bluffs for safety.

Another pioneer woman was Aimee Taggart Kenny, who came to Fontanelle with her parents when a small child. Her father was a Baptist missionary in Nebraska, and his earliest work was with the Quincy Colony. I have heard her tell the following experience:

"On several occasions we were warned that the Indians were about to attack us. In great fear we gathered in the schoolhouse and watched all night, the men all well armed. But we were never molested. Another time, mother was alone with us children. Seeing the Indians approaching we locked the doors, went into the attic by means of an outside ladder and looked out through the cracks. We saw the red men try the door, peep in at the window, and then busy themselves chewing up mother's home-made hop yeast, which had been spread out to dry. They made it into balls and tossed it all away."

John T. Bell of Newberg, Oregon, contributed the following: "I have a pleasant recollection of your grandfather Allen. My father's and mother's people were all Southerners and there was a kindliness about Mr. and Mrs. Allen that reminded me of my own folks back in Illinois. I often stopped to see them when going to and from Calhoun mill.

"I was also well acquainted with Mrs. E. H. Clark, and Rev. Mr. Taggart and his family were among the most highly esteemed residents of our little settlement of Fontanelle. Mr. Taggart was a man of fine humor. It was the custom in those early days for the entire community to get together on New Year's Day and have a dinner at the 'College.' There would be speech-making, and I remember that on one occasion Mr. Taggart said that no doubt the time would come when we would all know each other's real names and why we left the States. "The experiences of the Bell family with the early Nebraska days were ones of privation. We came to Nebraska in 1856, quite well equipped with stock-four good horses and four young cows which we had driven behind the wagon from Western Illinois. The previous winter had been very mild and none of the settlers were prepared for the dreadful snow storm which came on the last day of November and continued for three days and nights. Our horses and cows were in the stable made by squaring up the head of a small gulch and covering the structure with slough grass. At the end of the storm when father could get out to look after the stock there was no sign of the stable.

The low ground it occupied was leveled off by many feet of snow.

He finally located the roof and found the stock alive and that was about all. The animals suffered greatly that winter and when spring came we had left only one horse and no cows. That lone horse was picking the early grass when he was bitten in the nose by a rattle snake and died from the effects. One of those horses 'Old Fox' was a noble character. We had owned him as long as I could remember and when he died we children all cried. I have since owned a good many horses but not one equaled Old Fox in the qualities that go to make up a perfect creature.

After the Civil war my brother Will and I were the only members of our family left in Nebraska.

"We served with Grant and Sherman and then went back to Fontanelle, soon afterward beginning the improvement of our farm on Bell Creek in the western part of the county. By that time conditions had so improved in Nebraska that hardships were not so common. I was interested in tree planting even as a boy and one of the distinct recollections of our first summer in Nebraska was getting so severely poisoned in the woods on the Elkhorn, when digging up young sprouts, that I was entirely blind. A colored man living in Fontanelle told father that white paint would cure me and so I was painted wherever there was a breaking out with satisfactory results.

"Later the planting of Cottonwood, box elder, maple and other trees became a general industry in Nebraska and I am confident that I planted 20,000 trees, chiefly cottonwood. To J. Sterling Morton, one of Nebraska's earliest and most useful citizens, Nebraska owed a debt of gratitude. He was persistent in the advocating of planting trees. In his office hung a picture of an oak tree; on his personal cards was a picture of an oak tree with the legend 'Plant Trees'; on his letterheads, on his envelopes was borne the same injunction and the picture of an oak tree. On the marble door step of his home was cut the picture of an oak tree and the words 'Plant Trees'; on the ground glass of the entrance door was the same emblem. I went to a theater he had built and on the drop curtain was a picture of an oak tree and the words, 'Plant trees'; today the body of this useful citizen lies buried under the trees he planted in Wyuka Cemetery, near Nebraska City."

  Nebraska AHGP

History of Dodge and Washington Counties, Nebraska, Rev. William H. Buss and Thomas T. Osterman, Volume 1, The American Historical Society, Chicago, 1921.

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