School District No. 10, Ainsworth was organized August 25, 1883, E. A. Palmer was director, J. W. Alden moderator and S. G. Chaney treasurer.
The first school in district No. 10 was held in a little log building, northwest of town, on the north bank of Bone Creek, in 1882. It was taught by Mrs. Mary Wade. Some of the pupils attending were Lettie Cheney (Mrs. J. D. Kirkpatrick), Millie Cheney (Mrs. Will Kirkpatrick), Joy and Bert Cheney, Dan and Mary Woodward, (the late Mrs. L. M. Short.)
In 1883 school was: held in a frame building where the home of Mr. Leve Lindquist now stands. The building was also used as a jail. Judge S. G. Sparks was the teacher. The names of the late James Munson and Albert Chaney were among those added to the list of pupils.
The next year, (1884) school was held in the original Congregational church building, although the walls were not yet plastered and brown paper had to serve as a substitute.
Prof. A. W. Smith presided over the advanced grades who were seated with faces to the north. Mrs. O. B. Rippey taught the primary pupils whose seat faced the south, both departments being in one room.
In 1885 school convened in a two room frame structure, which was located across the street east of the present site of the Bell Telephone building. Prof. A. W. Smith continued as upper grade instructor and Mrs. Hattie Ray had charge of the lower grades.
In 1886 a four-room, two story brick building was erected on the ground where the present grade building now stands. Prof. A. W. Smith continued as principal and Miss Luce taught in the lower grades. Prof. Chas. E. Holmes was the next principal, Mrs. J. F. Wyvel (then Miss Westover) and Miss Clyde Allen were lower grade teachers. Among the teachers who followed were Mrs. Byron Chase, then known as Miss Golden, Miss Anna Wortz and Miss Lou Richmond, (the late Mrs. George Farman, Sr.) This building was wrecked as soon as school closed in the spring of 1895, and some of the material was salvaged and used in the present grade structure, in which school was opened the following fall, only two weeks later than the usual time.
This building supplied the needs until 1910 when more room became necessary. At this time what is known as the Gray building was erected. Prof. W. E. Hake was the first superintendent who had charge in this building. It was about this time that the twelfth grade was added and the High School became accredited with Nebraska University.
In 1922 the present High School building was begun, completed in 1923, and formally dedicated October 26th of that year. This fine structure will no doubt stand for many years as a monument to the members of the board of education and loyal citizens, who at that time fought numerous legal battles with opposers, in their determination to provide adequate housing facilities for the youth of the community in a building of which that community may well be proud.